NWA-TNA PPV #30 (January 29, 2003)

Recap of Triple X winning the tag titles last week.

Welcomed to the show by Tenay before the lights go out, and Raven is seen with title around his waist and mic in hand somewhere in the bleachers. He says possession is 9/10 of the law, and he has the greatest prize the sport has to offer around his waist, a prize men of honor and distinction like Jack Briscoe, Harley Race and Dory Funk have held, but times have changed. He says there's a revolution and Jarrett doesn't seem to get it, so he took it upon himself to right this egregious wrong, and while some call him mad, twisted, tortured, an evil genius, and insane, but they're not one to judge, they're degenerates, and when the light of his brilliance shines upon them, they scatter like cockroaches. He says he'll do what he must to show Jarrett the error of his ways, he'll urinate in his bone marrow, or rip off his neck and use it as a latrine. He says you remember more the things you survive more than the things you enjoy, and he has something planned for Jarrett that he'll never forget. He welcomes us to his Clockwork Orange House of Fun.
As Raven comes down from the bleachers, Jarrett comes out of nowhere and throws a trash can at his head, then nails him in the head with it as they go to the ring. Can to the head again sends Raven to the floor, and Jarrett throws it down on him. Jarrett pulls out a table now and slides it in the ring, before dropping Raven with a clothesline. Chair to the back sends Raven back in the ring. Trash can to the head again before Jarrett takes the belt back and nails Raven with it.
Jarrett sets up the table now, laying Raven atop it near the corner and going up top with can in hand. Russo comes out to cut him off, allowing Raven to him with the can, and superplex Jarrett through the table. Russo and Raven escape with the belt again as Truth, Lynn and AMW scare them off and check on Jarrett. Excellent promo from Raven and a fun brawl.

Goldilocks is backstage with Jorge, set to face Amazing Red. She follows up on Sanders' offer from last week. He doesn't know if he's going to take it or not, Goldy says it's desperation if anyone joins them. He says he's had disaster after disaster the last few weeks and nothing is going his way, and asks what she would do in his spot before leaving.

Over to commentary who send us to a video package that's supposed to recap the last few weeks, but it's more like a propaganda video made by SEX for the first bit. Then we're reminded of Dusty's arrival, Bearer getting beaten to a bloody pulp, SEX winning the 8-man tag thanks to Koloff, Piper's nonsensical promo last week, Koloff attacking Dusty last week, and Jarrett just barely retaining last week and Raven's attack.

The Amazing Red vs Jorge Estrada
Quick back and forth to start the match. Red misses a standing moonsault and Estrada cradles him for two, then a cover by Red for two. Estrada manages to screw up taking a pair of armdrags before being dropkicked out of the ring. Tenay also says he was contacted by a former NWA associate who will answer his plea from a few weeks ago tonight, but he doesn't say who. Red with a back kick from the apron, then a moonsault onto Estrada. 
Red back in the ring kicks Estrada's legs out from under him while he's on the apron, only to be pulled throat first on the top rope. Estrada misses a split-legged moonsault, then back drops Red to the apron, who goes up top only to be superplexed back to the mat for two. Red sent off the ropes into a flapjack, rolling into a half-crab. Red gets to the ropes for a break. Red sent off the ropes, rolls across Estrada's back and connects with an enziguri for two.
Red sent to the corner tries to float over but Estrada catches him, sends him to the apron and dropkicks him. Springboard leg drop across the middle rope for two for Estrada. Boots in the corner by Estrada before sending Red across the ring for a back elbow, then a snapmare into a rear chinlock. Red fights out and comes off the ropes right into a clothesline for two. Red sent to the corner, leaps up from a shoulder block, Estrada struggles to work with him and eventually he connects with Code Red but only gets two.
Red up top again for a flying nothing caught with a Northern Lights for two. Red set on the top rope and fights Estrada off, followed by the Infrared, then a standing shooting star gets the win. (6:17) Jeez Estrada was extra sloppy in this match, and the crowd were dead until Red started his comeback. Not a great match to start.

