NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #16 (October 9, 2002)


Welcomed to the show by Mike Tenay and, despite the name graphic telling us it's Ferrara, Don West as always, hyping up the crowd and running down the crowd. Added on to what was announced last week, Hermie Sadler is back tonight for some reason, plus Jarrett, Lawler and Truth take on Syxx, James and a mystery partner. Plus some speculation on the masked man who attacked Truth last week, along with a replay of it.

We're supposed to start with a match of some sort, but out comes Truth instead. He starts with cheap heat on the Tennessee Titans and Elvis. Then he moves onto Team Derelicts, or Hall, Syxx and James, talking about a conspiracy and accuse them of hiring a hitman, the masked man from last week to handle their dirty work, and thinks that this hitman is their partner for tonight. He says the "suntanned Superman ain't having that shiznit up in here," and just like "Last Call Hall" says, don't sing it, bring it.
He starts to pick on Don West, who takes off his headset and grabs a mic, he finds it ironic he's called the Truth and isn't calling it like it is, coming in last week to attack Syxx and James and it was fine, but when Truth's on the receiving end he's crying and whining, before having production play the beatdown at the end of last week's show. Truth feels disrespected now, and says he could Sammy Sosa Don's ass with a baseball bat if he wanted to, compares him to a pebble in the beach. He wants someone from Team Derelicts and says he'll take them all out tonight.
Out comes James and Syxx with a mic. James says he comes out every week trying to stop Truth from whining and crying like a little girl, but when Truth's the jumper he doesn't have such a problem. Tonight though Truth needs to learn a hard lesson, that they don't live in a perfect world. Which is his segway to bring out... Curt Hennig? Well, alright then. He takes the mic after a good pop, says he doesn't know what he's gotten into tonight, but he was hired to do a job, and he's going to do it like only he can. He doesn't like the Truth. Syxx takes the mic and says they're gonna do what Truth's momma should have done a long time ago, and while they might be Team Derelicts, Truth's gonna get his ass whipped so bad he's gonna think his ass was messed up on drugs.
So "Team Derelicts" start to head to the ring but get ambushed from behind by Jarrett and Lawler, with Team Derelicts coming out standing tall. James gets the mic and says there's no point in waiting, and the G in BG stands for "'let's get it on" and do it right now. It was hard to focus on a lot of this promo when the crowd drowned most of it out with an "overrated" chant. Nice to see Hennig, but his promo was less than perfect, and now he's getting stuck in the middle of this angle.

Jeff Jarrett, Brian Lawler (w/ April) & Ron "the Truth" Killings (NWA World Heavyweight Champion) vs Syxx-Pac, BG James & Curt Hennig
Jarrett and Hennig start the match. Hennig toys with Jarrett a bit to start the match, then overpowers Jarrett with a shoulder block, before knocking Truth and Lawler from the apron with rights. Then Jarrett with a cheap shot as he takes control, hitting scoop slam and a snapmare. James and Syx deliver some rights from the apron that drop Jarrett, setting him up for a snapmare from Hennig who knocks Truth and Lawler from the apron again. Jarrett retreats to the floor and Lawler has snapped. 
Syxx tags in. Jarrett sent to the corner but gets Syxx with a corner before tagging in Lawler. Lawler tries a crossbody off the middle rope after being sent to the corner but misses, then sent to the corner again, catching Syxx with a snap slam on the rebound. Truth tags in. Scoop slam, then misses a Vader Bomb elbow before James tags in. James sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits his trademark rights. Truth manages to duck the last and do a headstand into a kip up, then dropped back down with another right. Truth sent to the corner, floats over, ducks a clothesline, then off the ropes with the ax kick. First cover of tbe match for two.
Jarrett back in. Rights and boots in the corner, then chokes James over the middle rope before trying to drop his weight across James' back, only to crotch himself on the rope. James gets decked by Lawler before Truth tags in, then Lawler after some more shots. Lawler sent off the ropes, turns a back drop attempt into a neckbreaker into a cover for two. Jarrett back in, sends James off the ropes and he hits a clothesline. Syxx gets the hot tag, spin kick to Jarrett, then sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits a heel kick. Syxx up top with a crossbody and a cover, Lawler tries to break it up but nails Jarrett instead. Jarrett gets a boot up as Syxx tries for the Bronco Buster, then tags in Truth, makes the cover but only gets two. 
Running powerslam by Truth before Lawler's back in. Knee drop to the groin, then Jarrett's in with a suplex and a cover but Hennig breaks it up. Truth back in to keep control with rights, then front suplex and a cover but Syxx gets his foot on the rope. Lawler back in, with a snapmare and a rear chinlock. Syxx fights out and they exchange blows, then Syxx off the ropes, Lawler leaps on his shoulders, driven down with a sitout powerbomb.
Hennig gets the hot tag and in comes Jarrett. Hennig with clotheslines and rights for everyone, then double noggin knocker to Lawler and Truth. James takes a chair to Jarrett up the ramp to the back. Corner mounted rights by Hennig and Syxx, until Lawler gets free and delivers a low blow to Hennig. Lawler up top hits the Hip Hop Drop and makes the cover, but Syxx makes the save. Truth sent to the corner, floats over, but caught with the X-Factor, Syxx covers but Lawler yanks the ref out of the ring, then decks him with a right.
Syxx gets him with a baseball slide and delivers rights on the floor, sending him into the guard rail and up the aisle. Now the masked man from last week, now dubbed Mr. Wrestling III as written on the back of his hoodie, hits Truth with a sitout powerbomb back in the ring. Hennig-plex for the win in 14:25. Yeah this was about as basic a tag match as you can get with the added overbooking, and it went too long. Even Hennig barely did anything.

