NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #23 (November 27, 2002)

Episode synopsis: On the eve of Thanksgiving, the shocking conclusion of last week's title match is addressed, and AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn renew their hostilities in an X-Division Championship Match.

We start the show with Goldy singing the national anthem. On tonight's show, Truth gets his rematch against Jarrett for the NWA Title, plus as mentioned earlier, Styles and Lynn battle for the X Division Championship.

The Briscoes (Jay & Mark) vs Divine Storm (w/ Trinity)
Jay and Storm start the match together with a quick exchange of moves and pin attempts. Mark and Divine tag in for an exchange of holds now, with Mark hitting a dropkick. Mark sent off the ropes, slides through the legs, catches Divine with a Northern Lights with a bridge for two. Jay tags himself in before Mark is back dropped out to the floor, and Jay takes Divine to the floor with a rolling clothesline over the ropes.  Storm and Mark do flip dives from the ring, but Divine is not in position to be hit by Mark. Trinity gets Mark with a hurricanrana off the apron. Back in the ring, Jay with a gordbuster for two on Storm.
Jay sent off the ropes, Mark tags himself in as Jay rolls under a clothesline, Storm caught with a springboard dropkick by Mark. Storm avoids a discus forearm and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. Jay and Divine tag in and trade shots, then Divine off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, sent off the ropes again caught with a double STO, sorta. Storm gets double chopped in the corner and sent across the ring, sends Mark to the apron but eats a big boot from Jay. Storm set on the top rope and Mark hits a springboard cutter from the apron and covers but Divine breaks it up.
Snapmare to Jar, then a full nelson front slam to Mark. Trinity is popped up to the apron by Mark on the outside and she hits a nice Asai moonsault. Back in the ring. Jay counters a headscissor with a sitout powerbomb, then hits something like a sitout brainbuster. Jay caught with a full nelson driver for the win in 6:09. Fine little opener, crowd didn't care much though except when Trinity was getting involved.

Over to commentary and Tenay wants to get something off his chest. He says being with TNA the last five months has been a career highlight, that the direction and emphasis on the in-ring product, on the athletes of the X Division, and on the history of the NWA Title is what he loves. He doesn't want to be associated, however, with Russo. He says he knows Russo, worked with him for several years in WCW (even though Russo was only there for a year and a half at most) and says he doesn't like what the man stands for. He says he sat by for two years while WCW crumbled and he's not gonna sit idly here in TNA, and allow Russo take over the company and everything they've established with his sports entertainment. West chimes in and had no idea he felt this way, but has no opinion one way or the other about the guy. Tenay says he would if it had cost him his job, then remind us of the two title matches set for tonight. 

We get a recap of last week's big title match before Tenay brings out Jarrett for an interview, but instead Russo comes out and calls for the music to be cut off. Somewhere I guess Tenay said he'd quit if Russo was in NWA so Russo shows him where the door is, says he can find a chimp with more personality than Tenay for next week. He also tells Tenay to go home and pout with X-Pac. 
Russo introduces himself as the antichrist of pro wrestling, says he's kept a low profile for two years, but before the business gets deeper in the shitter, he figured he better come back. He's here to talk about Jarrett, he has a lot to say, and he threatens to go back and smack the shit out of some old guy if his mic is killed. 
He says he met Jarrett when he was doing his ridiculous gimmick of spelling his name and teeth sparkling, but despite that from the brain surgeons in WWF he befriended the guy, because out of all the politicians, children and egomaniacs in the locker room, Jarrett was genuine. Then one night Jarrett decides to leave in the middle of the night, probably there in Nashville, and he calls Jarrett a piece of shit for not telling him. He says he got all the heat and Jarrett jumped on the NWO bandwagon.
Then suddenly when WCW is down and looking up WWF Jarrett calls him and begs him to get Jarrett's ass back in WWF, and Russo tried to convince Vince, and they tried to bury him, but here he was making sure they didn't succeed in it. He put a guitar in his hand, they smacked 75-year-old women and Jarrett was on top of the world again. Then he goes to WCW and the minute he does, they have Chyna beat Jarrett, so Jarrett calls him and wants Russo to get him back in WCW, and he did, and he made Jarrett the WCW Champion.
He thanks the Gods above that WCW was sold and he was out of that hell hole, and he was done with pro wrestling until Jarrett gave him another call, because he wants his company to be cutting edge and needs Russo, and in fact gave the moron the name TNA, not for Total Nonstop Action obviously. He says Jarrett was led by the nose by a lying, conniving, diabolical, senile old man piece of shit in the back who he won't mention by name, because he'll vomit if he does. Jarrett told him to sit home and will call him when he's needed, but Russo got sick of waiting and took it upon himself to appear on this show.
The way he sees it, the product sucks, WWE sucks, and he's here to save the day once again. He says though that he still has a soft spot for Jarrett, so he's giving him one opportunity to join him, and starting next week there'll be a drastic change and is begging someone to try and stop him. He says he'll be there at the end of the night to help Jarrett win again like he put the title around his waist last week, and after that, he wants an answer, Jarrett's either with him or against him. I'm sitting here to try nd put the words together, but once again Tenay says it best: Vince Russo is everything that's wrong with pro wrestling, and quotes Roddy Piper calling him a cancer to the wrestling business. I'll give the guy credit, he can cut a hell of a promo if he wants to, but this was just a load of bullshit nonsense, and I dread for the future of these shows. Tenay though at least made this segment better, the camera cut to him a few times with pure hatred and contempt on his face.

