NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #15 (October 2, 2002)
Welcomed to the show as always by Tenay and West. We learn that Truth wants a piece of Lo Ki for costing him the X Division Title last week, so he's agreed to give him a shot at the NWA Title tonight. But we're starting with BG James and Syxx-Pac who make their way out. They came to take care of business, but he wants to kick things off talking some "smiggidy-smiggidy-smizack".
He says he and Syxx are wiley veterans, they've been there, done that and left nothing to say, but in the NWA-TNA it's a new time and day. He says Jarrett and Lawler are no strangers to rump rangers, and tells them to bring Skipper, the professor, and Mary-Ann along with them, because in the Asylum they're in for a shipwreck. He says in the NWA everyone's talking about the Truth, and him being the future of pro wrestling, but he says the future's grim if that's true. He says Truth might be the future, but James doesn't want him to forget who the past and present are, that being him and Syxx. He says the Truth isn't ready until they say so.
Syxx takes the mic and says NWA are sending Lo Ki to do the job against Truth that one of them should be doing. He thinks Lo Ki is fantastic and one of the best wrestlers he's seen, but he's not in their league but will be some day. James takes the mic back and says Truth has two crackers wanting a piece of the suntanned superman, he's not suntanned and Syxx isn't Superman, but they are is white kryptonite. He says they won't get the opportunity because Truth is hiding behind his mom's house coat like he did when he was running from the law, then quotes the Cops theme.
Out comes Truth and says they aren't coming for anybody, that it's not really him they want it's the NWA Title. He says James was right about been there, done that, and it's all over with, and though those two "good ol' boys" built the foundation, he relieved himself on it so to speak. There's an "overrated" chant breaking out and Truth calls them yesterday's news, he's the future whether they like it or not, and he only gives opportunities to those who are like him, not those who keep a silver spoon dangling from their cracker ass. Syxx has had enough of his race card crap and says Truth isn't Dolemite, this isn't 1967, and the only thing that'll be dangling out of Truth's ass is his foot.
Now Jarrett comes out. He asks where the third member of Team Derelict is, they're supposed to be having a six-man tag later, and asks if Hall is dealing with his personal demons again. James says he has no business talking about Hall when he's not there to slap the words out of Jarrett's mouth. Jarrett says Hall's screwed up their tag match now, but before things get rebooked, it'll be a handicap match instead. Which prompts Lawler and Elix to attack from behind, but Lawler gets back dropped out to the floor, then Syxx with a spin kick to Elix, and a double clothesline sends him out to the floor.
Back over to commentary to run down some of the card:
- Jeff Jarrett, Elix Skipper & Brian Lawler vs BG James & Syxx-Pac. Tenay also says they're going to try and get Hall on the phone for an explanation.
- Truth defends the NWA Title against Lo Ki
- AJ gets his shot at the X Division Title in a ladder match against Jerry Lynn
Amazing Red vs Shark Boy
Elix Skipper on commentary.
Some chain wrestling to start. Elix is pissed because we learn that instead of a handicap match, he's now out of the main event and making it a tag match. Red gets Shark with a dropkick, then he gets Red with one to the knees after reversing an Irish whip. Elbows to the back of the knee of Red, then Red avoids a figure four and delivers a spinning heel kick. Hangman's neckbreaker by Shark and a cover for two.
Mortimer Plumtree is on the stage once more checking out the X Division match as Shark continues going after the knee, dropping his weight on it as Red's foot is rested on the bottom rope, until he's launched over the ropes to the floor. Red prepares to dive but Shark slides in to avoid it, with Red catching himself on the apron. Shark misses a clothesline but hits a codebreaker, before going up top. Missile dropkick from Shark Boy and a cover for two.
Red is military pressed over the ropes to the floor, then Shark Boy hits a crossbody off a slingshot. Suplex on the floor to Red, then flips over the ropes onto Red. Red face first off the announce table, then Shark Boy misses an ax handle from the apron, hitting the announce table. Red flips over the ropes now and lands on Shark Boy to the floor. Back in the ring, Red goes up top but he's cut off by Shark Boy, hitting a middle rope jackhammer, makes the cover but Red kicks out.
