NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #21 (November 13, 2002)


Show starts with Goldilocks singing the National Anthem for Veterans Day, before we're welcomed as always by Tenay and West. Tonight, both the X Division and Tag Titles are on the line, plus a semifinal match in the #1 contender's tournament for Truth's NWA Title. Tenay also updates us on the open contract Truth drew up for Mr. Wrestling III. Tenay was not contacted by the mystery man as anticipated in the last week, but he could very well do so tonight. Then Don runs down the card:
- In mixed tag action, Brian Lawler and April take on Jorge Estrada and Priscilla
- Kid Kash gets his X Division Title shot he earned last week taking on new champion Jerry Lynn
- Syxx-Pac takes on Jarrett in the semifinals of the tournament, with the winner going on to face BG James

No word on the tag title match, but to start the show, out comes Styles and Plumtree, who aren't on the card according to commentary. AJ tries to get the crowd to shut up before calling Tenay sugartits, then brings up the X Division Title match and says it won't happen. Plumtree says that due to his sheer brilliance and smarts, every contract with Styles' name on it, since signing with Plumtree, contains an automatic rematch clause. He suggests Kash pack his bags, hit the skids, dig a hole because he has no match tonight.
Out comes Lynn with a mic. He calls Plumtree a nerd and puts Kash over for busting his ass, and earned his shot unlike AJ. Out of his sheer brilliance and fortitude though, he figured they'd come out like a whiny ass bitch, tonight's title match will now be a three-way dance.

Tony Mamaluke vs EZ Money 
Pre-Match: Not too familiar with EZ Money, but Money apparently spent time with WCW near it's end, so I guess I'll be seeing him there soon. He was also in ECW for some time.
Quick exchange to start the match until Tony is monkey flipped coming off the ropes, then low bridges Money sending him to the floor followed by a suicide dive. Mamaluke up top only to be dropkicked midair. Back in the ring, Mamaluke misses a middle rope drop kick as Money is stepping through the ropes, and Money hits a Buckshot Lariat for two. Military press and a standing moonsault by Money for two.
Mamaluke sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits a Russian leg sweep, into an octopus stretch but Money gets the ropes. Mamaluke sent to the corner, gets the boots up and sends Money into the turnbuckle, followed by a hangman's neckbreaker. Mamluke with a top rope leg drop for two. Money sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, hits a leg drop for two. Mamaluke sent off the ropes, avoids a powerbomb, turned inside out with a throw suplex, or the Cha-Ching, for the win in 4:50. Decent opener.


Chris Vaughn vs Sonny Siaki
Pre-Match: Chris doesn't get an entrance, so he's likely here as the local jobber. Didn't find much on him, but he does stick around TNA for a while, to what success I'm not sure.
Siaki immediately delivers a clothesline to start the match. Chris sent to the corner, gets a boot up but hit with a belly to belly into the corner. Chris military pressed throat first onto the top rope. There's a "Rocky ripoff" chant starting, which is accurate, as Siaki hits a pumphandle suplex for two. Chris driven into the corner for some shoulder blocks, then put in the tree of woe for a pair of shoulder blocks. Samoan drop then a cover, but Siaki pulls his shoulders off the mat. Siaki with a Razor's Edge backbreaker, then a trifecta of Siak-olypse Now for the win in 2:07.

Goldy did an interview with Lawler earlier in the day. He says him and April have done more than just kiss and made up. There's sounds of a woman nearby clearly having sex that interrupts the interview. Lawler busts into some nearby doors to find April trying to take a shower, at least so she says. Someone briefly pokes their head out behind the curtain, and commentary seems to confirm it was Bruce of all people as she kicks Lawler out.