Plumtree is backstage with a mic. He says some guy named Mike Moriarty bid $2000 to manage an opposing wrestler for Plumtree, but people have paid much more to balding liver-spotted promoters for that chance, then a Mark Morano bids $700 to manage AJ, but Plumtree would never let the guy put his filthy, Virginia hands on the phenom for less than $1000. We went from bullshit to confusion, what the hell was that all about?

Recap of what happened with the Rainbow Express, Brian Lawler, April and Goldy last week.

America's Most Wanted vs The Hot Shots
Storm already getting vicious right away until he's caught with a dropkick, then Storm face first in the corner. Rights and stomps by Chase and tags in Cassidy. Double slingshot suplex for a count of one. Cassidy choking Storm now, then sent off the ropes, tries a handspring but caught with a belly to belly.. Harris is in now. We learn from Tenay that he's got an interview scheduled with Dory Funk Jr. later. Harris with rights in the corner before Cassidy is sent to the corner, avoids a splash but turned inside out with a lariat, then a clothesline for Chase. Harris sent to the floor allowing Chase to send him spine first into the guard rail before tossing him in for two.
Chase back in. Harris ducks a double clothesline, then they catch his double clothesline into a double superkick and a cover, but Storm breaks it up. Chase with a backbreaker before Cassidy gets the tag. Rolling spinebuster and a scoop slam, then Cassidy tries a springboard moonsault but Harris gets the knees up, before hitting a spear. Storm back in a house of fire, Cassidy sent off the ropes into a superkick, then a tornado inverted DDT for Chase. Chase hit with the 8 Second Ride, as Mitchell and BellaDonna come out. Harris hits the Catatonic, then they hit the Death Sentence. Then AMW get completely distracted and go after Mitchell, resulting in a countout victory for the Hot Shots in 5:16. This was a good enough match, but that ending just made your top babyface tag team look like idiots.

AMW get their hands on BellaDonna and drag her back to the ring, not caring about their loss. Mitchell tries to beg them not to hurt her, and I think the New Church is late on their cue because Storm hops off the top rope early as they go for the Death Sentence. New Church come out for the save until security rush out. Bob Armstrong is out now too to try and restore order.

Goldy is backstage with Dory outside Jarrett's locker room, who turns her away for an interview as Jeff isn't speaking with anyone. He says he has a vested interest in Jarrett's match tonight.

NWA World Tag Team Championships: BG James & Curt Hennig vs Disciples of the New Church (c) (w/ Father James Mitchell & BellaDonna)
Pre-Match: This match was announced last week as Syxx-Pac and Hennig challenging for the titles, but Tenay explains that Syxx cancelled because of Russo, wanting nothing to do with him at all or anything he's associated with. Mitchell gets a mic and says there's an air of scandal and intrigue in the air, intrigue over backstage politics, over personalities, and over traditional wrestling vs sports entertainment. He's only intrigued, however, with evil, and it's evil that ensures his Church their victories.
Hennig and Slash start the match. Stand off following a lock up, then Hennig smacks him in the face, before delivering an atomic drop, then an inverted one followed by a forearm shot. James tags in taking Slash to the corner until he rakes the eyes, then Brian tags in, choking James over the middle rope. James sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits some shake, rattle and roll but Brian stays on his feet, only to be taken down with a forearm. Slash tries to intercept a knee drop only to be clotheslined to the floor, then James connects with the knee for two.
Hennig back in. Chops and rights in the corner before driving the knee into the mat, followed by... I think Hennig forgets how to apply a figure four because he crosses the legs the wrong way, then when he does get it right, he doesn't even drop back to apply it. Still working the leg until Brian thumbs the eye, then James tags in with a kick to the bad leg. Brian with another thumb to the eye but James keeps going after the leg. Hennig back in with a leg splitter, then he and Brian trade shots. Brian taken to the corner as James comes back in with more rights, then Brian with a headbutt to the groin.
Slash back in. James off the ropes into a back elbow, then a pair of knee drops, before Slash chokes him. Jawbreaker by Slash before choking him some more in the corner. James is tossed out to the floor and BellaDonna hits a leg drop behind the ref's back. James choked on the floor by Lee before he's sent back in. Vicious rights by Slash to the side of the head before James fights back. Slash sent off the ropes but catches James with a DDT. Brian back in. Knee to the groin and a cover for two. James face first in the corner and Slash gouges at the eyes. Cobra clutch by Slash into a Russian leg sweep, Slash keeping it applied on the mat. James eventually fights out, only to walk into a sleeper, then counter with a back suplex.
Hennig gets the hot tag and in comes Lee. Hennig with rights, Slash sent off the ropes into a back drop, then tries a Hennig-plex on Brian but Slash saves. Hennig-plex on Slash but Brian breaks up the pin. Bacbreaker by Lee to Hennig, then James tries a pumphandle on Slash, Brian hits a big boot mid-lift, Slash falls on top for two. Now AMW run out and attack the New Church for the DQ. Champs retain in 10:38. Yeah this was bad.

