NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #14 (September 25, 2002_
- Jeff Jarrett vs BG James in the main event.
- Jerry Lynn defends the X Division Title against World Champion Ron Killings in a Lumberjack Match. Truth has vowed to eradicate the X Division because it's all hears talked about.
Mid-welcome we cut to the back where Goldy finds Lynn beating the crap out of Siaki backstage after Siaki cost him the title last week. Siaki takes control, then Lynn starts kicking his ass some more. Security try and break it up but get tosses aside, then a Nazi brother finally breaks it up.
Back to commentary to talk about more of the card:
- A 2 Out of 3 Falls Match between Styles and Low-Ki, with #1 contendership for the X Division Title on the line.
- Scott Hall & Syxx- Pac against Lawler & Elix Skipper
- New tag champions Storm & Harris with their first title defense against Brian Lee and Ron Harris in a Tables Match.
Amazing Red vs Sonny Siaki
Pre-Match: Siaki not wrestling in his Elvis gear for once.
Red wastes no time with a springboard somersault onto Siaki to the floor, then Red popped up to the apron, kicks Siaki down and his a Shooting Star from the apron. In the ring now, Red with a cover already for two. Siaki ducks a clothesline, pops Red up high into a TKO. Siaki slow to cover for two.
Red sent off the ropes, through the legs and hits a spin kick, Siaki backed into the corner for a dropkick to the chest, only for Red to be turned inside out with a clothesline nearly landing on his head. Siaki really slow to cover for two. Red sent to the corner for a sprar, then whipped back and forth into it for another spear. Red sent across ther ing and Siaki misses a spear, ramming the ring post. Red off the ropes, caught by Siaki but tilt-a-whirls into a reverse DDT, then a cover for two.
Red off the ropes only to be back dropped to the floor. Military press sends Red face first off the steps, then the guard rail. Back in the ring and... Oh, Mortimer Plumtree is back. You know, the guy who was managing the Johnsons several shows back. He's watching from the stage with a notepad in hand. Siaki covers for two, then again for two.
Red sent to the corner, gets a boot up, but sent across the ring into the corner with a belly to belly. Siaki covers for two, then again for two. Bearhug by Siaki. Red fights out, off he ropes and eats a side kick to the face. Siaki takes forever to cover and Red grabs the bottom rope.
Siaki chokes him with his boot. Red sent off the ropes, catches Siaki with the Code Red but only gets two. Red popped over head, lands on the middle rope and hits an STO. Red with Trouble in Paradise and a cover for a near fall. Red goes up top, misses a dive, Siaki hits the Money Clip (snap spinning neckbreaker) to win in 7:22. Yeah they managed to screw up an X-Division match. This was just two slow with Siaki wasting time doing a lot of nothing a lot of the time, and Red looks weak losing to a guy who just got his ass kicked.
Estrada comes out with a mic and says the games end tonight, and says Siaki worked him last week for the last time. He says he's been getting over on him and Yang for a long time, but they're getting over on him tonight. He wants Siaki's Elvis digs before the show's over, whether by choice or by force, even down to his Blue Suede Shoes.
To the back, as Red arrives backstage he's attacked by Truth. He bumps into Goldy and says he'll get them before they get him, then leaves.
Tables Match for the NWA World Tag Team Championships: "Primetime" Brian Lee & Ron Harris vs "Cowboy" James Storm & "Wildcat" Chris Harris (c)
Pre-Match: Not an elimination match, it's one table bump to a finish.
Challengers attack immediately, then Storm takes Lee into the corner, sent off the ropes into a powerslam. Lee and Storm the legal men to start, Lee sent off the ropes into some rights before clotheslining Lee out to the floor. Ron is back dropped over with him, then Chris dives onto them only to be caught. Storm takes them all out with a crossbody.
Fighting at ringside now before Chris takes Ron into the ring, double axe handle from the top rope. Ron takes advantage of a distraction by Lee, Chris sent off the ropes into a sidewalk slam, Ron covers but it's a Tables Match. Lee back in. Ron slides a table into the ring as Lee backs Chris into the corner. Ron leans the table up in the corner, then Lee tries to gorilla press Chris but Storm makes the save. Then he's tossed out by Ron. Ron with a powerslam not through the table. Suplex by Ron before Lee is back in. Series of elbows to Chris, then a scoop slam.Lee to the top rope and misses a flying... nothing.