Red sent into the corner, gets a boot up, goes to the middle rope for a neckbreaker, makes the cover but only gets two. Shark Boy sent to the corner, gets a boot up, goes to the middle rope, flips forward into a stunner, or the Dead Sea Drop, makes the cover but Red kicks out. Shark Boy mounts in the corner for right hands, biting him before going back to the middle rope. Red counters another DSD with a reverse neckbreaker, then hits the Infrared from the top, then a standing shooting star for the win in 6:53. Weird seeing Shark Boy work kinda heelish here. Good match.
Elix attacks Red, laying him out with a tilt-a-whirl spinebuster. Play of the Day on a security guy. Eli lays out more security until Don Harris comes out to break it up.
Off to a video package of Truth's issues with Lynn and the X Division, particularly the lumberjack match.
Goldy is backstage with Lo Ki. She says many thinks he played Truth into giving him a title match. Instead of answering that he pretty much brushes off Syxx's comments from earlier, then says there's nothing to be played here, Truth has despised the X Division since day one, because it's taken the spotlight away from his NWA Title at times. Ki says he put himself in a position to make a difference, because if Lynn hadn't been screwed two weeks ago both titles would be in the hands of an X Division guy. He says Truth is unprepared, preoccupied, and unfocused, emotion has gotten in the way, and tonight he'll be sitting on that target, and prove to Truth that it's not the size fighter, but the size of the fight he will bring, and the truth is when the bell rings all Truth can do is be ready for a new NWA Champion.
We're told we're about to get a contender's match for the tag titles, and the SAT's music hits, but out comes Truth instead. He doesn't like the story Lo Ki is telling, he gave him a title shot because Truth feels sorry for his punk ass. He says he's out trying to set examples, and give people like himself opportunities that no one else was giving. Truth tells him to pack a gun because he'll have to kill him to beat him, before calling him out for their match now.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Ron "the Truth" Killings (c) vs Lo Ki
Truth attacks immediately as Lo Ki enters the ring. Rights and boots from Truth before throwing Ki into the corner. Truth misses a shoulder tackle and Ki hits some chops before he's sent off the ropes, through the legs, dropkick to the knees and some kicks to the chest of Truth, followed by one to the side of the head, Truth rolling out to the floor.
Truth pulls Ki into the guard rail as he follows him out to the floor, Truth with more boots and an uppercut before Ki is whipped into the guard rail. Ki tries to leap off the guard rail but gets dropkicked backward and lands on a few fans. Truth hops the rail and takes control as they fight through the fans. Ki takes control as they go next to the stage, sending Truth face first into a guard rail.
More chops by Ki as they walk beside the ramp before Truth takes back control, whipping him into the side of the stage. Truth rams an equipment case into his shoulder and ribs, sandwiching him against the stage before taking it back to the ring.Truth covers after some flexing for two. He covers again with feet on the ropes this time but still gets two. Ki driven into the corner with an uppercut, stomped down to the mat, then sent across the ring, floats over and hits an axe kick. Truth covers again for two as Plumtree looks on again.
Truth with a surfboard, Ki getting out with an overhead kick. Now a Regal Stretch by Truth but he releases prematurely. Ki fighting back with chops only to be kneed, then an elbow to the back of the head. Truth mises a leg lariat and is caught with a Capo Kick and covers for two. Vicious kicks to the face by Ki, but Truth catches him with an STO. Double underhook now by Truth, Truth releases again as the crowd cheers on the challenger. Truth covers, feet on the ropes again for two. Truth with powerslam and a cover for two.
Truth goes up top and misses a 450. Ki sent off the ropes, but springboard into a side kick to he face. Ki covers but only gets two, still favoring the ribs. Ki off he ropes and hits a forearm, another cover for two. Ki off the ropes, springboards after ducking a clothesline, caught off the crossbody, but catches Truth with the dragon sleeper in the ropes.
Ki Crusher attempt is thwarted by bad ribs, so Truth drives him backward into the corner. Ki set on the top rope for a muscle buster, Truth covers but it only gets two. Truth attempts the cutter but Ki blocks and applies the dragon sleeper. Truth fights out though, tries for another cutter as he powers to his feet, sent off the ropes and hits a spinning forearm. Truth goes back up top only to be caught with an enziguri. Truth fights him off with rib shots and hits a front suplex from the middle rope, or the True Conviction to retain in 13 minutes. I wanted to like this match but it was slow and there was a lot of nothing in it.
