NWA-TNA PPV #29 (January 22, 2022)
TNA being broadcast for the first time in Australia tonight, we get a brief pre-tape of Borash promoting it and putting over Australian fans before going back to the Asylum, welcomed by Tenay and West before the opening match.
David Young, Shark Boy & Jimmy Yang vs The Spanish Announce Team
SAT's are attacked from behind to start the match, then Young and co. are all whipped into each other, then into corners for forearms. SATs up top with stereo elbows and triple covers for one counts. Young and Yang dropkicked out of the ring by the Maximos, then Red back dropped onto them. Shark Boy lifted onto one Maximo's shoulders, springboard enziguri by Red, setting up some weird triple team move that looks like it got botched. Surfboard/dragon sleeper combo by the Maximos as Red goes back up top with a double stomp for two.
Shark Boy and one Maximo the legal men now, the other Maximo tags in and drives Shark into the corner with rights, then sent across the ring, floats over but caught with a clothesline for two. Shark Boy sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits a Codebreaker, then a missile dropkick from Yang as he tags in. Maximo sent into the corner, shoulder blocks by Yang, then Maximo avoids a suplex and connects with an enziguri. Maximo tags his brother in. Chops in the corner, Yang sent across the ring for a running boot right to the face, then a bridging German for two.
Yang sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits a spinning heel kick. Young tags in but gets caught with rights, then avoids a tornado DDT, Northern Lights into the corner. Young sent off the ropes into a dropkick, then Red tags in. Off the ropes with a tilt-a-whirl DDT for two. Off the ropes again but caught with a spinning side slam. Shark Boy back in, mounted rights in the corner, then Shark sent across the ring, floats over to the apron springboards but caught with a dropkick for two.
Red sent across the ring, floats over Shark and connects with an enziguri. Maximo tags in Shark sent off the ropes into a back drop for two. Shark sent off the ropes, tagged out by Yang who gets Maximo with a clothesline, then tosses Maximo to the floor, then into the guard rail. Maximo face first off the steps, then dropped throat first on the guard rail. Back in the ring, Young tags back in, double suplex to the Maximo gets two. Maximo sent off the ropes into a clothesline for two. Shark Boy in again. Maximo starts to fight back but caught with a hangman's neckbreaker for a near fall. Maximo sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and delivers a tilt-a-whirl headscissor, then a snap side suplex.
Other Maximo gets the hot tag. Rights and chops, Shark sent off the ropes into a side kick to the head, then off the ropes into a back elbow. Enziguri by Maximo then a brainbuster. Maximo up top but misses a senton. Young back in, then sent off the ropes, floats over and hits a side suplex.Young with a moonsault off the top for a near fall. Maximo sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, then takes each other out with crossbodies.
Yang and Red tag in. Red sent off the ropes, Arm drag by Red, then planted and folded up with a powerbomb for two. Yang caught with an octopus stretch but Young saves it before connecting with a spinebuster. One Maximo off the top with a missile dropkick to Young, then Shark Boy comes in, sent to the corner, gets a boot up and hits a floatover stunner from the middle rope, only to be clotheslined to the floor by the other Maximo. Asai moonsault by Maximo 2. Yang misses a corner splash and gets a knee to the back by Red, following with a tornado DDT, only to be dropkicked. Yang goes up top but gets crotched by one of the Maxmimos. Red goes up top to hit Code Red from the middle rope for the win. (12:33) Middle bit went a little too long I think, but an excellent match to start.
Konnan is back next week to attack the losing team with a kendo stick. Tenay says he has no contract with TNA as some promoter gets him out of there, and the cops escort him out of the arena again. Konnan is yelling at Tenay that he knows what this is about on his way.
Over to commentary. Tenay plugs what I assume is an interview Percy did for the website to explain himself, and he's recuperating at home right now. Tonight though, Piper is back with Piper's Pit, though they have no idea who his guest is or what he has planned. Don is holding a copy of PWI with Nikita and Dusty on the front page that goes over their history. Plus:
- AJ Styles takes on the Living Legend
- Truth and Lynn team up to face Mike Sanders and David Flair.