Storm gets the hot tag, fighting off both challenges. Chris back in to even the odds, whipping the challengers into each other, and a double dropkick to Ron sends him to the floor. Lee sent off the ropes, ducks a double clothesline, back drps him to the apron, but he hits them with a double clothesline. Lee tries a chokeslam on Chris but Storm saves, only to fight him off. Lee tries to suplex Chris from the ring through a table at ringside but Storm saves again, then springs off Chris' back into Lee, sending him through the table to retain in 6:40. Not any better than their match last week.
Ron attacks from behind and lays them out with one of the title belts. Ron sets up the table, powerbombing Storm through it. Security rush in only to be laid out, until brother Don gets in his face and have a shoving match. Ron eventually leaves.
We go to footage from earlier in the day, pouring rain as Goldy is waiting for the arrival of Bruce. Then some old lady, I think it's Sarah the ticket lady, interrupts because of his parking, and threatens to shove an umbrella up his ass. She slaps him a few times and security get between them.
Truth is out next. He talks about growing up in the projects and how the smell of rats was everywhere compared to the people of Nashville who have it safe and easy. After winning the belt, he started wondering if the prejudice he's been preaching about for weeks was all in his head, but it's alive and well and he's got proof. He wonders what happened to Steamboat or his special treatment, his t-shirt, his merchandise since he won the title, or his private dressing room. He's also pissed that he has to wrestle Lynn with X-Division wrestlers surrounding the ring tonight, and wants to know where his posse is at.
Out comes BG James for reasons unknown, who Tenay is sure to point out was Truth's former tag partner in the WWF. He points to his crotch to show Truth where his posse's at. He was listening in he back to Truth's whining, crying like a primadonna, his head is in the clouds and James is here to verbally ground him. James reminds him of when he extended a hand to Truth a couple years back, covered his ass when the guys in the back buried him to the higher ups. He thinks Truth needs a wakeup call and maybe slapping the braids out of his hair will sound the alarm.
Truth says James only brought him on board because his ass was in trouble, deep doodoo, and it was starting to stink, and went out and found the "suntanned, superbad, the Great Black Hope" to carry the load, shine it up, pick up the slap. Oh my god there's a "What?" chant. He says he towed James' ass like a 100lb Idaho sweet potato. James tries to speak but Truth cuts him off, and in spite of him using Truth in the WWF, he extended his hand to James last week and James just walked away as if he had bigger fish to fry. He tells James to look in the mirror, because it's a new day and time, and this is his Asylum, and as long as James is in it he's Truth's bitch.
Well now they start going at it with James delivering the first shot, James sent off the ropes, ducks a leg lariat and James knocks him down with a right. He says he can handle the Truth and Truth leaves. I'm over the shoot promo shit, but this segment was fine, Truth is always gold.
Goldy is backstage with Lawler and his girlfriend. He says that what goes on between the two of them is no one's business but his own, and says there are no issues. He says April's been talked to and straightened out and there won't be anymore disrespect. April speaks up and accuses Lawler of metal, physical and verbal abuse and Lawler ends he interview prematurely.
#1 Contender's 2 Out of 3 Falls Match for the NWA X-Division Championship: AJ Styles vs Lo Ki
1st Fall
Some fast-paced chain wrestling to start, AJ with control for most of it until Ki kicks him in the head. AJ sent off the ropes into a back elbow, then off the ropes with a Muta-style elbow and a cover for two. Double chop by Ki, then AJ counters an Irish whip into an inverted atomic drop, before delivering some vicious kicks to the chest. AJ goes for a roundhouse but eats an enziguri, then booted to the outside. Ki slingshots to the apron and somersaults onto AJ to the floor. Back in the ring, scoop slam and a kick to the lower back by Ki, another cover for two.
Another double chop before AJ's sent off the ropes, hooks the top rope before back dropping Ki, crotching him on the top rope. Backbreaker by AJ, then a gutbuster. Some chops and forearms in the corner and a dropkick to the face. AJ covers for a kick out. Ki fights back with some body shots and chops only to be decked by AJ, then caught in a rear chinlock. Ki fights his way out, then off the ropes, ducks a clothesline then take each other out with a double clothesline.
Ki gets the shots in as they get to their feet, then sent off the ropes and hits a forearm. Ki off the ropes again, kicks AJ off the face and hits a front kick off a springboard. Dragon clutch applied, AJ tries to get to the ropes but Ki drags him back to the middle. Ki gets the first fall by submission in 6:37.