Syxx rejoins Hennig to celebrate, but then we go to the back where Goldy finds James laid out on some stairs, and Jarrett limping up beside him, dropping a pipe next to him.

Video package to recap the Lynn, AJ and Siaki stuff from last week.

Lynn makes his way out now without his title and takes the mic. He says Siaki's been very successful in pushing the right buttons to piss him off, and after he retains tonight, if Siaki's got the balls to face him one on one, he'll be standing in the middle of the ring. Now Siaki comes out with a mic speaking in the third person and says he is life, he's why the people are there, and if Lynn wants him, tells him to come get him. 
Lynn agrees and they fight up on the stage, Lynn beating the crap out of him until Siaki sends him face first into a steel beam, then launches him off the stage, hitting the guard rail ribs first. His leg got caught between the bars in the rail and he's clutching at it. Borash rushes over and calls for some help, while commentary tell us he'd just recently had surgery on that knee. EMTs are out with a stretcher

We go to footage from earlier in the day where Syxx bumps into Goldy, taking her to the locker room while he has a word with someone, that being Lo Ki. Syxx admits he was wrong to say what he said last week, blaming it on how upset he was on Truth and apologizes, says he has a ton of respect for Ki and is probably his favorite wrestler in NWA right now.
Ki appreciates his words, but then they're interrupted by AJ who's had enough of their ass kissing. He brags about beating Ki multiple times now, and says Syxx couldn't do what he does now 15 years ago, and he should be Syxx's favorite wrestler. Syxx just laughs and Ki calls him a jerk. Well that was... a thing that happened.

NWA World Tag Team Championships: Spanish Announce Team vs "Cowboy" James Storm & "Wildcat" Chris Harris (c)
Storm and Joel start the match with a quick exchange of moves and counters, until Storm is sent off the ropes, hooks the top rope but gets caught with an enziguri. Storm sent off the ropes into a dropkick to the knees, then Joel applies an Indian deathlock until Storm grabs the ropes. Joel sent off the ropes, through the legs, then sends Storm off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits a hurricanrana. Jose goes up top as Joel rolls out with a missile dropkick. Harris turns Jose inside out with a spear, then sends him into the corner only to miss a corner charge. Jose sent out to the apron and tries to go up top, only to be shoved over the post and onto Joel to the floor.
Harris with a crossbody to the SATs before taking Jose back to the ring before tagging in Storm. Jose sent back to the corner and hit with a back elbow from Storm, then sent across the ring, and Harris gets him with a bulldog on the rebound. Storm goes up top but he's crotched by Joel. Joel tags in and hits an awkward looking inverted powerslam, then the cover for two.Snapmare and a kick to the back, followed by a dropkick by Joel. Storm sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, tries a bulldog, only to be sat on the ropes as Jose goes to the middle rope. Jose hits a moonsault which folds up Storm and Joel makes the cover but it only gets two. Jose back in. Storm sent off the ropes, ducks an elbow, pulls Jose into... kinda like an Air Raid Crash into a side slam, then covers but Joel breaks it up.
Harris gets the tag. Mounted rights on Jose, then Jose fights back, only to be sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, caught with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam on the rebound. Storm covers and Joel makes the save. Storm takes Jose to the corner for boots and rights, then he's sent across the ring, gets a boot up, leaps off the middle rope and hits a tornado DDT.
Joel gets the tag and in comes Storm. Dropkicks by Joel, then Storm sent off the ropes into a snap slam and a cover but Storm kicks out. Harris caught with a back suplex and Joel goes up top with the moonsault, covers but only gets two. Joel catches a superkick attempt from Storm, then he's sent in the corner, leaps off the middle rope but eats a superkick midair. Storm covers but it's a near fall. Jose hits a snap suplex on Storm before going up top and hits the leg drop on Storm, covers but he kicks out.
Harris eats some rights from Jose, then sends him to the corner, leaps off the middle rope, caught with the Catatonic and the cover but Joel yanks Harris out of the ring. Harris goes up top after decking him but he's crotched. Harris tries to fight them off and they try for the Spanish Fly, but Storm knocks one of them out to the floor. The other misses a crossbody, then Storm and Harris hit a wacky double team for the win in 10:28. One thing that bothered me about this one is that they couldn't decide who were the faces and the heels. It was a fine match for what it was though.