Truth gets the mic again... oh god no, it's starting. I feared for when this would come. Somebody in a white hoodie and mask enters the ring and attacks Truth from behind, mounting with rights and stomping away. Then scurries away back through the crowd.
Spanish Announce Team vs The Flying Elvises
Winners get a shot at the tag titles next week.
Estrada and Jose start the match. Jose takes control with a hurricanrana, drop kick and drop toe hold, then another dropkick to the side of the head for a cover for two. Estrada sent off the ropes, ducks an elbow, boot to the midsection, then springboards into a leg drop to the back of the head. Estrada covers for two. Yang gets the tag and sends Jose off the ropes into a clothesline, then Joel comes in and misses a clothesline before eating a spinning heel kick. Jose sent off the ropes into a dropkick and a cover for a kick out.
Jose sent to the corner, leaps to the middle rope and hits a hurricanrana, then tags in Joel. Yang sent off the ropes into an overhead throw, then a forearm in the corner and a back suplex, Joel covers for two. Yang sent off the ropes, blocks a hip toss and hits a spinning neckbreaker. Estrada tags in, elbow and a cover and a kick out. Estrada sent to the corner, Joel gets hung up on the middle rope, Estrada hits a neckbreaker for a cover but Jose breaks it up, as Plumtree looks on once more. Slingshot somersault by Estrada and a cover for two.
Yang back in. Joel sent to the corner for some shoulder blocks, then Yang sent across the ring for a back elbow. Joel up top as Jose come in for sandwiching dropkicks. Joel covers, but only gets two. Jose back in. Yang sent off the ropes for some fancy double teaming into a sitout powerbomb for two on Yang. Yang face first in the corner, then sent across the ring, hits Joel with an elbow and hits a moonsault into a cover for two. Yang and Joel take each other out with a clothesline. Siaki is now looking on from the other side of the stage as Yang gets Joel with an enziguri, then Joel sent off the ropes and catches Yang with a DDT.
Estrada gets the hot tag and in comes Jose. Clothesline by Estrada, then Jose sent off the ropes into a back elbow. Jose sent off the ropes again into a back drop. Rolling senton and a springboard moonsault by Estrada for a cover but gets a near fall. Scoop slam and a springboard corkscrew by Estrada, covers but Joel breaks it up. Estrada goes up top and misses the leg drop, Joel covers but Yang breaks it up, Jose knocking him out of the ring. Estrada sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, tries a sunset flip, Jose tries to block but Yang hits a crossbody to complete the flip, but it still only gets two. Bridging German by Jose for two. Jose sent off the ropes into a hip toss neckbreaker, then Siaki hops the apron asking for a tag. Estrada gets distracted, Maximos hit the Maximo Explosion (DDT off the shoulders) for the win in 8:49. I mean it was a fine little match, but I still don't care about this Siaki/Elvises thing.
Goldy catches up with Siaki backstage to try and get a word, then he goes to look behind the curtain back out to the ring only to be attacked by Lynn from behind. AJ pulls him off so Siaki can lay in his shots, dropping Lynn ribs first on an equipment case. Lynn is tossed inside and AJ sits on top.
Sonny Siaki vs David Young
Siaki with a cheap shot right away, then some rights. Siaki sent off the ropes into an arm drag and a hip toss. Siaki back off the ropes into a back body drop and Siaki tumbles out to the floor. Young misses a baseball slide and gets caught with a right hand before Siaki goes to the apron, only to be yanked down and hits it face first. Young with an Asai moonsault connects before returning to the ring, Young with the cover for two.
Siaki with a thumb to the eye, Young sent off the ropes, flips over the back and hits a hurricanrana, covers but Siaki kicks out. Siaki sent off the ropes, avoids a back drop and hits an uppercut, followed a front slam. Siaki covers for two. Siaki drops Young into a tree of woe in the corner before hitting a shoulder tackle, thena nother and Young drops to the mat. Siaki covers but Young grabs the ropes.