2nd Fall
No rest period as AJ rakes the eyes, sends Ki throat first into the middle rope, kick to the back and a clothesline. AJ covers for two. AJ with a stalling suplex, then off the ropes with a knee drop into a cover and a kick out. Leg lariat by AJ, then sent off the ropes, AJ catches a kick and hits an enziguri, sending Ki out to the floor.
Ki catches a baseball slide, spins AJ around to kick him in the face as he hangs off the apron. Dragon sleeper by Ki on piggyback countered as AJ drops back onto the ramp, driving Ki's spine into it. Back in the ring, AJ with the cover for two. Ki set up on the top rope but he fights it off, tossing AJ out to the apron. Dragon sleeper in the ropes, then AJ delivers rights from the apron. Ki blocks a sunset flip, which AJ counters with a powerbomb, Ki tries to counter with a hurricanrana but AJ rolls through for the second fall in 10:59.
3rd Fall
AJ booted in the face out to the floor as he taunts the crowd. Ki tries a roundhouse but AJ catches it and drives it into the guard rail. Ki's knee bounced off the floor before returning to the ring. Ki set back on the top rope and he fights off AJ again, switching positions and tries a hurricanrana, but AJ counters with a shin breaker from the middle rope. AJ with a spinning toe hold, but Ki counters with a small package for two.
Kick to the back of the bad knee of Ki. AJ calls for the Clash but Ki counters with a hurricanrana into a pin for two. AJ avoids the Ki Krusher and drives Ki into the corner spine first, then Ki avoids a slam and applies a dragon sleeper. Low blow by AJ, then a snapmare, AJ rolls him up with his feet on the ropes and... I don't know what happens here, if Ki was supposed to kick out and didn't or the ref screwed up. AJ hits the Styles Clash instead for the win in 14:45. Started off a bit slow but started to pick up, was paced well, and a good match beside the odd finish.
Goldy's backstage with Jarrett. She talks about how he keeps getting derailed in his quest for the NWA Title and that it seems to be a dream rather than a reality. He tells her to keep smoking hemp, and soon she'll be selling Timeline's Collectors Hits from the 60s on some obscure cable station at 4 in the morning. He denies anything having been derailed and he's more focused than ever, he calls Hall, Pac and James obstacles that he needs to eliminate and he'll do it one by one. As far as Truth goes, it's nothing personal, it's business, and the NWA Title will be his in time.
"Primetime" Elix Skipper & Brian Lawler (w/ April) vs Scott Hall & Syxx-Pac
Syxx and Elix start this off. Both duck a spin kick from the other, then Syxx with a crotch chop as they tease a lockup. Now we have the feeling out process as Elix does a Matrix move to duck a spinning heel kick, then hits a spin kick on Syxx. Hall tags in, then Lawler tags in. Then April moves from her spot, which pisses off Lawler and he goes out to chastise her. Then he gets back in the ring only to get pissed off again because she moves about an inch, so he grabs a chair for her to sit in and not move. Sigh.
Back to the ring now and Elix tags himself in because he's had enough of his partner. Hall with a cheap shot before taking him to the corner for a chop. Hall sent across the ring, gets a bot up and hits a chokeslam, covers for two. Hall sent to the corner again, gets a boot up but Elix slides under and out of the ring. He and Lawler trip him up and pull him right into the ring post, then a second time. Elix handstands on the top rope into a leg drop, covers for two.
Elix with rights and a spin kick, backing him in the corner as Lawler chokes and pulls on Hall's ponytail, biting the nose. Lawler back in now with some rights in the corner, sends Hall across the ring and Lawler hits a shoulder block, before flipping off Syxx and a cover for a kick out. Suplex by Lawler then Elix tags in with a double ax to the top of the head. Syxx knocked off the apron as Elix decks Hall with a forearm. Spin kick by Elix is supposed to be caught but Hall botches it, so they have to do it again, Hall with a back suplex.
Lawler continues to berate April from the apron, and she's crying, so Don tries to console her which just pisses him off. It leaves Elix no one to tag as Syxx gets the hot tag. Spin kick to Elix, then some chops. Syxx sent off the ropes, Elix tries a hurricanrana but gets planted with a sitout powerbomb. Lawler knocked off the apron as Elix sent to the corner, gets a boot up but eats a spinning heel kick. X-Factor and a cover but Lawler breaks it up.
Lawler is knocked over the ropes by Hall with a right hand. then Elix sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, hit with a fallaway slam. Elix sent to the corner and dropped with a clothesline, setting Syxx for the Bronco Buster but Elix moves out of the way. Lawler drops Hall as Elix flies off the top rope right into another X-Factor for the win in 9:14. This match had it's moments but the action was completely irrelevant, this was all about Lawler and his girlfriend.