Sanders is back out with a mic to talk to Estrada as Red leaves. Sanders says he doesn't need the people and thinks he has what it takes, he needs an answer now. Estrada tells him to shove it, Sanders slaps him, Estrada drops him with a right. And to make all this worse, Disco makes his return to attack Estrada with a chair, looks it nails him in the back of the head. Tenay calls him a jackass as he wails away on Estrada. Although he's not going by Disco now, he's going by his real name, and he's the Director of Talent Development as teased last week.

Goldy is backstage with Bullet Bob who asks what he's going to do. He starts to answer until Jarrett suddenly charges in and pins Bob to the wall, tells him to get Russo and Raven in the ring and he'll solve the problem. Truth gets between them and Jarrett leaves.

David Flair vs Jerry Lynn
Pre-Match: Lynn tries to attack David with his sack before the match, but the referee gets hold of it and tosses it back outside.
Lynn chases David and around and back in the ring, gets him with a dropkick coming off the ropes. Boots and rights in the corner, then David sent across for a clothesline and a bulldog for two. David face first in the corner, then sent across, floats over and goes shoulder first into the ring post to the floor. David face first off the guard rail, then the apron. Chop by Lynn, then David off the rail again. Lynn crotched onto the rail by David, followed by a chop and eye rake. Back in the ring, David covers for two.
Scoop slam by David, then up top, only to be thrown to the mat. Boot and rights by Lynn, David sent off the ropes into a back elbow for two. Mounted rights by Lynn in the corner and the Flair flop, followed by a leg drop by Lynn for two. Lynn goes for the knee with a series of elbow, then some stomps and rights. Lynn gets the figure 4, David's shoulders go down for two a few times, then Lynn releases for some reason before David pulls him into the referee. David grabs his sack, then he and Lynn struggle over it. Truth is out here to try and help and takes the bag, but hits Lynn by accident to give David the win. (5:12) Lynn tried his best to make this passable, but it was bad.

Truth leaves pissed off and David leaves with his sack.

Recap package of BG's actions since joining SEX and the issues he's had with dad and brother.

Time for a sitdown with BG James, done by Tenay as always, filmed earlier in the day. Tenay runs down the Armstrong family and James says it was great growing up in a wrestling family, watch wrestling any chance he could because it's what he wanted to be and that's what he is, as well as a sports entertainer. Tenay brings up his time in WWF after serving in the Gulf War and hiss "creative differences" with Jarrett, and says he'd beat Jarrett for the belt if he still had it. They talk about the Roadie, his time in DX, and James says he was the most entertaining person in WWF, DX was just a vehicle and Russo took him straight to the top, and SEX is where it's going.
Tenay brings up the family feud and specifically what happened last week, James says his family's jealous of him, saying he sold out MSG 20 weeks in a row, he's got platinum albums, dolls made after him, made millions, been on TV in every country, and his brothers and father are jealous. He says Bullet was a big, bad wrestler when the t-rex was around, and now his brother is just a zebra, and he's a crocodile in the Nile, so he had to slap the taste of out Scott's mouth and would do it again. Scott comes in and they have words, but Tenay cuts the interview there.

AMW come out in street clothes. Harris says they were America's most unknown tag team when TNA started, but now they stand as America's Most Wanted. Whether they're liked or hated, every time they go down the ramp, they busted their butt and gave 100%. He says they did what no one thought they could, win the NWA Tag Titles, and held off every challenge no matter the style, for 16 week, even becoming 2x champs going against the New Church. Just two weeks later, Russo and SEX involve themselves in the title picture, and it wasn't Elix and Low Ki who beat them, it was Triple X that beat them 3 on 2. They're not waiting 30 days, a week, they want their rematch tonight.
Storm says he and Harris busted their asses for nine years for the opportunity NWA gave them, to show that they are the best tag team today. He doesn't how many of them there are, he tells Triple X to be men and come get their asses kicked, everyone knows the saying, "Sorry about your damn luck." Out come SEX minus Triple X and Russo, James having the mic. He says Triple X can't be there, but since AMW are "sexually frustrated" so they're going to get a lesson in group sex. That's a quote.
SEX close in on AMW for a six on two beatdown, until the Rock and Roll Express make the save because... sure why not? They have chairs in hand, and instead they turn on AMW. Piledriver and DDT onto the chairs and several chair shots. Officials finally come out to break it up. Express leave with SEX.