Out comes James Mitchell who's not scheduled for right now with a mic. He says that recently there's been discussion in the back, and the wrestling community about the merits of traditional wrestling vs sports entertainment. He says the New Church isn't concerned with either, they're neither sports entertainers or traditional wrestlers, they represent the force that the subhumans of the crowd refer to as evil. He says the beautiful thing about evil is it's constant, never changes, has many forms and faces, and it gives him great pleasure to introduce the newest face of evil, Belladonna. 
She's really only known for this stint in TNA, but she also managed Chuck Taylor at one point. She left the business in 2006 and was a bass player for a pop-punk band, but passed away a couple years ago. Then he brings out his weapon of mass destruction, the returning Malice.

Kaos vs Malice (w/ Father James Mitchell & Belladonna) 
Malice immediately on the attack with clubs to the back, then drops Kaos throat first on the top rope before tossing him out to the floor. Malice gets a chair and throws it into his face before whipping Kaos into the guard rail, then into the steps sending him tumbling over to the floor. Back in the ring, Kaos starts to fight back with rights only to be clubbed down with a clothesline. Malice chokes him and slaps him, then delivers a backbreaker. Kaos sent to the corner and into a belly to belly off the rebound. Kaos avoids a corner splash but eats a big boot to the face. Chokeslam by Malice, but he doesn't go for the pin. He pulls down the knee pad before going up top with a knee drop to the chest for the win in 2:59. Knee drop isn't nearly as good a finisher as the chokeslam.


Jorge Estrada (w/ Priscilla) vs Brian Lawler (w/ April)
Pre-Match: Alright so it's not a mixed tag like I had thought. Thank god. Lawler gets a mic before the match wondering why everyone is laughing and snickering at them, then asks April what was on the video that he didn't see. She denies everything of course and he believes it.
Lawler ducks Jorge then dances, then gets a couple kisses from April. Lawler sent off the ropes only to back drop Jorge to the floor, then get tripped up and hung on the top rope, then face first into the turnbuckle. Jorge up top with a flying leg lariat. Jorge sent off the ropes, ducks some clothesline and back elbows to hit a dropkick. Lawler sent to the corner, misses a crossbody and Jorge covers for two.
Jorge sent off the ropes, tries a backslide, then Lawler hits a hangman's neckbreaker. Lawler gets April's purse and  misses a shot to the head with it. Jorge puts it around Lawler's neck before hitting a springboard leg drop, then sent off the ropes. April completely misses her cue as she's supposed to trip Jorge, but he sells anyways and grabs her by the hair over the ropes. This goes on forever because Priscilla misses her cue and slaps her in the face finally. Lawler meanwhile connects with a low blow and rolls up Jorge for the win in 3:23.

Lawler pulls Priscilla off April as they head to the back.


Goldy is backstage with Jarrett. Jarrett says that for several weeks now, he's been screwed and mistreated, the NWA has done everything in their power to keep him from getting his shot at the NWA Title. Everyone in NWA has gotten a shot except him. He said six weeks ago that he was on a march, a mission, that he was gonna work his way through the tournament and finally get his gold. Apparently an NWA rep told him the tide may have finally turned, because for whatever reason Syxx couldn't make it for his match tonight. He has a bye, which means next week he's one match away from becoming champion. If Wikipedia is anything to go by, Syxx-Pac just up and left TNA and won't be seen there again until June, so... Alright. I don't know why you wouldn't do Jarrett vs James on this show instead.