- AMW, Siaki and Jarrett defend their titles against yet to be named opponents, chosen by Russo per last week's main event implications
Speaking of Russo, out he comes with SEX, although they aren't joined by Koloff. Russo points to a "Russo's a virgin" sign in the crowd and tells the guy to have a talk with his mom. He also gives himself and SEX credit for TNA being up 22% in PPV buys, and their t-shirt is the best-selling at this time. He says this is their night, as he announces the title matches. First, "The Cowboy and the Underwear Model" will defend the tag titles against Elix and Low-Ki. Then, Siaki will defend in a three-way, one opponent will be one of the two "future stars" Tenay introduced a few weeks back, you know when he was rallying everyone against Russo, and the other will be Athena. Tenay says it's things like this that killed the Cruiserweight division in WCW. Finally, Jarrett will defend in a four-way match, gauntlet rules, pinfalls, submissions and over-the-top rope count, against Christopher Daniels, BG James, and Don Harris. He says he has a phone call to make, but before he leaves it's time for Sanders to speak.
Sanders is left by himself and reminds us he's scouting talent for SEX, and that he's acquired two of the hottest commodities, and we'll meet one of them next week, the Director of Talent Development. Since they're broadcasting in Australia though tonight, he's here to introduce us to the Outlaw of the Outback, the God of the Gold Coast, the Second Wonder Down Yonder, the new SEX Australian Heavyweight Champion, Ashley Hudson. We've only seen him once before, teaming with one of the Harrises in his search for a tag partner.
Ashley Hudson (w/ Mike Sanders) vs Jorge Estrada
Hudson with a cheap shot right away, then another, misses a third and rolled up for two, then an armdrag into an armlock by Jorge. Then a trade of hip toss blocks sends Hudson to the floor and Jorge dives over the ropes to the floor, landing right on his head. Springboard moonsault from the apron on the middle rope from Estrada back into the ring on Hudson for two. Hudson retreats to the floor to regroup.
Jorge ducks a clothesline, then springboards into a knee to the gut. Jorge choked with the middle rope, then some boots and a knee drop with assistance from the ropes, then tosses him back out to the floor. Jorge flapjacked face first onto a box set up against the ring, before being tossed back in, then a slingshot leg drop from Hudson. Hudson with feet on the ropes to cover for two. Jorge is supposed to counter a suplex with a neckbreaker but they screw it up, so he just covers for two.
Hudson sent off the ropes into a back drop, then a springboard senton for two. Springboard moonsault for two. Jorge up top but Hudson pushes the ref into the ropes, crotching Jorge. Jorge fights off Hudson and delivers a crossbody, but Hudson rolls through and rolls him up for the win. (5:02) Sloppy and not good. On a side note, this would be the last match of Hudson's career.
Sanders enters the ring and tries to offer Jorge a spot in SEX but he declines and leaves the ring.
A recap of last week with Styles and Larry.
Larry Zbyszko vs AJ Styles
Long feeling out process to start until Larry gets AJ with a single-leg takedown, AJ retreating to the corner. Larry suckers him into a wristlock into a headscissor, grounding AJ until he inches to the ropes to force a break. AJ with a waistlock only to be countered with a wristlock and back down into a headscissor, AJ manages to slip out. Shoulder block by AJ, then into a hip toss and another armlock. Larry sent off the ropes into a knee to the gut. AJ with boots to the head and ribs, then a superkick knocks Larry through the ropes to the floor.
Plumtree is looking out from the stage and AJ gets sent face first off the steps after missing a dive. Larry tries to go up top but the ref pulls him down, allowing AJ to trip him up and land some rights. Larry with a back kick before sending AJ off the ropes into a back drop for two. AJ counters a suplex with one of his own before going up top only to be crotched and dropped to the mat. AJ with a double-leg takedown and a rollup with feet on the ropes gets the win. (5:52) Man that was way too short, for a s simple as it was it was great.
AJ yells at Tenay and most of it is inaudible, but he demands a title shot.
Goldilocks is backstage with Lynn and Truth. She isn't here to talk about their tag match, she brings up how it could be the end of TNA if Russo gets his way tonight, and asks what Lynn will do in the worst case scenario. Lynn says he's finally found a company that followed through on what he was promised, and they do put food on his family's plate, and this isn't about his 14-year career anymore it's about his family. I mean he didn't even answer the question.
Mike Sanders & David Flair vs Jerry Lynn & Ron "the Truth" Killings
Pre-Match: David has his mysterious sack again this week.