Young fights back and sends Siaki off the ropes, caught in a front facelock, but Young counters with a Northern Lights with a bridge for two. Siaki pops back up with a clothesline. Front-flip leg drop by Siaki and a cover for two. Young face first in the corner for some chops, then Young with some of his own, sent to the corner, ducks a clothesline, misses one of his own, caught with a belly to belly into the corner. Young avoids a suplex and hits a spinebuster, then goes up top and misses the moonsault. Money Clip for the win in 6:14. Another fine little match.
Another video package, this time what happened in the Tables Match for the tag titles. Then we go to Goldy backstage with Ron an... some unknown some a boomerang and one of those outback hats. They're getting another tag title match tonight at the request of the champions after getting laid out last week. Ron says he was playing with them last week, says the champs haven't seen carnage or Ron Harris yet. He says there's a bounty on their asses and tonight he and the man from down under and they're gonna collect the bounty. He also reminds his brother Don of some pact they made last week.
NWA World Tag Team Championships: "Wildcat" Chris Harris & "Cowboy" James Storm (c) vs Ron Harris & Ashley "Ozzie" Hudson
Pre-Match: I can't find a ton of info on this Hudson character. He spent a bit of time in WCW, mostly on Worldwide and Saturday Night, even had a tag title shot against the Mamalukes in 2000. He'd only wrestle one more match after this, also in TNA ia about two months.
Hudson and Storm start this out. We get a shoving match into the corner to start this off. Hudson slaps him then Hudson bails and runs around the ring, leading him back inside to get the jump on him. Storm sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, flips over the back and nails a right. Drop toe hold by Storm, who tries for a bulldog but gets sent off the ropes. Bit of back and forth until Storm delivers a headscissors. Chris tags in, Hudson sent to the corner and hit with a bulldog, Chris covers for two.
Mounted rights by Chris, then a shot to Ron allows Hudson to thumb the eye. Ron tags in and runs into a pair of arm drags, only to be sent over the ropes to the floor. Storm up top with a missile dropkick, then Chris up top with a crossbody and a cover but Hudson breaks it up. Ron pops up with a clothesline before Hudson tags back in and hits one of his own. Hudson with some vicious rights, then Hudson sent off the ropes into an inverted atomic drop, ducks a clothesline and Storm hits a spear.
Storm back in, sent to the corner, gets a boot up then goes up top, but he's crotched by Ron. Superplex by Hudson before Ron tags in. Rights in the corner and stomps to the mat to Storm, then he's sent across the ring for a lariat, then back and forth for two more in the corner. Hudson back in and chokes Storm over the middle rope. then uses his wrist tape to choke him some more. Ron back in. Ron off the ropes with a big boot, then a cheap shot to Harris on the apron. Knees to the side of the head, then Storm off the ropes into a sidewalk slam. Hudson in again. Scoop slam, then to the middle rope and misses a flying... nothing, then an elbow drop.
Ron back in as is Christ. Off the ropes with a lariat, then one to Hudson and a right to Ron. Hudson sent off the ropes into a back body drop. Catatonic (spinning side slam) to Hudson and a cover but Ron breaks it up. Hudson holds up Chris as Ron comes off the ropes, Chris pulls him into a big boot and makes the cover to retain in 7:04. Well it was better than their last two matches, but not by much. Hudson is fine in the ring.
Champs escape before Ron can attack, then he and Hudson start arguing. Ron attacks from behind, hitting a chokeslam. Ron grabs a chair after tossing Borash from it, nailing Chris with it in the head, then Storm, then Hudson. Security rush in to try and break it up and in comes Don to put an end to it. They shove each other and Don lays him out with a right hand. Storm tries to use a chair on Ron and so does Chris but security hold them back as Ron leaves.
Goldy is backstage with Lynn for an update, and he's joined by the Elvises. Estrada shoos her away though and we get no update.
Ladder Match for the NWA X Division Championship: AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn (c)
AJ attacks immediately, doing a neckbreaker across the top rope. AJ sent off the ropes into a dropkick, then a boot to he head. AJ blocks a suplex, then turns one of his own into a neckbreaker. AJ wastes no time sliding a ladder into the ring, sending Lynn face first off it and laying him across the ladder. AJ to the apron with a slingshot somersault onto Lynn, sandwiching him on the ladder.