Jimmy Yang vs The Amazing Red
Winner earns a shot at the X Division Championship.
Pre-Match: Been several shows since Yang has been on TNA, and he's no longer a flying Elvis. He's out in leather pants, gloves and a track jacket. He's also using Abyss' theme, which doesn't suit him at all.
Quick exchange of holds and pin attempts until Yang sweeps the legs and sends Red face first into the mat. Both avoid a pair of strikes until Red sends Yang to the floor with a headscissor. Yang blocks a baseball slide but gets sent into the announce table with another headscissor. Back in he ring. Yang sent into the ropes only to slide under, then dropkicks Red out to the floor, followed by a springboard moonsault. Back in the ring, Yang covers for two.
Red sent to the corner for a dropkick a series of shoulder blocks. Red sent off the ropes, catches Yang with a headscissor turning it into an octopus stretch. Red releases and tries for a hurricanrana but Yang turns it into an STF. Red manages to get the rope break. Red sent to the corner for a spinning heel kick for two. Clothesline by Yang, then Red ducks another into a sunset flip for two, then turned inside out by a spinning leg lariat by Yang for a kick out.
Neck scissor by Yang but Red gets the break. Red tossed out to the floor and sent into the guard rail, then face first off the steps. Back in the ring, Yang sends Red off the ropes into a right hand, then Red face first in the corner for a neck scissor, hanging over the ropes using the full 5 count. Yang goes for a springboard but he's dropkicked midair. Exchange of blows now until Red hits a spin kick, then sent off the ropes, through the legs and hits another spin kick. Yang sent to the corner chest first and gets kicked in the back of the head, then a tornado DDT for a near fall by Red.
Red goes up top but he's crotched by Yang. Yang tries a superplex, but Red avoids it and hits Code Red from the middle rope for a near fall. Red back up top and tries a crossbody, but lands right into a gutbuster. Yang goes up top and misses Yang Time. Red back up top with an Infrared for the win in 9:44. Damn good match.


Goldy is backstage with BG James. James says he has visions of title shots dancing through his head, says he came to scout Jarrett and Syxx tonight, but now that's off and he's got Jarrett next week. He reminds us of the long road he and Jarrett have gone down, and he's as ready as he's gonna get, and prays Jarrett is too. Jarrett comes up to wish him good luck, they've got a lot of history and holds out his hand. James isn't falling for it, but Jarrett insists he's serious and pleads his case. Of course James falls for it and Jarrett cheap shots him, and proceeds to beat the crap out of him until security rush in.

NWA Tag Team Championship #1 Contender's Tournament Semifinal Match: Spanish Announce Team vs Rainbow Express
Lenny starts with Joel for some back and forth, then Joel sent off the ropes, pulled by the hair by Bruce. Jose comes in and dropkicks Lenny from behind, knocking Bruce off the apron in the process. Jose sent off the ropes just to hit a suicide dive on Bruce, then Lenny hits a full nelson facebuster on Joel, then launches off his back to dive onto Jose and Bruce on the outside. Back in the ring, Joel  sent off the ropes into a double gutbuster, then an elbow and a splash by the Express. Joel sent off the ropes and sends Lenny to the floor, then Bruce slammed down. Maximos up top with a stereo moonsault/leg drop combo. Lenny breaks up a pin attempt.
Lenny counters an Irish whip  and hits a TKO onto the top rope, then Joel takes him to the corner and sent across the ring, gets a boot up, goes tot he middle rope but he's slapped by Lenny. Lenny pushed off the middle rope only to catch him with a hurricanrana. Cover only gets two. Bruce back in with vicious boots, then suplex Joel into the corner for two. Joel slammed face first into the mat, then Joel sent to the corner, floats over to the apron, goes up top with a missile dropkick.
Jose back in and so is Lenny, Jose with a crossbody and a dropkick, then Lenny off the ropes into a spinning heel kick. Bruce tries a bulldog out of the corner only to be dropped into a tree of woe. Lenny is sent face first into his crotch on a drop toe hold, then Bruce's face is stomped into it as they drop to the mat. Jose sent off the ropes into Bruce's facebuster and a cover but Joel breaks it up. Bruce is sent off the ropes off a reversal and Lenny prematurely low bridges, sending him out to the floor. Lenny goes up top but eats a kick to the head, then the Maximos hit the Spanish Fly for the win in 7:22. Man this crowd did not care at all about the match, until maybe the last few minutes. It wasn't awful though, it was just kinda there.