Truth and Lynn don't bother waiting as they rush to the ring and attack immediately, Truth with a flatliner on David, then low bridged to the floor. David pulled under the ropes as Lynn rolls up Sanders for two. Lynn off the middle rope with a crossbody for two. SEX double team in the corner, Lynn sent across the ring, boots up, clothesline and bulldog from the middle rope. David gets him with an elbow in the corner, only to eat some chops from Lynn as he turns it around. Mounted rights by Lynn in the corner, only for Sanders to pull him down across the top rope throat first.
Sanders tags in. Lynn sent off the ropes, snapmare and a rolling neckbreaker combo, then Sanders with a knee drop for two, then covers again for two. Lynn face first in the corner and back comes David. Stomps by David in the corner, then Sanders chokes him from the floor and more stomps by David. Sanders back in with a snap suplex for two, then covers again for two. Lynn fights back with rights, then sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline but gets kneed by David, then a dropkick by Sanders for two, and another cover for two. David in again with a suplex for two. David sent to the corner, avoids a splash, then delivers a shin breaker. David with elbows to the back of the knee, then cover for two. More shots to the knee, then Lynn counters a figure 4 with a small package for two, then David with a clothesline for two. David chokes him with his boot, then Sanders in again. Boots and stomps in the corner, then choking by David from the apron.
Sanders wastes time taunting everyone before Lynn trips him up and finally makes the hot tag to Truth. Rights for everyone, then a noggin knocker. Truth sent to the corner, floats over, ducks a clothesline, boot to the gut for the ax kick gets two. Lynn back in, Sanders sent off the ropes into a double hip toss. Ref is busy getting Truth back to the apron allowing David to nail Lynn with whatever's in the sack for the win. (7:53) Another bad match here sadly.
Sanders gets a mic and alludes to a meeting he had with Truth, Truth coming to Sanders, and says their talent roster is full right now before leaving.
Time for what Tenay is calling "In the Pit" with Piper, via pre-taped video. He's in a ring in what looks to be an empty gym or something. He's riled up because NWA got pissed the last time he was there, specifically when he mentioned Owen, who used to live in a chair just like one set at ringside, as well as JYD and Kerry Von Erich. He says he went nose to nose with Russo and slapped him upside the head, gave him his chance and knows he's a coward, the worst kind. He says Jerry and Jeff are the last one's holding on, so scum like Russo doesn't take control, but he made one mistake, Russo's underestimated his enemy. He says he's sending hell Russo's way despite vowing never to go back to Nashville. He says he's been around the world, seen people die, puts over Kid Kash, and the saddest thing is seeing someone kill the spirit and soul of Kid Kash. He says he's sending someone to TNA. I tried my best to recap this but Piper kinda rambled here and some of it was incoherent, I don't know what the hell this was.
NWA World Tag Team Championships: Low-Ki & "Primetime" Elix Skipper (w/ Christopher Daniels) vs America's Most Wanted (c)
Storm and Low Ki start the match with some quick chain wrestling, Ki taking control with clubs to the back. Storm with some chops before being sent off the ropes and kneed in the face. Chops by Ki and raking the eyes, then some rights and chops by Storm, Ki sent off the ropes into a monkey flip. Storm sent off the ropes, tries a hip toss but caught with a lariat. Harris tags in, short-arm clothesline, then Ki sent off the ropes into a back drop. Storm back in, dropkick to set up a catapult, then launch him into Elix sends both to the floor.
Elix tags in, cheap shot to Storm before sending him off the ropes, catches Elix with a headscissor. Harris back in, Elix sent across the ring, Storm whipped into him for an elbow, then back across for a bulldog and a cover, Ki breaks it up. Elix sent off the ropes into a Thesz Press, then back in comes Storm. Elix sent off the ropes into a double back drop for two. Storm sent off the ropes, tripped by Daniels and dropkicked in the side of the head by Ki, Elix following with a belly to belly. Ki back in with a European uppercut, then Storm face first in the corner, followed by boots and chops. Elix in again, some facewashing with the boot from both, choking from Ki from the apron.
Ki back in. Storm sent off the ropes, springboard enziguri by Ki as Elix holds him up, right into a half-crab. Elix with elbows to the back of the knee, then a rear chinlock. Storm fights back only to be dragged back to the mat. Ki back in, mocking Harris before sending Storm off the ropes into a back elbow for two. Storm blocks a suplex and manages to reach for a tag, but Elix distracts the ref and misses it. Daniels gets in a cheap shot while the ref is getting Harris out. Ki back in, Storm tripped up, dropkick to the face by Ki for two. Storm is fighting back but he's cut down and in comes Elix again with a knee drop to the back for two. Both duck and hop a series of kicks until Storm gets him in the side of the head.