Mike Sanders vs Ron "the Truth" Killings
Sanders takes control in the corner on a lock up, battering Truth with rights before sending him off the ropes, then caught with a hip toss and a Japanese arm drag. Truth with a wheelbarrow facebuster for two. Exchange of wrist locks and a leg sweep from Sanders, then starts attacking the leg, Truth tries to kick him away until he applies some sort of leg lock, Truth forcing a break in the ropes. Sanders pulls him back to the center and applies a knee bar, Truth forces another break. 
Truth mounts a comeback, avoids a suplex and hits an STO. Back heel trip and more knee work by Sanders, driving Truth's knee into the mat a couple of time, then applies a half-crab, Truth gets to the ropes again. Truth finally dropkicks Sanders into the corner only to have his legs dropkicke out from under him. More leg work by Sanders. Sanders wastes time taunting the crowd allowing Truth to hit a missile dropkick.
Truth with rights, then off the ropes with a flying forearm. Sanders sent off the ropes into a back body drop, then a powerslam for two. Truth sent to the corner, floats over but collapses from the bad knee. Truth with a small package for two. Truth avoids a clothesline and hits a dropkick. David Flair comes out to interfere but Lynn is right behind him to cut him off, Truth covers for two. Lynn tries to enter the ring with David's sack, Truth knees him off the apron, Sanders rolls him him up with a handful of tights for the win. (7:33) This could have been a good match, but it was too slow, and the crowd didn't care at all about 90% of it.

Lynn and Truth argue in the ring now and shove each other before Lynn leaves.

Goldy is with the Rock and Roll Express to try and get some answers, she says the wrote the book on traditional wrestling. Morton says when they had to work for their meals, and all the girls tits were real, they knew what sports entertainment was all about, they were always ahead of the curve. He says they were the first to come out to music, have the pyro, the lights, they knew what was up. He says guys are running around thinking they're cock of the walk, but aren't the only roosters in the hen house tonight, rock and roll is in the house and they couldn't repeat what he and Gibson have done in their lives. He's interrupted mid-rant by Bullet Bob and books the Express vs AMW.

Styles comes out with a mic now and wonders what else he has to do to become World Champion. He flat out says he's not with Plumtree or Russo or SEX, but he is the mac daddy of the X Division. He's been there and done that though and wants the World Title, he beat Truth, he beat Jarrett all over the building, and even beat the Living Legend, did it in five minutes too, says he could probably beat him twice in 10 minutes, or three times in 15 minutes. He's not leaving until he has the World Title in his hands.
Raven is heard speaking and finally he comes through the crowd to remind AJ he has the belt, he's the one to talk to if he wants it. He says AJ shouldn't worry about Jarrett and might want to consider returning to the X Division, he doesn't think AJ is ready, in the league of someone of his caliber. AJ makes a drug reference. Raven says AJ looks like Elton John's life partner wearing an NSYNC starter kit. AJ says Raven should hand him the belt to avoid humiliation, crawl back to the SEX locker room, and shoot up more heroin. 
Raven lays the belt on the mat and we get a staredown, nose to nose and Raven shoves him. AJ shoves back and the officials immediately rush in. Jarett comes in and dumps Raven, then hits the Stroke on AJ, before taking his belt back and leaving. Pretty good promo all things considering.

Out comes Zybyszko dressed to wrestle, AJ is still in the ring. Zybyszko is saying something but it's not getting picked up. JB hands him a mic and he says he sees a lot of himself in AJ, says he had all the talent, but not the knowledge, same as AJ. He says anyone from Tenay to the cameraman will tell AJ the same thing, he doesn't have the wisdom yet. He says AJ can have the life of a star, a red Ferrarri, a pool, muscles gleaming in the sun, adored by beautiful ladies, all he has to do is go through the school of hard knocks. He says is AJ can beat him twice in 10 minutes, he'll do everything in his power to get AJ his title shot, he double-dog dares him.  AJ declines, Zbyszko slaps him. AJ attacks and a bell rings, and there's a referee so...