Goldy is backstage with Bullet Bob. She wants to know why Don Harris is still around when Bob fired him last week. He clarifies he was fired as head of security, not as a wrestler, putting him and his brother over as a force to be reckoned with. He says TNA is open to all wrestlers, and says while Don hit him last week, Bob hit him in the pocketbook. He leaves to sign some contracts.

NWA Tag Team Championship #1 Contender's Tournament Semifinal Match: The Hot Shots vs The Harris Brothers
Harrises attack from behind while one of the Hot Shots is tossed tot he floor, one Harris sending him into the guard rail. In the ring, Hot Shots send a Harris off the ropes into a double hip toss. Hot Shot sent off the ropes, tripped up and pulled to the floor, sent back first into the guard rail. Hot Shot sent back and forth into corners for clotheslines before the other Harris tags in. Hot Shot 1 sent off the rope into a back elbow, then HS 2 knocked off the apron. Harris 2 with shoulders in the corner to the ribs, then Harris 1 tags back in. HS 1 sent off the ropes into a sidewalk slam for two.
It's hard to tell these guys apart and commentary take forever to give us a name here, but Don is tagged back in, with Chase in the ring. Chase sent to the corner and gets a boot up, then hits a side kick. Cassidy tagged in now and clotheslines both Harrises, then double dropkicks Ron. Don taken to the knees for a sandwich dropkick to the head. Chase sent to the apron, then a big boot to Cassidy. Cassidy sent off the ropes, avoids the H Bomb and hits a double clothesline of a springboard. Cassidy caught with the H Bomb for the win in 3:57. Or I think that's how this went down, it was hard to figure out who's who in the end.

So next week SATs face the Harrises for a tag title shot. Harrises continue the assault post match. One gets a chair and nails one Hot Shot in the head. Camera cuts away mid-beatdown.


We're supposed to have a tag title match right now, but out comes BG James instead. He admits he's an idiot for letting Jarrett fool him for the thousandth time, but he thought there might just be a shred of human decency in his piece of trash body. He was dead wrong as usual, because Jarrett is nothing but a lowdown piece of shit. He says if Jarrett has a hair on that shriveled up sack of his, he suggests he come out and have their match now.
Jarrett wastes no time coming out with a mic. He says the tide has finally turned his way, and they both have the night off, Jarrett doesn't wanna fight tonight. He says next week its the two of them in the finals, and after he beats James he'll beat the Truth, he's worked too damn hard for too damn long. James calls him a pussy, but it doesn't surprise him because Jarrett comes from a long line of pussies. He knows Jarrett's daddy and says he's pussy, he's known Jarrett for 10 years and he's always been a pussy.
He's about to call Jarrett's mother a pussy too and that's enough to set him off, James taking the fight to the floor, Jarrett face first off the apron. Jarrett whipped into the guard rail and now Bullet Bob comes out. Suddenly the bell is rung, so I guess we have a match.

NWA World Title #1 Contender's Tournament Finals: Jeff Jarrett vs BG James
Jarrett into then over the guard rail, then nails James in the head with a chair. Chair across the back of James as they fight their way through the crowd, James sent into the side of the bleachers. Jarrett nails him in the head with a trash can lid, then a fan gives him another to nail him with. James fights back and nails Jarrett in the head now with he lid. Now they make their way up the bleachers, nailing Jarrett in the head with a trash can. Now trading rights  until Jarrett takes control, trying to throw him over the rail until James fights back. Jarett face first off the bleachers at the top of the Asylum,  and eventually make their way back down. Jarrett nails him repeatedly in the head with another trash can lid on the steps before taking it down to the bottom back to the floor. 
James face first off another trash can, then gets it in the head. Jarrett face first off of a table before they make their way back through the crowd, Jarrett getting a chair across the back three times. Kick to the gut saves Jarrett as their back in the bleachers, James with rights as he stands on the edge behind the rail. Jarrett with a chair to the head sends James crashing through the table mentioned earlier. Jarrett returns to the ring and leaves James in a heap, as he calls for the ref to count him out. The ref makes the slowest count you've ever seen and James makes it to the ring at nine.
Jarrett immediately on the attack though with stomps to the back, sending James back to the floor. James gets a chair but Jarrett on the attack once more. Jarrett misses a clothesline and James hits some shake rattle and roll. James can't capitalize though, though he sends Jarrett off the ropes, tries the pumphandle but eats a Stroke onto the chair for the win in 7:20. I mean there's nothing to say here really, it was a fun brawl with no real logic for the rules, and the outcome was as obvious as ever.