AJ leaves the ring and catapults the ladder face first into Lynn before he grabs a chair. AJ is dropkicked off the apron to the floor, then Lynn hits a baseball slide into the ladder, swinging it into AJ's face in the process. Lynn sets the ladder up now but AJ catches him before he even gets halfway. AJ whipped toward the ladder off the ropes, ducks under it, but has it sent into his face on the way back as Lynn pushes it over.
Lynn sets the ladder up against the corner now before delivering boots and rights in the corner, and a well-placed chop. AJ counters an Irish whip and sends him spine first into the ladder, then charges Lynn into it again. AJ tries to use the ladder to deliver a tornado DDT, then Lynn blocks and tries a Northern Lights onto it, but AJ blocks and hits a front slam. AJ climbs up the ladder but he's cut off by Lynn, springboards into a powerbomb off the ladder.
Lynn with boots to the head and face, then grabs the ladder again until AJ delivers some rights. AJ slams it into his back and we have Plumtree looking on again. AJ ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. Lynn with an elbow drop, before leaning the ladder over the middle rope. AJ face first off the ladder, then sent off the ropes, avoids a back drop and hits a death valley driver onto the ladder. AJ up top as Lynn is laid on the ladder for a springboard moonsault onto Lynn and the ladder.
AJ repositions the ladder in the center and starts the climb, but Lynn pulls him down and lands on his back. Now out comes Siaki again. Lynn grabs the ladder and sandwiches AJ in the corner with it. Lynn repositions the ladder now and starts the climb, as AJ goes up top behind him, delivering a dropkick to the back and knocks him off the ladder. AJ considers climbing but takes the ladder down instead, bridging it across the ring apron and the guard rail instead. Lynn avoids being back dropped onto it, and suplex AJ onto it instead from the apron.
Lynn slides the ladder back in the ring and sets it up in the center, making the climb, but AJ pushes the ladder back, knocking Lynn off and sandwiching the ref in the corner in the process. AJ grabs a chair again, Lynn blocks a chair shot to the head, then ducks a spin kick, and leg drops AJ face first into the chair after avoiding a leg sweep. AJ's been busted open in the process. Lynn mounts and looks to open him up some more, digging his knuckles into the cut.
Lynn sets the ladder back up again and starts to climb, but AJ cuts him off. AJ climbs up a bit as he tries for a powerbomb but Lynn is fighting him off, taking Styles down with a hurricanrana instead. Lynn makes the climb again and AJ's there again to stop him, hitting a back suplex off the ladder. AJ makes the climb now, and Lynn is climbing the other side. Trading blows at the top but Lynn gets the better, trying a suplex but they both kinda just twist and fall off the ladder instead.
AJ rolls out to the apron as Lynn makes the climb once more, AJ goes up top behind him, but Lynn turns around and clotheslines him midair. Lynn moves the ladder as he goes up top but here's Siaki, only to be kicked off the apron, and Lynn hits a crossbody to the floor. Lynn mounts with rights, and AJ springboards with a somersault onto Lynn. AJ rolls back in, climbs the ladder and takes down the belt to win in 17:28. Alright, I can accept Siaki's interference because of his issues with Lynn, fine, but why was there a ref bump? This match is no DQ anyways, and the ref is up to call for the bell in the end, so what was the point? Match was great like you'd expect otherwise.
Lynn spears Siaki on the ramp and lays in some shots, but AJ attacks from behind. AJ is thrown back in the ring and the double team ensues. Th SATs, Elvises, and Shark Boy all rush down to make the save. Now out comes Bob Armstrong, AJ having left the belt behind in his escape. Bob says that though AJ thinks he's pulled the wool over someone's eyes, and that he can jump the champion before the match, and that he can get interference in an X Division Title Match, it won't work. Bob calls it one of NWA's most coveted titles, so he reverses the decision and gives the title back to Lynn, before making another ladder match for next week for the title. So AJ gets screwed out of the title because... reasons. And more ladder matches, because fuck it, why not?
Back over to commentary, and it's time for Don West's sales pitch for next week:
- AJ Styles will once again challenge Jerry Lynn for the X Division Title in another ladder match.
- Chris Rock will be there to promote and film Head of State, saying the fans will be part of the movie.