AJ Styles vs Larry Zbyszko
Styles stomps and clubs in the corner, Larry sent across the ring and caught with a clothesline. Scoop slam and a standing senton by AJ, then a soccer kick to the back. AJ sent off the ropes and caught with an ab stretch, even dropping to the mat for a modified version. AJ gets his foot on the rope. Snapmare and a stump puller by Larry, only to be booted out to the apron. AJ sent off the ropes into a back drop, then a cruficix roll up by Larry for two. Full nelson by Larry, AJ gets to the ropes again for a break.
Spinning back kick by Larry sends AJ to the apron, then a scoop slam by Larry, then something like an inverted figure 4, Larry using the ropes to cheat until the ref catches him and forces a break. Back suplex by Larry gets two. Rear chinlock by Larry, AJ fights his way out only to be caught with a hammerlock and AJ forces a break. AJ pulled back to the center until he trips up Larry, but caught again in a version of a half-crab, AJ with the break again. Small package for two from Larry. Chops by Larry, then AJ springs off the ropes, hits an inverted DDT for the first fall. 
We finally have an onscreen clock, there's 3:50 left in the match. Styles with forearms takes Larry to the corner, Larry sent across the ring, avoids a splash and AJ hits the buckle face first. Larry sent off the ropes but catches AJ with a spinebuster, into a Boston crab. Now Plumtree is here as AJ makes it to the ropes with help from Plumtree. Plumtree hands AJ something but Larry blocks it and the object flies out of the ring. Plumtree tries to throw powder in Larry's face but he ducks and knocks Plumtree down. Swinging neckbreaker by Larry only gets two.
Minutes and a half left. AJ with some body shots and forearms, Larry sent off the ropes into a dropkick. One minutes left. Plumtree gets a chair and wedges it in the corner, Larry sent off the ropes and they collide, 30 seconds left. AJ sent face first into the chair, rollup by Larry only gets two, but time is up. Hey, I loved this match.

Plumtree is pissed off and panicking. Commentary mentioned that Larry would be managin AJ if he won, I don't know where that came from so I guess that's a thing.

