NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #13 (September 18, 2002)


Following the opening video, we go to Goldy to hype up tonight's 10-team Gauntlet for the Gold, for the vacated tag titles. She brings in Scott Hall who welcomes him back and brings up his last appearance in a losing effort to Jarrett. Scott says they'll meet again, but he's buzzing about the Gauntlet right now because he has a great partner who should be there any minute. Oh they don't even bother making it a surprise, because she tells us it's Sean Waltman. I think he's just coming off that awful WWE NWO stint if my memory serves me right. Scott says they're gonna win the gold. Speak of the devil, up walks Waltman, who does not have X-Pac heat with the Nashville crowd. Sean says he'd love to talk but has a lot of catching up to do before leaving with Scott.

Don and Mike properly welcome us to the show after a two week break. More hype for the Gauntlet, which will include the aforementioned team, along with the unbeaten Storm & Harris, Ron Harris & Brian Lee, and Don also mentions Lawler who I guess will be involved, no mention of a partner though. Plus, Jerry Lynn will challenge for the NWA Title, plus Dustin Diamond, aka Screech of Saved by the Bell, will have some kind of announcement to make. They also speculate on whether we'll discover who Not Road Dogg is.

Now we go to footage from earlier in the day, where Goldy is with Lawler outside the arena waiting for Jarrett. Jarrett arrives and Jarrett pins him to the door. Jarrett insists he never touched April, presumably Lawler's girlfriend we saw on the last show, says she's a puppetmaster and Lawler's her puppet, she's pulling more than strings in the back. Jarrett backs off a bit and says they've known each other since they were kids and is the only one Lawler can trust. He asks Lawler where she is right now, or more importantly who she's doing right now. He says he's the least of Lawler's problems before heading inside.

Speaking of Jarrett, now he makes his way out to the ring with a mic. He says his day didn't get off to a good start, and the last three weeks have felt like an eternity. Jarrett's done with the games, the suspense, the mystery, and tells Bob to bring out his masked henchman out or he's going to the back to  beat the Depends off Bob's tired old ass. 
Jarrett doesn't give him any time and just heads right to the back with cameraman in tow. Jarrett pins Bob to the wall, then he's attacked by Not Road Dogg from behind, taking it to Jarrett back out to the ring. Jarrett takes control and sends Not Road Dogg of the ropes, then he hits his shake, rattle and roll. Not Road Dogg spouts off that familiar "Oh, you didn't know?" before removing the mask to reveal himself, though now under the name of Brian James I guess as said by commentary. He was last seen on TV in December 2000 in WWF, though apparently he tried to get a job with WCW on their final show until he found out Vince bought it.
Brian says it's been a long time and admits he's a little blown up, before he goes back to seven years ago when he was the Roadie and walked out of WWF with what he thought was his friend, Double J. He says he almost committed career suicide doing that, says he kept going, and joined a faction that revolutionized pro wrestling called DX. He's proud of the fact he was a member, but not so proud of some things he's done, and has had a change of heart, but not when it comes to Jarrett. He says he's never forgiven him, and now he's jumped on his daddy, and says when you jump the head of the James Gang you jump on all of them. He says he's gonna go in the back and find himself a partner and do what he does best and wear tag gold around his waist.
He nearly calls himself the D-O-double G until he reminds us he'd get in trouble for that, says his momma called him Brian Gerard James at birth, so if B.G. James is good enough for her, it's good enough for him, and the G stands for "Get it, Got it, Good." OK that was actually an alright promo, despite the obligatory WWF mention, and the crowd ate it up.

Back to commentary to put over the X Division, plus the returns we've already seen in the first 10 minutes of this show. 