Now Jarrett is here and hits the Stroke on Syxx-Pac, then an enziguri and the Stroke to Hall. Lawler joins in on the beatdown as well as Elix as they fight off security. Don Harris clears out the ring.
Goldy is backstage with AJ. He whispers something in her ear and... I don't know she just kinda no sells it. She tries asking questions and he's all cocky of his own admission, he says he's got a big mouth, but also that he's the best sports entertainer in the business. He says whether it's Lynn or Truth, he's going to be on top. And then he does this weird thing looking at the ceiling to challenge for a ladder match instead of.. you know, just challenging the champion to a ladder match. What the hell was that segment?
Kid Kash vs Jorge Estrada
Bit of chain wrestling to start, with Kash slapping the back of his head a few times and keeping control for the most part until Estrada hits a hip toss, then an arm drag. Plumtree is out again watching on from the stage as Jorge is sent off the ropes, tries for a backslide on Kash, a mule kick by Kash and a headlock takedown. More chain wrestling until Kash is sent off the ropes and gets Jorge with a headscissor and a spinning heel kick. Jorge sent off the ropes and hits a headscissor of his own, clotheslining Kash out to the floor.
Jorge dives over the ropes and Kash doesn't catch him and he nearly Lita's (or is it Red Velvet's now?) himself on the dive. Jorge whipped into the ring apron, then Kash with a double springboard somersault. Kash covers back in the ring for two.
Jorge sent off the ropes, ducks an elbow, then Kash sent off the ropes into a hip toss, then covers for to. Jorge off the ropes with a shooting star and a cover for two. Jorge goes up top but Kash pushes the ref into the ropes and Jorge gets crotched. Frankensteiner and a cover by Kash for a near fall. Kash with a pumphandle front slam, then Jorge sent to the corner, gets Kash with an elbow and hits a split-legged moonsault, covers for two. Trading chops now, then Jorge sent off the ropes into a clothesline and a DDT, covers again for two. Kash with a springboard tries a hurricarana but Jorge counters with a powerbomb, then a springboard corkscrew senton for the win in 9:14. Well this was better than the Siaki match.
Jorge takes the mic and says Siaki's time is up and wants his Elvis gear. Out comes Siaki without the gear but with a mic. He calls Jorge buckwheat before correcting himself, and apologizes for the misunderstanding between them, and insists this isn't how he wanted it to go down, and has the utmost respect for Jimmy and Jorge. He says he can have the gear, but Siaki's already given it a proper bural.
So we go to footage where he brings Goldy to a flaming trash can out in the parking lot, and calls it a hunka, hunka burning crap, tossing the gear inside. Siaki leaves grinning as Jorge is distraught.
We have a video recap of what happened with last week's NWA Title match, including the promo Siaki cut before it and his interference.
Lumberjack Match for the NWA X Division Championship: Ron "the Truth" Killings (NWA World Heavyweight Champion) vs Jerry Lynn (c)
Lumberjacks: Amazing Red, Kid Kash, Lo Ki, Jorge Estrada
Lynn wastes no time attacking Truth as he's entering the ring, sending him off the ropes, hookes the top rope but exits the ring. Lo Ki tosses him back in immediately nd Lynn delivers a snapmare, following with mounted rights. Boots and rights in the corner from Lynn, then sent across the floats over, boots in the face. Truth goes up caught but he's caught and hit with a bulldog from the middle rope, and Truth rolls out. Red tosses him back in, Lynn covers for two.
Truth sends Lynn face first into the corner before hitting shoulder block from the top rope. Stomping and clubbing at the back of Lynn, then sent off the ropes and hits Lynn with a clothesline. Wheelbarrow face jam and a cover by Truth for two. Lynn is tossed out to the floor and Kash attacks until Estrada and Red shoo him off. Truth comes out and decks Red before tossing Lynn back in. Styles is also on the stage and has set up a ladder. Lynn set on the top rope, Truth hits a muscle buster and covers for two.
Truth cranks on the neck, then chokes Lynn over the middle rope. Truth with a powerslam, wastes time taunting the crowd before covering for two. Lynn starts fighting back but gets his eyes raked, Truth with boots in the corner before Lynn is whipped across the ring, gets a boot up but runs into a powerslam by Truth and a cover for a kick out. Truth keeps control with a front facelock, using the ropes for leverage, nearly caught by the ref. Lynn fights out and tries to bounce off the ropes but Truth pulls him down by the hair. Lynn counters a scoop slam with an inverted DDT.