Goldy is in the ring now to bring out Chris Rock, the Nashville love this guy. He calls NWA the best wrestling in the world, and tells anyone who thinks its fake to come down and get their ass kicked. Oh that's it. He didn't even promote his movie.

15-Minute 4-Way Dance Ironman Match: Kid Kash vs Tony Mamaluke vs Ace Steel vs Low-Ki
Mortimer Plumtree on commentary.
Pre-Match: Alright so now Ace and Monte Brown are sharing Abyss' theme song. Weird. Speaking of, where has Monte been?
Ace & Ki and Kash & Tony split off and go at it with each other to start, then Ki sent off the ropes, the other three try to triple team but Kash is caught with a headscissor. Ace tries a roll up on Tony, then he's sent off the ropes but connects with a dropkick to the knees of Ace, then they trade pin attempts. Armdrags all around and a standoff. Double dropkick from Ace and Ki to the knees of Kash, then Tony with a dropkick to their heads. Ace sent off the ropes, Ki tries a tilt-a-whirl move but Ace turns it into an ab stretch. Tony gets Ace in an ab stretch at the same time but Tony takes them down with a springboard dropkick.
Little over 13 minutes left as Ace and Kash trade counters, then Ki gets Kash with a kick, Ace sends him off the ropes, pops him up and he hits a hurricanrana on Tony ducks a roundhouse, then hits a rolling thunder hurricanrana on Ki. Ace misses a clothesline and Kash hits a springboard hurricanrana. Ki with some kicks to the chest of Kash, then gets dropkicked out of the ring by Tony. Ace sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. Ace with a snap suplex on Tony only to be pulled out to the floor by Ki. Kash with a springboard splash takes them both then Tony goes up top and... just splats on the ramp as they fail to catch him. Back in the ring, Kash and Ki hit springboard clotheslines on each other midair. Splashes from Ace and Tony, a double cover and both earn themselves a fall.
Tony: 1, Ace: 1, Ki: 0, Kash: 0
Ki back to the kicks on Kash, then one to the side of the head. Tony nails him from behind and Ki avoids a tornado DDT, Ace hits Tony with a belly and covers but Kash breaks it up. Kash with a pumphandle inverted slam to Tony, then a leg drop. Ace with forearms in the corner to Ki before choking him with his boot. Kash sent to the corner by Tony who hits a clothesline, then Kash with chops. About 8 minutes left in the match, Kash with a fisherman neckbreaker across the knee to earn a fall.
Tony: 1, Ace: 1, Ki: 0, Kash: 1
Ace sent to the corner by Ki who hits a nasty cartwheel kick, then tries a Ki Crusher fights out, while Kash hurls a chair at Tony's head at ringside. There's a mess of counters until Ki gets Ace in an octopus stretch for the submission.
Tied 1 apiece, 6:30 left
Kash face first off the announce table before climbing up with him, then Kash scoop slams him off the table to the floor and he lands right on his head, or maybe his shoulder, he's clutching at it pretty bad. Ki tries a dragon clutch on Ace but he gets free. Kash tosses Tony back in but he's kicked off the apron. Ace sent off the ropes by Ki, tries a leapfrog but he hurts his ankle, then Ace with a dragon screw.
Five minutes left as Ace drops his weight on Ki's knee, Tony and Kash return to the ring. Kash with a quick rollup on Ace for two. Inside cradle to Kash by Tony for two. Ki rolls up Ace for two. Kash with a powerbomb to Tony and a jackknife cover for two. Ace goes after the leg of Ki in the corner, then Tony has a heel hook on Kash until he gets a rope break. Northern Lights with a bridge on Ace but Kash breaks it up. Tony covers Ace and Kash breaks it up.
Three minutes left as Kash gets a Boston Crab on Kash, but Ace goes to the middle rope with a dropkick to the head of Kash to break it up. Ace with a suplex to Cash with two minutes left. Tony hung up on the top rope by Ace. Kash takes Ki to the floor for a chop off, Kash raking his eyes. Tony with a dropkick to Ace in the corner, then a leg lock but Kash breaks it up. One minute as Ace hits a dropkick to Ki in the corner, then Tony hits a leg sweep off the apron into the guard rail to Kash. Ki with a dragon sleeper in the ropes to Ace then a springboard enziguri sends Ace rolling to the apron. Plumtree leaves commentary to trip Ki as he tries a suplex, Ace still lands on his head but covers, and even though the bell has rung, the ref counts the pin. Ace is declared the winner. Yeah this match was an absolute mess, and not in a good way. Way too much going on, some obvious bits of stalling, lots of messy spots, and they screwed up the finish. Not sure what happened here.