Hennig and James are obviously pissed so now they and AMW fight as the New Church try to leave with their titles, but they and AMW go at it again, eventually sending the Church running to the back. 

Pre-tape of Don and Mike plugging the auction for charity. 

EZ Money vs Alyx Winters
Pre-Match: Alyx is this week's enhancement talent. Didn't find a lot on the guy, spent most of his time in NWA companies, hasn't wrestled since 2014. This is his one and only match with TNA.
Quick chain wrestling to star5t the match and back and forth until Alyx eats a kick then, a buckshot lariat by Money for two. Alyx retreats to the apron and misses a sunset flip, then a standing moonsault by Money for two. Money sent off the ropes, avoids a dropkick, then catches Alyx in a swing hold, before an elbow to the back for two. Chops by Money in the corner and Alyx sent across the ring, tries to float over but caught with an atomic drop. Dropkick to the face of Alyx down in the corner, then Money with an inverted DDT. Release suplex by Money for the win in 3:21. Exactly what it needed to be.

Goldy is backstage with Bruce... or not. He's in regular clothing now and says after the fiasco with him and April in the shower, he's now going by his real name, Allan Funk. She asks how he got involved with April in the first place. He says after seeing Lawler treat her like a piece of meat ever week and claims he was consoling her as a friend, and says April is pretty sensual. He says his heart got involved. Goldy is brings up the plot holes of Allan being gay, and the whole Miss TNA thing, and he suggests he might give the crown to April.

The Crimson Dragon vs Sonny Siaki
Quick chain wrestling to begin, Dragon with a dropkick. Dragon sent off the ropes into an arm drag, into an armlock. Dragon screws up a back flip off the middle rope to escape then they trade arm drags before a stand off. Dragon extends his hand but he gets smacked a few times, then Dragon sent to the corner, sends Siaki to the apron and kicks him in the head and to the floor. Dragon dives through the ropes with a clothesline, that was neat. Back in the ring, Dragon flips over his back only to be sent into the middle rope with a drop toe hold. Siaki with a pumphandle suplex over the ropes to the floor. Siaki swings Dragon's head into the announce table by the legs, then Dragon face first off the steps. Back in the ring, Siaki covers for two.
Dragon sent to the corner, leaps off the middle rope, kicked in the groin, then caught with a slingshot atomic drop. Dragon avoids another and misses a kick before he's smacked in the face. Suplex into a stunner by Dragon, then hits a big boot for two. Dragon up top gets crotched by Siaki, who follows with an overhead belly to belly from the top rope. Siak-olypse Now for the win in 5:19. It was OK I guess. I think I said Dragon was fine last week, but he was noticeably sloppy in this match.

Siaki gets a mic. He feels insulted that NWA isn't giving him real competition and says he doesn't want to be here anymore. He says he should be in title matches and main events only.

Goldy is backstage with April now trying to find out where Lawler is. April says he's been out in the production truck watching the shower scene over and over, and she doesn't understand why, we all know Bruce is gay. She says Brian knows she loves him and has been faithful to him, and would never do anything like that. Goldy tells her no one's buying it, and April accuses her of being jealous. Goldy walk off having had enough of this bullshit. This storyline makes no sense.