NWA World Tag Team Championships: "Primetime" Brian Lee & Slash (w/ Father James Mitchell & BellaDonna) vs America's Most Wanted (c)
AMW run in from behind to jump the Church, taking them to the corner and unloading on them, knocking them to the floor. Harris with a crossbody on Lee and Storm with an ax handle to Slash. Harris nails Slash in the head with a chair and Lee is whipped into the guard rail. Lee face first off the guard rail by Storm, then again. Slash is sent face first off a chair and he's busted open for a second week in a row. Storm face first off the tag titles on the announce table. Harris with a suplex to Slash on the ramp. Lee takes a chair to Storm and threatens commentary with it, and Storm is busted open too.
Harris finally makes the save and hits the Catatonic on Lee in the ring. Slash comes in counters a Catatonic with a DDT, before tossing him out of the ring. Harris is nailed with one of the belts and Harris is busted open now. Back in the ring, Slash opens up Harris further with rights, then hits a spinning crucifix bomb, but only gets him two. Lee tags in and both stomp away at Harris. Lee with vicious rights, then knocks Storm off the apron. Harris sent to the corner, then across the ring before nailing Lee with a spear. Slash tags in and misses a boot in the corner.
Storm gets the hot tag with a house of fire, hitting the 8 Second Ride on Slash for a cover but Lee breaks it up. Mitchell provides distraction while BellaDonna slides one of the belts into the ring. Storm nails Lee with a dropkick, then Lee gets him on his shoulders. Slash up top with a dropkick and Lee bumps awkwardly as Storm goes down. Slash covers but Harris breaks it up. Harris clotheslines Lee out of the ring as Storm is sent to the corner, gets a boot up and hits a tornado DDT, then Mitchell distracts to stop the pin. Slash nails Storm with the belt and covers but it only gets two.
Storm sent to the corner, tries a German suplex on Slash, then goes to the middle rope for a crossbody but takes out the ref instead. Mitchell hands the spike to Lee as Storm is sent off the ropes, catches Slash to try and set up for the leg drop/spinebuster combo, jackknife cover by Storm but the ref is still out. Lee nails Harris in the head with the spike, then tries it on Storm but he blocks. BellaDonna hops on his back and Lee nails him with the spike to get the win and the titles in 9:09. Fucking hell this match was a complete mess, what is there to say about this? 

Recap of the Tables Match from last week, and Lynn winning the X Title back from AJ.