Plumtree raises Ace's hand and even commentary point out the clock ran out before the pin.

Oh great, more time with Hermie Sadler as Don brings him out. He plugs his upcoming race before Bruce comes out with a mic. He says Hermie's standing in his queen's court and says he drives a go-kart for a living. He says Hermie must have run into too many walls and a horrible driver because every time Bruce sees him he's in his ring, his world. Bruce asks if he's gonna be a driver or a wrestler. 
Hermie calls him a freak and says he doesn't know anything about racing and I've never been more happy to hear Jeff Jarrett's music. Jarrett spouts off a few nicknames, Hermie the Love Bug, Speed Racer, and says that he's not only not a wrestler, but also not a racecar driver, and Jarrett's got a big problem with the latter, because they've chosen Hermie to drive the TNA sponsored car at the Super Bowl of NASCAR. Jarrett wonders why they didn't get a real NASCAR superstar to drive it, like Dale Jr., Tony Stewart, Sterling Marlin, or Hermie's string-bean little brother Elliot. He says it's nothing personal and actually likes Hermie, but there's just two facts in life: Hermie sucks as a wrestler and a racecar driver.
Hermie takes a shot at Jarrett about having no gold about his waist and having no right to question others superstardom. He doesn't understand why someone has something smart to say whenever he comes to promote TNA, first it was Truth, but Truth has earned his respect because he's the NWA Champion, but he doesn't respect anything about Jarrett. As for Bruce, he asks if he's going to grow up to be a man or a woman.
So Bruce runs in mad, misses a swing and Hermie attacks in the corner. Jarrett gets him from behind and Bruce joins the beatdown. James comes out to make the save, taking them down with rights, Jarrett sent off the ropes into an inverted atomic drop, before getting tossed out to the floor. James gets the mic and says they're not done, and in the words of Karen Carpenter, they've only just begun, Jarrett leaves, James checks on Hermie. Well that was a giant waste of time.