Goldy is in the ring and out comes Percy Pringle and she's honored to be there with him. She puts him on a pedestal and says he's a respected man, with the exception of trying to join SEX a few weeks back and asks how it felt to be humiliated in front of everyone. First he promotes the Cauliflower Alley Club as they're honoring him in April, he'll be proud to accept the plaque as he's worked his ass off, unlike Russo. He says the name makes his stomach sour, and that Russo will never know what it feels like to stand at said club in front of the legends and be honored. He's had the best of both worlds, sports entertainment and tradition, and as his blood poured from his face a few weeks back he could see Russo's face, and the faces of the vultures in SEX. He's not running, and Russo will never know what he'll do next, who with, or where he'll do it, but promises their reputations speak for itself and he's not going anywhere.
I've been waiting for this to happen. Tony Schiavone enters the ring, and it seems this is who Tenay was talking about earlier. Schiavone says they've never crossed paths, but he used to watch Percy in WCCW, in WWF with Taker, and admired his career. However, going back to a few weeks back when he tried to join SEX, Schiavone says he's never seen someone kiss someone's ass like Percy did. He says he never would have stooped that low, then makes a fat joke, and says it was pathetic.
He points out he's been out of the business for almost two years and wonders why he hasn't had a job in pro wrestling. He takes the mic from Goldy, then implies she slept with someone to get where she is, and decides to conduct an interview with her. Schiavone asks how long she's been in pro wrestling, he answers for her with five minutes. He asks why she's with TNA, he answers with kissing ass. He says he doesn't mind and understands, then compares her to Pamela Paulshock saying Goldy makes her look like Diane Sawyer. He doens't understand why a blonde bimbo like Goldy is holding a mic instead of.... well I think he's implying a penis.
Tenay finally gets a mic and says Schiavone has crossed a line, so he invites Tenay into the ring. Schiavone says he was responsible for driving Tenay around to every show in WCW, and says he called Tenay because he has some things to say. He asks how the family is first, then says he thought TNA would be his chance to get back in the business when it first started up. He says while he was interviewing Harley Race in '83, Tenay was selling air conditioner in LA, he was with the Rock and Roll Express, he was there when Magnum TA was in a car wreck, the Horsemen, he was doing the Great American Bash while Tenay was writing dirt sheets in Vegas. He says he tried to get his foot in the door in TNA, but was told that Tenay didn't want to work with him, that Tenay held him down in WCW, plus Jarrett never returned his call. 
Tenay says he went out of his way to make Schiavone's job easier every week. Schiavone calls bullshit on Tenay blaming Russo for having no job and Tenay doubles down. Schiavone says Russo jumped on the Titanic before he hit the iceberg and it was going down anyway. He says people like Tenay are keeping pro wrestling down, because if Tenay had been around in the 50s, he wouldn't have liked guys like Gorgeous George and Andy Kauffman in the 70s, they wouldn't have met his standards. He says Tenay would have buried Hulkamania, the NWA, the NWO, because Russo doesn't do things things the way Tenay likes. Tenay repeats that Russo doesn't belong in wrestling
Russo finally pipes in and says Tenay has bullshit between his ears, he doesn't listen and he represents tradition. He says people like Tenay only give a shit about themselves and doesn't care about Schiavone or his kids, and calls Schiavone the best announcer in the business not working for two years. Russo says something that gets bleeped, which says a lot when they allow bullshit to go through, and says Schiavone doesn't need Tenay. He tells Schiavone there's a family in SEX's locker room, they care about each other and don't stab each other in the back like the Tenays of the world, and Schiavone has a job with them, they're waiting with open arms.
Tenay isn't surprised, and says Schiavone used to have a motto, "Any way the wind blows," Schiavone will kiss the ass of whoever's in charge. He says SEX is a perfect association for Schiavone. Schiavone brings up his two kids going to college and keeps calling bullshit on Tenay blaming Russo. He brings up Scott Hudson who's down in Atlanta and says he could do Tenay's job any day, and wouldn't charge the air fare to go to Vegas. Schiavone leaves with Russo as Tenay accuses him of politicking in WCW. Woof, that was rough to sit through.

Video package for Siaki. 

Sonny Siaki (NWA X Division Champion) & Desire vs Kid Kash & Trinity
Quick exchange to start the match with Siaki and Kash, the latter delivering some dropkicks. Siaki sent to the corner, then Kash sent off the ropes, caught on a crossbody into a Samoan drop for two. Chops by Siaki, then by Kash, sent off the ropes, kick to Siaki, springs off the ropes into a hurricanrana. Siaki sent to the corner, sends Kash to the apron who goes up top  and clotheslined midair for two. Kash sent off the ropes, ducks a roundhouse and hits one of his own. Kash hits like a coast to coast front flip dropkick, I guess is the best way I can describe it, sending Siaki out to the floor. Trinity with a moonsault onto Siaki from the top. Siaki snapmared back in from the apron for two.Kash sent off the ropes, tries a tornado DDT but caught with a Northern Lights suplex. 
Desire and Trinity tag in. Trinity shoved to the corner off a lock up. Trinity with a flying armbar into an armbar but Desire quickly gets the ropes. Drop toe hold, arm drag and a dropkick by Trinity for two. European uppercuts and a dropkick by Trinity for one. Waistlock countered with a side kick by Desire for two. Desire with a suplex for two. Siaki tags in and drops Trinity throat first on the top rope. Trinity sent off the ropes into a clothesline, then Kash knocked off the apron. Belly to belly overhead by Siaki, and Desire tags back in. Athena comes out and gets a shoulder block on Desire from the apron, then a slap. Trinity rolls her up for the win. (6:20) Desire is improving but still clunky and sloppy. Everyone else looked good.

Kash and Trinity make a quick escape with Athena.

Schiavone's back with a mic and mocks Tenay for knowing the names of moves, I don't know why. He enters the ring and I think calls Athena a slut, something else that's bleeped out, he's going to conduct an interview with Siaki. Siaki's all worked up and Schiavone wants his comments on his title defense against Amazing Red next week. We never get an answer because Konnan attacks Siaki with a kendo stick. Konnan yells at Tenay and says he's the problem. He says he'll give Tenay an interview before police take him away.