Lawler comes out all pouty faced and with mic in hand and eyes watering trying to get everyone's attention. He says he's given his heart for weeks to someone he thought loved him, he gave everything he had to her, and all he got was a lousy t-shirt... er, he got made a fool of in front of everyone. He says not only was she doing god knows what with X-Pac (oops) then he catches her with Bruce in the shower, then he catches her having an affair with Goldy. He says he hasn't had any sleep, anything to eat, all he had today was a hot apple pie from McDonald's. He can't think, he's had migraines, and this is undue stress he doesn't need, so... he's quitting the wrestling business? Seems a bit overdramatic, you could just break up with her. He calls her a nympho which gets a pop. He leaves crying.

Now we cut to backstage to see Lawler leaving, for some reason with Priscilla, and Goldy catches up with them. Priscilla doesn't let her get a question in and they leave the building.

Highlight package for Styles, then for Lynn.

NWA X-Division Championship: AJ Styles (w/ Mortimer Plumtree) vs Jerry Lynn (c)
A nose to nose faceoff ends with a headbutt by Lynn, then they exchange shots, Lynn pulling AJ's shirt over his head to deliver more blows. AJ thumbs the eye and sends Lynn off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and takes AJ over with a headlock and some vicious rights. AJ sent off the ropes and counters a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then countered with a snapmare and a dropkick to the back of the head by Lynn for two. AJ counters an Irish whip with rights, then Lynn does the same before launching AJ over the ropes to the floor. Lynn tries for a crossbody but Plumtree grabs the legs before he can launch himself, so Lynn dropkicks him into Styles.
AJ face first off the apron before AJ is tossed back in. Plumtree grabs the legs again as Lynn tries to re-enter, allowing AJ to hit a punt kick to the ribs, sending Lynn back to the floor. AJ pull sup the mats to expose the concrete and calls for the Clash, but Lynn fights him off with a back drop. Lynn gets distracted allowing AJ to spike him with a DDT onto the concrete. Plumtree gets some shots in while AJ has the ref occupied and Lynn has been busted open. Lynn face fist into the guard rail repeatedly before they return to the ring, AJ makes the cover for two.
AJ opening him up with vicious rights, then another cover and a kick out. Lynn fights back  with some rights only to be sent through the ropes back to the floor. Plumtree has something wrapped around his hand as he delivers more rights to Lynn behind the ref's back. Back in the ring again and AJ covers again for two, Lynn's face a bloody mess. AJ gets crotched up top and Lynn joins him, only to drop throat first on the top rope. AJ tries a sunset flip to the floor but Lynn kicks him to the floor.
Lynn goes after Plumtree again and he retreats over the guard rail. AJ tries a hurricanrana off the steps but Lynn swings him into the side of the guard rail instead. Lynn goes after Plumtree again then launches AJ onto the guard rail. Back in the ring, Lynn caught with a jawbreaker, then AJ misses a springboard moonsault, turned inside out with a clothesline. AJ sent off the ropes  into a spinning back elbow for a near fall. Lynn sent of he ropes, ducks a spin kick and gets sent to the floor again. Plumtree with more rights with a wrapped fist behind the ref's back. 
Back to the ring again, AJ covers but Lynn grabs the ropes at two. AJ sent to the corner, caught on a floatover, but hits an inverted DDT for a near fall. Lynn counters a suplex attempt and hits a running sitout powerbomb for a near fall. More boots to the head by Lynn
Lynn with knees tot he face and a German suplex, cover and Styles grabs the rope. AJ with back suplex into a facebuster for two. AJ takes Lynn up top for a superplex attempt but Lynn blocks and hits a front suplex of his own from the middle rope. Plumtree distracts the ref and tries to toss AJ the weapon he had around his wrist, but it's caught by Lynn. Lynn decks AJ with it for the win in 12:38. Kind of an underwhelming finish but everything before it was great. Could have done with less interference.

Now James and Hennig plug the auction.

Now for the plug of next week's show by expert salesman Don West:
- SATs take on Divine Storm
- Chris Harris battles Brian Lee, and James Storm takes on Slash in one-on-on matches. Don adds that Mitchell's so confident in his Disciples, that he's agreed to be in a three-way bullrope match with the winners. That was an exact quote, I have no idea what that actually means.
- In a double elimination match, AJ Styles, Amazing Red, Kid Kash and others battle it out for a shot at the X Division Championship.
- Siaki gets his shot at the X Division Title and Jerry Lynn