Harris gets the hot tag and in comes Elix. Clotheslines to everyone, tilt-a-whirl powerslam on Ki and a cover but Elix saves it. Elix sent off the ropes, swinging neckbreaker by Storm gets two. Ki sent off the ropes, kick to the face of Harris, springboards but caught with a sitout powerbomb. Ref is busy with Elix and Storm to count. Elix back in and is pummeled by Harris with chops and rights. Harris with a suplex to Elix, who rolls to the floor only for Storm to roll him back in. Ki with a kick to the face of Harris. Double chickenwing suplex by Elix gets a near fall.
Dropkick to the knees of Storm, misses one kick and connects with a second, then a shining wizard by Ki gets two. Harris sent to the corner but stun guns Elix. Ki sent off the ropes to try the Catatonic, but Ki counters with an octopus stretch. Storm with a dropkick to the face breaks the hold. Storm sent to the corner but Harris up the top with a crossbody on Elix, who gets a superkick from Storm. AMW set up for the Death Sentence but Daniels provides distraction. Ki with a kick to the chest of Storm, then misses a cartwheel kick and gets the Catatonic, but Daniels distracts the ref on the pin. Elix nails Harris with a belt and pulls Ki on top to win the titles. (15:20) Had Storm getting beaten down too long and was kinda sloppy at points, but good match.
Goldy is with Bullet Bob backstage panicking now that Russo has two of the belts, but Bob doesn't need this crap, Russo came and is already making good on his word and all he has left is Jarrett. He's confident though since Jarrett is steeped in tradition, with his father, grandfather and 53 years of tradition is on the line.
NWA X Division Championship: Athena vs Chris Vaughn vs Sonny Siaki (c) (w/ Desire)
Siaki gets Chris with a superkick before the bell even rings, then sends him off the ropes and turns him inside out with a clothesline. Front suplex onto the top rope to Chris, then Siaki gets Athena by the hair. She slaps him, Chris rolls him up for one. Jackknife pin for two, then a crossbody caught for a Samoan drop. Siak-olypse Now and a cover, but Siaki pulls his shoulders off the mat before three. Athena with a low blow, then Chris with a clothesline and a dropkick. Athena and Desire fight at ringside as Chris hits a cutter for two. Siaki with a pumphandle into a tombstone, which I guess they're now calling Siak-olypse Now, to retain. (1:37)
Athena gets tossed back in the ring but out comes Trinity to hit a missile dropkick from the top. Desire attacks from behind and sends her off the ropes, caught with a headscissor. Siaki gets Trinity from behind but Kid Kash makes the save with a hurricanrana, sending Siaki bailing. They rip off Desire's top as she escapes with Siaki.
Goldy has been invited to the SEX locker room for a party, celebrating with champagne but she wants none of it. Russo ruins the party because they still have a match to get done tonight with Jarrett.
Over to commentary who don't have high hopes tonight. Don quotes Yogi Berra.
Out comes Dusty with a chain, while Tenay runs down a little history between Dusty and Koloff. Dusty says Russo has things going his way, but didn't account for the NWA blood running through Jarrett's vein, and won't take away the NWA Title. He repeats what he said last week about tradition and sex, and then someone from his past decided to drag his laundry into the street. He needs a conversation, some retribution, one half of The Superpowers, one half of the Jim Crockett Memorial Cup Champions, Nikita Koloff right now.
Koloff comes out through the crowd in a nice looking suit, standing atop the announce table. Dusty says he has no idea what's running through his mind, but remembers when Koloff was the baddest man in town, didn't take orders from anyone, except himself, and especially from a pimp like Russo. He says Koloff whored himself to the almighty dollar but thinks there's more to it than that. He recalls how his best friend went down in a car accident a few years back, Koloff's worst enemy, who he went to a best of 7 with, Magnum TA, and when Dusty was at hme thinking about him and how the doctors said he'd never walk again, he did just that. He knows Koloff knows because while still had his Russian accent and didn't speak English, Dusty suggested they walk out in Charlotte in front of 12k and take Magnum's place. Koloff stood for tradition that day on, but he decided to erase that last week. He's ready to let it be bygones, but wants Koloff to stand beside him one more time as the Superpowers to forget the nonsense. Tenay hands him the magazine Don had showed us earlier.