Goldy is backstage with Jarrett backstage. He says he's a marked man as long as he has the belt, whether it's Raven, Styles, and doesn't care who Russo throws at him, it's gonna come down to the two of them at the end of the day. He says Russo will regret the day they ever met.

Rock & Roll Express vs America's Most Wanted
AMW with some clotheslines and rights as they're whipped into each other, swinging the other around into Express, sending them out to the floor. Storm and Morton start the match properly with some back and forth, Morton clotheslined. Side kick by Storm and Harris tags in, Morton sent to the corner, Storm whipped into him for a back elbow and Harris with a bulldog, then a dropkick sends Gibson to the floor as he tries to intervene. 
Gibson tags in after some regrouping, a full nelson easily broken, then some back and forth, Gibson caught with a scoop slam coming off the ropes, then one for Morton. Storm tags with an assisted missile dropkick and a double clothesline for two. Storm sent off the ropes and tripped up by Morton, who then tags in. Storm sent off the ropes into a double clothesline, then Harris gets a cheap shot from Gibson before Storm is tossed to the floor. Gibson sends him face first off the steps before tossing him back in. 
Storm fights back just to get his eyes raked, then taken to the corner for rights. Storm fights back with some of his own and sent to the corner, inverted atomic drop and a clothesline by Morton for two. Gibson back in, raking the eyes before Storm is sent off the ropes, tries a sunset flip but blocked with a right by Gibson. Storm sent off the ropes into a back elbow, then another cheap shot to Harris before Morton tags in, off the middle rope with a right. Storm sent off the ropes, gets the sunset flip this time, but Gibson distracts the ref and it only gets two.
Gibson back in and toys with Storm a bit, in comes Morton again. Slap in the corner to the face, Storm turns it around,  Morton sent across the ring but avoids a splash. Storm choked over the middle rope by Gibson behind the ref's back, then Morton chokes with his boot. Storm sent off the ropes as Gibson tags in, ducks a double clothesline and connects with one of his own. 
Harris gets the hot tag, lefts and clotheslines, stomps to Morton in the corner. Storm back in the fight, Express whipped into each other. AMW hit the Death Sentence on Morton, then the ref and Storm get distracted by Gibson on the floor. Skipper appears out of nowhere, off the top with a belt shot to Harris to give Express the win. (8:48) I wanted to like this. Like the Express weren't slow, they could still move, but they were kinda limited, and they botched several times. It's strange to know that they'd put on better matches in more recent years.

The New Church make their return and attack Skipper, Lee with a big boot and Slash with a hangman's neckbreaker, then a knee drop off the top from Lee. AMW go after the Express. Crowd love the New Church with an "evil" chant. James Mitchell and BellaDonna noticeably absent.

Over to commentary to run down the next week's card:
- Tenay tries and gets answers as he gets the sitdown interview with Konnan
- A Four Corners Elimination Match pitting Jerry Lynn, Truth, Sanders and David Flair against each other
- Amazing Red challenges Siaki for the X Division Title
- New Church take on Triple X for the Tag Titles

Schiavone is in the SEX locker room with Raven and Russo, he compares Tenay and West to David Crockett and Johnny Weaver. Russo proposes Jarrett put his title up against Raven next week. Raven doesn't want to wait though, he wants it tonight. Jarrett storms in and lays into everyone before taking Raven out toward the ring. Trash can to the head of Raven as they head to ringside, then chair to the back. Right hand sends them tumbling over the announce table, and another chair to the back.
Russo distracts long enough for Raven to deliver a low blow and the Evenflow DDT. Russo pulls out a table as Raven delivers a drop toe hold onto a chair to Jarrett, then takes the table into the ring, setting it up near the corner Jarrett set on the top rope and Raven tries a superplex again, but Jarrett blocks and delivers a front suplex through the table from the top. Belt shot to the face, then Jarrett challenges Russo to get in the ring.
AJ comes in from behind with an enziguri and hits the Stroke onto the belt. AJ stands tall with the belt before leaving with it, but not with Russo. Russo talks some trash and is heard yelling for Raven as the show ends.


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