- Lo Ki, Tony Mamaluke, Kid Kash and Ace Steel will compete in an Ironman Match of unknown length
- The SATs challenge Storm and Harris for the tag titles
Brian Lawler (w/ April) & Jeff Jarrett vs Syxx-Pac & BG James
Pre-Match: James has a mic and says that in honor of Hall, who couldn't be there tonight, he's got two words for Jarrett and Lawler: hey yo. He says they and all the people know that paybacks are a bitch, and since he's already said it, and Jarrett already is it, tonight he makes Jarrett his bitch. Syxx gets the mic and says Lawler treats April like a bitch, and says he'll keep banging her behind Lawler's back if he continues, and if Lawler wins tonight maybe he'll let him watch. This pisses off Lawler of course and he runs up the ra,p, right into a forearm from James.
Syxx goes after Jarrett and they go into the crowd, as do James and Lawler on the other side. James with a chair to the back of Lawler, then the ribs. Syxx also gets Jarrett with a chair on the back before tossing him to ringside over the guard rail. Lawler and James join them as the former is bounced face first off the announce table. Jarrett and Syxx return to the ring as the legal men, Jarrett sent off the ropes, through the legs and hits a dropkick. Jarrett sent back off the ropes and we get a bit of back and forth, Syxx hits a spin kick. Jarrett sent to the corner, gets a boot up.
Lawler tags in, Syxx avoids a back suplex and hits one of his own. Syxx sent off the ropes and hits a clothesline. James tags in with some rights, then Lawler with some of his own. He flips off James but he snatches his finger and tries to break it. He flips off Lawler and drops him with a right. James sent off the ropes, kicked by Jarrett and walks into a superkick from Lawler. Stomp to the groin from Lawler, then bites James in the corner. Jarrett tags in and mounts with rights in the corner, James sent off the ropes into a back elbow. Lawler back in. Lawler hits a running bulldog from the corner, makes the first cover of the match for two. Lawler mounts in the corner with rights, then tries the running bulldog again but he's crotched on the middle rope.
Syxx gets the hot tag and in comes Jarrett. Spin kick to Jarrett, then Syxx is sent off the ropes, Jarrett leaps to his shoulders and gets planted with a sitout powerbomb, Lawler breaks up the pin attempt. Lawler sent off the ropes into a spinning back kick. James goes after arrett and sets up Syxx for the Bronco Buster, then tries the X-Factor on Lawler but Lawler botches it. Syxx covers but the ref is busy dealing with James and Jarrett at ringside. Elix comes in and hits Syxx with the X Factor, not botched this time. Lawler is pulled on top for the pin and the ref slides in, but it only gets two.
Jarrett comes back in and James takes out Elix on the floor. Syxx sent off the ropes into a sleeper by Jarrett back in the ring and Syxx starts to fade, the ref drops the arm twice, but Syxx comes back to life, fighting his way out, and turns it into one of his own, only to be crotched on the top rope by Jarrett. Lawler back in, Syxx sent off the ropes, ducks a double clothesline and hits one of his own.
James gets the hot tag. Rights to Jarrett and Lawler, then some mounted rights to Lawler in the corner until Jarrett attacks from behind. James sent off the ropes, ducks a double clothesline, and delivers some double shake, rattle and roll, before slamming their heads together. Syxx clotheslines Jarrett out to the floor, then James hits the pumphandle slam on Lawler for the win in 9:41. Alright, I actually kinda enjoyed that one.
Elix and Jarrett attack from behind, then in comes Amazing Red but he's laid out by Elix. Now out come the Maximos and hit Elix with the Spanish Fly from the top. James and Jarrett fight at ringside, as do Lawler and Syxx. James sets Elix up for the pumphandle but Jarrett nails him in the head with a chair, then Syxx, then Red across the back. Now Truth comes in and nails Syxx with the NWA Title. Jarrett with the chair to the backs of the Maximos now. Another chair shot to the head of James, then the back of Red, then the back of Jose, then Red, then James. And that's it.
Yeah I'm starting to see why Jarrett's long ass run in TNA is so maligned, and we're only 15 shows into it. The X Division continues to be the best thing on the show, but once again there's not really anything here that I absolutely hated. The worst thing on it was the NWA Title match, but that was more meh than it was bad. That said though, the masked attacked brings a sense of dread, because I know what's coming, and I knew it was only a matter of time, so I guess I should enjoy this while it lasts. With a run time of 1:54:08, this show had a total 1:09:09 of wrestling on this show.
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