Koloff stares at the magazine several moments before stepping down, about to enter the ring, but here's Russo and Triple X to cut him off. Dusty tells him to mind his business. Russo says he stands at the crossroads of pro wrestling, they're not the NWO, or thugs, they're here to save the business. Dusty says Koloff is tradition and what NWA is about. Russo says he can take a step back into 1960, or one into the future, the SEX locker room and make a change. He advises he make a decision and quick.
Koloff shoves Russo to the side and joins Dusty in the ring and Russo is beside himself, until Koloff decks him. Triple X beat him down before the refs come out to save him. Koloff though leaves on his own opposite direction of the SEX locker room. Tenay leaves commentary and goes to the back without saying a word.
Gauntlet Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship: BG James vs Christopher Daniels vs Don Harris vs Jeff Jarrett (c)
Pre-Match: Before the match, we see Tenay talking to Jarrett backstage. He wants Jeff to remember his heritage, to think of his dad, his grandfather, the blood and sweat they've left in the ring for the business, the future and people's jobs that are at stake. Jarrett tells him to go do what he does best and Jarrett will do the same. So they call this a Gauntlet Match, but they've overcomplicated this. Don explains that everyone is in the ring at the same time, starting as over-the-top rules, until two are left and it's pin or submission rules. I guess it's like a mini Gauntlet for the Gold.'
Jarrett starts laying into everyone and tries to eliminate Daniels immediately, but he skins the cat and hangs on. Jarrett holds his own until Daniels connects with an enziguri. Jarrett hangs on, then sent off the ropes, duck a big boot and clotheslines James, then a dropkick from Daniels. Jarrett sent off the ropes into another dropkick from Daniels and rolls out to the floor. Daniels sent into the guard rail, then nails everyone in the head with a chair. James cuts him off and goes to use it but ref and brother Scott stops him. Jarrett sent into the apron by Don, then face first off the guard rail by Daniels. Jarrett's been busted wide open as he's sent face first off the steps.
Don with a chair to the head and they all go into the crowd now, SEX has complete control as they fight deeper into the crowd. Looks like Don got busted open too somehow, James goes to use the chair again but the ref stops him again. Jarrett manages to get a chair and fights back but he's clubbed right back down, Daniels opening him up with vicious rights. Jarrett into another guard rail, then Daniels off the balcony but goes through a random table. Jarrett with chair to the head of James, then throws it at the head of Don. Another chair to the ribs and back of James until Don gets him from behind. Jarrett crotched on the guard rail as they return to ringside.
Back in the ring, James chokes him with his boot and Don joins him, Daniels still out from the table spot. James with shake, rattle and roll, capped off with a big boot from Don. James with a knee drop and a cover but it gets two. So much for those rules from earlier. Jarrett sent off the ropes into an inverted atomic drop, then the pumphandle slam from James, but Jarrett gets his foot on the rope. James shoves the ref into the corner, then Don with a powerbomb. James tells the ref to count but now we have an argument and James slaps the ref.
Scott removes the ref shirt and low blows James, mounting him with rights. Jarrett sent off the ropes but dumps Don over the ropes, then James over the ropes, both eliminated. Dusty comes out with a second ref and starts laying into James, capped with a Bionic Elbow, then face first off the steps. Some shots for Don as Daniels returns to the ring, sent off the ropes into a back drop. Daniels with a Koji Clutch as Dusty storms SEX's locker room and beats up everyone in sight. Jarrett won't give up. STO and the BME connects, but can't capitalize immediately and only gets two. The SATs are out to watch as Daniels knocks Jarrett to the mat, then goes back up top, caught midair with the Stroke to retain. (10:27) Well it took 29 shows to get to a bullshit Jarrett match. Like this is practically Super Cena levels, and I wouldn't really care if Daniels wasn't involved in this crap.
X Division guys join and hold Jarrett up high to celebrate. JB enters the ring to get a word from Jarrett. Suddenly he's attacked from behind by fucking Raven now, who hits the Evenflow DDT and makes a quick escape, stealing the NWA Title. Apparently he's the worst kept secret on this show.
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