Ron Harris & Sonny Siaki vs Chris & Rick Michaels
Winners get a tag title shot next week.
Pre-Match: So apparently Ron is in search of a new tag partner, but I don't get why Siaki is trying to fill that role. As for Chris and Rick, they spent some time in ECW, worked as jobbers in WWF, worked for the UWF. Rick also worked as a tailor for WWF at one point. Rick is a former NWA Tag Champion with David Young, and a 2x NWA Wildside Champion, losing one to Styles. Rick is a former NWA North American Champion and trained by Tracy Smothers. We're told they're not related though, and have no idea why they're in a #1 contenders match in their debut. 
Ron and Siaki attack immediately. Chris sent into the guard rail by Ron, then Rick sent to the corner by Siaki. Siaki covers for two. Rick sent off the ropes into a back elbow, then Siaki with a rolling neckbreaker into a cover for two. Rick sent off the ropes but hits a hip toss. Arm drag by Rick and a dropkick, cover and a kick out. Chris tags in right into a clothesline and in comes Ron, sends Chris face first in the corner, then Chris sent across the ring, gets the boots up, to the middle rope with a missile dropkick, and an arm drag.
Rick back in. Goes for the arm but Ron fights off and scoops him over the ropes to the floor. Siaki with rights and a boot before scoop slamming him into the steps. Rick tossed back in the ring, hen Ron hits a suplex. Siaki back in. Covers after wasting some time for two. Siaki sent off the ropes, hooks the ropes and connects with a right, then connects with a superkick, covers but Chris breaks it up. Rick sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, facebuster off the knee and a neckbreaker.
Chris back in. Ron knocked off the apron, off the ropes, tripped and pulled out by Ron and sent into the guard rail. Belly to belly overhead to Chris on the floor. Back in the rin, Ron with boots in the corner to Chris, then he's sent across the ring for a clothesline, then back across with another, and across with a third. Siaki back in. Chris sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits a flying forearm. 
Rick back in. Clothesline and a dropkick to Siaki, then one for Ron. Chris goes after Ron and gets back dropped out to the floor. Rick sent off the ropes into a TKO, covers but then Ron interrupts the count and tells Siaki to get up. They pick Rick up, Siaki holds Rick up for a big boot. Ron hits Siaki like he did Ashley last week and the Michaels' pick up the win in 7:23. The Michaels were fine in this I guess? Most of this match was Ron Harris, so you can imagine how good this was.

Ron is pissed of course, Siaki lays in some rights and a clothesline. Ron fights back and they trade blows until Don shoves Siaki out of the ring. Why are we pushing the fucking Harris Brothers?

Bill Behrens is in the ring with a mic to address the X Division Title situation. Because this is a PPV, he says their legal options are limited, but to be fair to Lynn who's injured and can't compete, he'll get a match of his choice for the X Division Title when he's cleared to wrestle. Instead, by virtue of winning the Ironman Match, Ace Steel will face Styles for the X Division Title in a Ladder Match.
But we get Low-Ki instead with a limp. He takes the mic and takes offense to Ace getting a shot, because some computer nerd helped him win a match. He says he could have taken a $200k signing bonus if he wanted to win a title match. Now out comes Plumtree with Ace and he has a mic. He calls Ki a liar and says he offered Ki nothing, says he wouldn't offer him even $2, $200, or anything. He calls Ki a "scrawny, little, pre-pubescent, pimply pus, pugilistic punk, Yul Brenner-looking, little slimy piece of rodent excrement." He says the whole world knows when Ki made an ass of himself and tried to pick a fight with Tammy Sytch (apparently this was over a chair?) and Ki's not getting the title shot and never will. Ki says this nerd has some nerve, which starts a nerd chant, as Plumtree shows his ignorance in front of the good people in Nashville, and Plumtree is exactly what he hates, an outsider in the business.
Now out comes Bob Armstrong with a referee and a mic and announces a match between Ki and Ace, with the winner getting a title shot tonight. So wait, we have AJ vs Lynn end with a fuck finish last week, with AJ getting screwed out of the title to lead to a rematch, just to have Lynn get laid out and vacate the title, just to lead to one match to determine a new opponent for AJ? Classic Russo booking.

Ace Steel (w/ Mortimer Plumtree) vs Low-Ki
Winner gets an X Division Title shot later.
Ace takes Ki down and goes right for the bad knee immediately, Ki fighting for his life and kicking him right in the side of the head, eventually get the ropes. Mortimer clips him with a chair on the apron while Ace has the ref distracted. Ref starts to count him out and we get to 7, until Bob Armstrong comes back out. Kash and Behrens are here to and they call off the match, Ace is announced as the winner via countout in 1:30.

Or not, Borash corrects it and says it's a DQ, so I guess Ki wins. Now we have commentary arguing with Bob and Behrens while they take off their headsets, and Mortimer joins in. The SATs also came out in the middle of all this. Bob gets on the mic and since the boys wants chaos, that's what he's gonna give them. He says the X Division is giving him a headache and a clusterbomb from the start, but tonight we're gonna have a Ladder Match and a champion. He's letting every  X Division wrestler in creation compete tonight.

