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NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #21 (November 13, 2002)

  Show starts with Goldilocks singing the National Anthem for Veterans Day, before we're welcomed as always by Tenay and West. Tonight, both the X Division and Tag Titles are on the line, plus a semifinal match in the #1 contender's tournament for Truth's NWA Title.  Tenay also updates us on the open contract Truth drew up for Mr. Wrestling III. Tenay was not contacted by the mystery man as anticipated in the last week, but he could very well do so tonight. Then Don runs down the card: - In mixed tag action, Brian Lawler and April take on Jorge Estrada and Priscilla - Kid Kash gets his X Division Title shot he earned last week taking on new champion Jerry Lynn - Syxx-Pac takes on Jarrett in the semifinals of the tournament, with the winner going on to face BG James No word on the tag title match, but to start the show, out comes Styles and Plumtree, who aren't on the card according to commentary. AJ tries to get the crowd to shut up before calling Tenay sugartits, then ...