X-Division Championship: Kid Kash vs AJ Styles (w/ Mortimer Plumtree) vs Jerry Lynn (c)
AJ tries to clothesline both opponents but gets a double dropkick instead, sending him out of the ring. Quick exchange of strikes and counters, then AJ tries to get back in only to get sent out with a double drop toe hold. Another quick exchange of throws as AJ gets back on the apron, nailing a springboard double clothesline sending Lynn to the floor. AJ misses a baseball slide and sends him face first off the announce table. Kash tries a springboard from the apron only to have his legs pulled out and sent face first off the apron.
Lynn and AJ back in the ring. Lynn already tries for the piledriver but Mortimer provides a distraction and AJ fights out. Lynn with a waistlock sends AJ into a shoulder block from Kash on the apron, who leaps over both with a sunset flip. AJ covers Lynn also but they only get two, then AJ kicks Kash in the side of the head. Kash sent to the corner only to leap to the middle rope, then the top with a corkscrew hurricanrana to AJ. Kash popped up by AJ into a sitout powerbomb by Lynn, AJ breaks it up with a baseball slide.
AJ sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, tries a springboard moonsault, caught with a stunner by Lynn, Kash breaks up a pin attempt. Kash sent to the corner, moonsault from the top on Lynn and a cover, AJ breaks it up. Kick to the ribs of Kash by AJ, then a suplex into a neckbreaker to Lynn for two. Trade of chops until AJ nails Kash with an enziguri, then Kash sent off the ropes, avoids a dropkick, then a jackknife pin for two. Lynn sent to the corner, then AJ sent into Lynn, into a snapmare and a face stomp. Lynn takes Kash to the corner for some chops now, then AJ with some rights. AJ sent toward Lynn in the corner, tries to backflip off his chest but botches it. Kash with a DDT to AJ. Lynn with a tornado DDT to Kash from the middle rope, covers but AJ breaks it up.
Lynn sent off the ropes and low bridged by Plumtree, sending him to the floor. Kash with a clothesline to AJ, then a double springboard and a crossbody to Lynn on the floor. AJ with a springboard shooting star takes them both out. AJ rolls Lynn back in for a cover but only gets two. AJ tries for the Clash but Kash stops it, then they trade clubbing blows. Lynn drops AJ with a clothesline, then a double down with Kash. AJ and Kash trade blows, then AJ sent into Lynn with a TKO, cover but Kash breaks it up. Kash with a brainbuster off the knee gets a near fall. Fisherman brainbuster off the knee, cover by Kash, AJ breaks it up, then covers and Kash breaks it up.
Kash sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, there's an attempt at a rolling thunder clothesline, then a Style Clash, AJ eventually hits an Air Raid Crash for a near fall. AJ tries the Clash again but gets clotheslined by Lynn. Lynn sent off the ropes, trips up Lynn who stumbles into position for a Clash but Kash stops that. Kash sent into Plumtree knocking him off the apron, then AJ is backdropped out onto him to the floor. Lynn with the cradle piledriver on Kash to retain in 10:54. Again, can't complain with this X Division stuff, great main event.

Borash is at the commentary table with a headset as they talk about the match, and Bullet Bob hands West the line up for next week, with AMW, EZ Money, Siaki, and Malice all back.
- AJ Styles, Crimson Dragon and Jorge Estrada battle for an X Division Title shot
- Harris Brothers vs SATs in the tournament finals
- Brian Lee and Slash defend their newly one titles against yet to be named opponents
- Jerry Lynn defends the X Division Title against Amazing Red
- Jeff Jarrett finally gets his NWA Title shot against the Truth. 

Speaking of Jarrett, out he comes with about two minutes left in the show. He's here to send a message to Truth, reminding us Truth is the first black NWA Champion, says the guy worked hard and came on the scene, and admits Truth turned heads and got it done in the ring. He says he himself has been screwed, kicked out the back door, out the front door for 20 weeks, the NWA tried to hold him down, tried to do everything to keep him from winning the NWA Title, or getting a shot at it. His time has come, says he doesn't look at this as an ordinary World Title match, reminiscing about watching wrestling as a boy and watching NWA Title matches, with guys like Flair, Jack Briscoe, the Funks, Sting. He says some watched baseball and dreamed of growing up like Hank Aaron, watched basketball and dreamed of being Magic Johnson or Larry Bird, he watched wrestling matches and dreamed of being NWA Champion. He says that everywhere he's been, the WWF, WCW, all over the world, he's done one thing, he got his business done in the ring, and did everything to win. He says Truth is going to walk down the aisle, wear the belt proud, but it's his destiny and will become the new champion. All I'm left wondering is why is Jarrett cutting what's usually a babyface promo?

Little to say other than the X Division as always stole the show. The Tag Title match was a complete mess and the only thing on here that was complete crap. Whatever else was just kinda.... there, I guess? With a run time of 1:51:54, this show had a total 1:01:45 of wrestling.


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