Ladder Match for the Vacated X Division Championship: Ace Steel (w/ Mortimer Plumtree) vs Kid Kash vs Joel Maximo vs Jose Maximo vs Tony Mamaluke vs AJ Styles
One of the Maximos take down Ace, then the other takes down Kash and pull out a pair of ladders.Tony with a suplex on AJ. Tony gets sandwiched by the Maximos between their ladders. Ace and Kash send the ladders into the Maximos with baseball slides. AJ with a springboard shooting star takes them all out. Ace sends AJ into the guard rail and he tumbles over into the crowd, then a Maximo hits him from behind and sends him face first into a chair. 
AJ and a Maximo return to the ring, AJ sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, springboard with a moonsault into an inverted DDT. The other Maximo comes off the top rope but AJ dropkicks him midair. AJ with a brainbuster on Kash before he nails Ace from behind on the floor. Ace thrown into the guard rail before AJ and Tony slide the ladders in. AJ sets up his but Tony runs under and spears him to the mat. Tony the first to climb but an  Maximo dropkicks him from behind from the corner. AJ hits a front suplex onto a ladder to Ace,then Kash with a hurricanrana over the ropes to a Maximo on the floor.
Ace sends a ladder into the face of AJ before leaning it in the corner, then hangs him from it in a tree of woe, following with a baseball slide to the face. Kash with a suplex on AJ, then he goes to the middle rope, falling onto AJ with the ladder. Kash gets a Maximo in a tree of woe on he ladder, then AJ sandwiches him with the other ladder. Then he and Kash hit a double powerbomb on the other Maximo into the ladder/Maximo sandwich. Tony with a German suplex on AJ. Ace with a scoop slam on Kash before he goes up top, only for Kash to cut him off and hit a superplex. 
Kash climbs a ladder but he's way off center, and he's pushed over to the mat. Ace tosses AJ to the floor then Tony starts to climb. Kash climbs up the other side and knocks him off. Kash climbs  but moonsaults onto Ace and a Maximo instead. AJ sends a Maximo face first into the ladder before tossing him out, then suicide dives face first into a ladder thanks to a Maximo. Kash slams a ladder into a Maximo, then Ace sandwiches Tony's bad arm in a ladder. AJ with a German on Ace. Kash sets up a ladder, then AJ, each climbing the ladders and trading blows. the Maximos climb up Kash's side and try a Spanish Fly, but Kash knocks one off, then hits a tornado DDT off the ladders.
Tony climbs but he's sloppily taken down by Kash. AJ climbs back up the ladder and Kash powerbombs the other Maximo, but... of course. Kash tips over the ladder and AJ lands right on the referee. Ace with a DDT on Kash. AJ face first into a ladder. Kash splashes onto a Maximo from the top to the floor. AJ and the other Maximo fight atop a ladder but it falls over and AJ crotches himself on the ladder, and the ladder crashes onto the Maximo's ribs. Tony and Ace fight atop the ladder but Kash dropkicks it over and they have a nasty landing. Kash climbs again, then the Maximos join him, one gets knocked down, and the other hits a Spanish Fly off the ladder.
AJ is on the ladder now as is Ace, Tony climbing up the other one. Sunset flip to Ace by AJ off the ladder, then Tony gets AJ with... some kind of DDT off the ladders. Ace is sent into the guard rail then back drops a Maximo over it before suplexing him back to ringside. Kash starts to climb again but gets pushed over. AJ press slams Mamaluke out to the floor. Kash is set on the top rope by AJ who hits a brainbuster from the middle rope. AJ starts to climb but now out comes Syxx-Pac, who hits a back suplex off the ladder on AJ. Syxx climbs and takes down the belt. Syxx-Pac wins in 15:47... somehow?

So now we get a very rushed sell for next week from Don with only 20 seconds left in the show:
- Syxx-Pac and AJ will have ANOTHER ladder match
- Harris and Storm defend against Rick and Chris Michaels
- BG James vs Jeff Jarrett
- Truth defends the NWA Title against a yet to be named opponent

So yeah this show had more crap than usual, but it wasn't complete trash. The tag title match was fine, and the main event was a fantastic car crash clusterfuck. But we suddenly have a convoluted mess with the X Division Title, and somehow Syxx, who wasn't in the match, and as far as we know isn't in the X Division, takes down the belt and wins it. Not to mention the fact he's supposed to be a babyface and that's a heel thing. Russo's fingerprints are all over this one. With a run time of 1:54:44, this show had a total 1:04:33 of wrestling.


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