As mentioned earlier, we have a pre-taped sitdown interview by Tenay with Dory Funk Jr. before our main event.... or I guess just highlights of the interview. Funk says winning the NWA Title was the highlight of his life, it gave him the opportunity to wrestle with many different promotions, and wrestle many of the top wrestlers in the world. He talks about his wrestling school. He calls Gene Kiniski a tough son of a gun and a father figure, says he was important to his life and taught him a lot about the business. He says Jack Briscoe was a great champion and says it was an honor to wrestle over 300 times, calls him a terrific competitor, and a charismatic guy. He says Harley Race is tough at anything he does, says he'll fight, kick, stomp, bite, whatever it takes. He says that not many knew Giant Baba was a great teacher and learned so much from him, Finally getting to tonight's main event, he says they're fighting for the highest prize in pro wrestling, and believes a history has already been started in TNA and will continue with this match, and the winner has the opportunity to establish a reputation and tradition that 20 years from then people will look back on, like they look back on the glory days. He says Russo should stay out (presumably from the ring) and leave it to the athletes.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Ron "the Truth" Killings vs Jeff Jarrett (c)
Quick rollup by Truth right away for a one count, then a pin attempt by Jarrett off a shoulder block. Jarrett blocks a few Irish whip attempts then they exchange wristlocks, Jarrett sent off the ropes into a Thesz Press and leg hook for two. Jarrett sent to the corner gets the boots up, sunset flip from the middle rope and now an exchange of quick rollups. Truth with a cheap shot and Jarett is sent off the ropes, booted in the gut, but avoids an ax kick, sweeping out the leg as he catches the leg. Figure four but Truth immediately reverses it and Jarrett grabs the ropes, retreating out to the floor.
Splits followed by a crossbody through the ropes as Truth takes control with rights. Jarrett choked with cables and even ties him up with them but he gets free. Back to the ring, Truth up top with a frog splash for two. Truth with rights in the corner but gets whipped across the ring, floats over and back flips, does the splits like he usually does but Jarrett has it scouted, gets him with a dropkick as he pops back up. Jarrett sent off the ropes and catches Jarrett with a sleeper, and starts to fade. Ref drops the arm twice and Jarrett fights his way back, sends Truth off the ropes, tries for a hurricanrana but caught with a powerbomb for two. Truth back up top but he's caught off, slugging it out up top. Jarrett delivers the superplex.
Standing 10 count and Jarrett's up first, then sent off the ropes, Truth catches a kick but Jarrett connects with an enziguri for two. Truth sent off the ropes, avoids a back drop, tries a back slide but gets a mule kick for his troubles. Small package by Jarrett for two. Jarrett goes for the mounted rights in the corner but he's pulled off by the ref, who chastises him for the mule kick from earlier. Jarrett goes out and grabs a chair, wedging it into the corner, and of course he's sent face first into it, but it only gets a near fall for Truth.
Truth back up top misses a moonsault and damn near lands on his head. Jarrett connects with the Stroke, but Truth kicks out. Jarrett now removes the turnbuckle pad as Truth retreats to the floor, sent into the guard rail, then again and now into the crowd. Jarrett lays Truth on a table near a metal truss, Jarrett climbs up but Truth climbs up with him. Low blow by Truth and some right hands, and they both fall off through tables. Camera pans back to the ring and the ref calls for the double countout in 11:10.

Bob Armstrong comes out immediately with mic in hand, He says there won't be a countout, he and the fans came to see a winner, and more importantly NWA says there will be a winner.

NWA World Title Match Continues
Truth has control as he and Jarrett head back through the crowd towards the ring. Back in the ring, Jarrett now with rights, now exchanging blows, until Jarrett gets dropped face first on the exposed buckle. Truth covers but it's only two. Truth tries for the front suplex, then Jarrett tries to counter with the Stroke, then there's a bad looking ref bump as Jarrett's feet hit him on the way up as Truth hits his front suplex. Truth makes the cover and Jarrett's down for three, but the ref is out.
Now here's Russo with guitar in hand. He hands it to Jarrett but instead smashes it over the top of the ring post. He and Russo exchange words allowing Truth to roll him up for a near fall. Jarrett counters an Irish whip to deliver the Stroke. Truth pops up wobbly and misses a right, Jarrett hits the Stroke again. Crowd  calls for another and Jarrett delivers to retain in a combined 13:30. Not as good as their first match, but it was fine? I don't know why we needed a double countout in the middle of this. And as much as I hate seeing Russo on TV, there's at least some logic to his attempt at interference. Truth basically just lost clean though, so there's that.

Russo is pissed and gets a mic as Jarrett goes to leave with his belt. Russo repeats that he wanted an answer and says the games stop now. He says next week is a new day and wants to know if Jarrett's with him or against him. Jarrett returns to the ring and... no answer. We end on a cliffhanger I guess.


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