Exchange of blows now as Truth is backed into the corner, then Lynn sent across the ring, gets a boot up and hits a clothesline, then a dropkick. Truth ducks a clothesline, tries a hurricanrana, Lynn plants him with a sitout powerbomb for a near fall. Truth blocks a suplex, then Lynn counters one, goes for a German suplex, but Truth blocks the ref's view and hits a low blow. Now we have Estrada and Red trying to explain this to the ref, while Lynn shoves Truth off a cutter attempt into a forearm from Lo Ki Truth gets hung up on the top rope, Lynn with a TKO retain in 9:06. A bit slow, but it was fine. Lumberjacks didn't hinder the match too much, and considering Truth is the World Champion, it needed to have a screwy finish.
Truth is arguing with the ref as Lynn leaves with title held high.
Over to Don West to sell us on next week's show, with Jerry Lynn defending the X Division Title against AJ Styles in a Ladder Match, as well as Truth's quest to end the X Division, and what's next for Siaki after burning the Elvis gear. Plus Jarrett, Hall, Syxx-Pac and more.
Jeff Jarrett vs BG James
Pre-Match: James comes out with a mic with a re-worked version of his usual pre-match promo. He welcomes us to the baby boy's playpen, then says as much as Jarrett might hate it, the obstacle that he is won't be negotiated. He promises it's nothing but a B to the G thing, and Jarrett's about feel the B to the G sting, and the G stands for "get it, got it, good." This seems to be his new catchphrase. Not great.
James takes control with a right after sending Jarrett into the ropes. Jarrett with a knee and a right now before being sent off the ropes into an inverted atomic drop. Another right and a shimmy knee drop, James covers for two. James sent off the ropes, catches a boot but eats an enziguri. Jarrett stomping away between bits of trash talk before James is sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, delivers his patented rights.
Out to the floor now, James graba chair and cracks Jarrett across the back, then again, then the ribs, and again sends Jarrett into the crowd. More chair shots to the back as they go deeper into the crowd, then Jarrett gets a shot in with a chair, and another and another and another across the back. James is tossed back to ringside before getting bounced face first off the announce table. Another chair shot to the back of James, and one in the ribs off the announce table. Then a shot into the throat and again to the back.
Back in the ring, James leaned over the middle rope, Jarrett crashing his leg across the back as he springs off the ropes. James sent off the ropes, ducks a back elbow but caught with a sleeper on the way back. James starts to fade, has his arm raised twice, then comes back to life on the third try, fighting his way out, Jarrett sent off the ropes into a sleeper, only to be countered with a back suplex.
James gets some rights in when they get back to their feet, Jarrett running into a big boot. James mounts with rights in the corner, then the ref tries to get him off and James rakes his eyes in advertently. Jarrett grabs a chair and wedges it in the corner, but gets sent face first into it, James covers but only gets two. Elix Skipper is out here for some reason and gets knocked off the apron, then Jarrett sent off the ropes, tries for a sunset flip, but James hooks the legs and drops down for two.
Now Lawler is out here, gets on the apron and hooks James' arms, but he moves out of the way and Jarrett decks Lawler. James rolls Jarrett up but only gets two again. Ref and Elix are busy trying to get Lawler out of the ropes which allows Jarrett to nail James in the head with a chair. Jarrett takes about 20 seconds to make the cover but James kicks out. James counters an Irish whip and his the pumphandle slam, covers but Elix and Lawler run in to break it up. Ref calls for the DQ in 9:10, so James wins. Yeah this wasn't good. It was basically every Jeff Jarrett and Road Dogg match rolled into one. And this was the main event.
Elix and Lawler attack James, then Jarrett joins in. Out comes Syxx and Hall to even things up. Syxx with a Bronco Buster on Jarrett, then Hall with rights on Elix and Lawler, then Jarrett. Hall tries to hit the Razor's Edge on Jarrett but Truth runs in and nails him with the NWA Title, then Syxx and James. Truth to the middle rope to nail James in the head with the belt. Truth nails Hall again with the belt, then Jarrett nails Syxx with the belt from the middle rope. And that's it.
Well this show was pretty much 50/50. I still don't care about the Siaki stuff, or the Jarrett/James feud, or Lawler and his girlfriend. But the X Division continues to kick ass for the most part, I mean they were the only good parts of the show... well, and Truth. With a run time of 1:51:28, this show had a total 1:05:31 of wrestling.
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