Goldy is in the back with Jorge and Siaki, no Yang in sight, and she asks Siaki what his deal is? She brings up how self-centered he's been the last several shows, but he helped his former partners win on the last show, and asks for the real Siaki to please stand up. Siaki drops the who "speak in the third-person" shtick and says he did some soul searching, took a long look at himself, and realized it wasn't all about him, it's all about the Elvises, the team. He says they came as a unit to make a name for themselves by capturing the tag titles, and tonight that's what they're gonna do. He brings up HBK and says he was a tag partner before he became a legend and that his time will come, but tonight it's about the Elvises.
He also brings up Lynn's World Title match tonight and his chance to put the X Division on the map, to show the world that they have a place in sports entertainment, and he applauds him for that. He says everyone in the X Division must stand united and stand by Lynn by showing their support.

Kid Kash vs AJ Styles
Pre-Match: AJ gets a mic. In reference to Siaki's comments, he says that the only thing that'll support Lynn tonight is his jockstrap. He makes it clear his business with Lynn isn't over, he says Lynn will be in his sights every second of every day until he gets back what's rightfully his.
Feeling out process to start, exchanging wrist locks, holds and counters, until AJ takes out the knee with a dropkick. Kash sent off the ropes, back drops AJ to the apron, then knocks him down with a dropkick to the floor, then a slingshot hurricanrana. AJ whipped toward the apron only to leap onto it and hit a moonsault before returning to the ring. AJ with a springboard missile dropkick, then a cover for two. Kash sent toward the corner before leaping to the middle rope, hitting a corkscrew into a roll up for two.
Kash with a Boston crab, then releases just to drop an elbow on his back, cover by Kash for two. Kash off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, catches Styles with a double underhook but AJ fights out, gets him on his shoulders and drops him throat first on the top rope, sending him out to the floor. Spinning STO from the apron to the floor by Styles. Back in the ring, AJ with a cover for two.
Kash sent to the corner, grabs the top rope and catches AJ with a headscissor, AJ face first into the turnbuckles, then Kash nearly drops AJ on his head with a bridging German for two. AJ sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, springboard moonsault into an inverted DDT, despite Kash trying to block it. AJ with another cover for two. Kash sent off the ropes, catches AJ with a kick, then a springboard hurricanrana, then off the ropes with a tornado DDT for two.
AJ sent off the ropes, Kash tries to leapfrog but gets dropkicked in the gut, then a headscissor from a prone position from AJ, then a discus clothesline. Another cover for two from AJ. Dropkick to the back of the head by AJ and a cover for two again. Kash sent off the ropes, hooks the ropes and back drops AJ to the apron. AJ dropkicked midair off a springboard, then some rights and a clothesline, and another. Kash misses a springboard splash and AJ goes up top now only to be crotched. Kash joins him up top and tries a Frankensteiner, but he's caught with a Styles Clash from the middle rope for the win in 9:59. Excellent opener.

Oh goodie, Buff Bagwell is back and he's with Goldy backstage. He wasn't scheduled to be here as far as she knows. He says he's been given numerous opportunities, but he wants to show the fans he, Markus Bagwell, not Buff, is here for a second chance. Whatever it takes to show the people he is who he is...
Up walks B.G. and shakes his hand, and feels his words because he's lived them. Foolish mistakes he's made and opportunities he's thrown away, and if TNA won't give him chances, he will. B.G. gets him to agree to be his partner tonight in the Gauntlet. 

Borash brings out Dustin Diamond. He says he's a big fan of TNA and the guys in the back of have made him feel like one of them and it's great to be there. Borash also brings up his appearance on Celebrity Boxing, where he knocked out Horshack, which Dustin takes great pride in beating the crap out of, and compares the guy to a midget. Borash suggest that maybe he get in the wrestling ring, but Dustin says that's not gonna happen with no training. Unless it's against a pipsqueak like Borash. Borash tries to have Don take his place in that scenario, who then tries to recruit the timekeeper. He even gives him a pitch and the timekeeper agrees to it. So I guess they'll have a boxing match later.

Goldy is backstage with the Hot Shots. They were supposed to be in the Gauntlet but they've given up their spot, they want to see some young team the opportunity of a lifetime, says they were young once themselves. Goldy jokes that they're not even old enough to drive a car. Then she names off two other teams, Wild & Rave and Steel & Punk who've been added because they're ranked #10 and they leave.
Oh god he's Disco, who's looking for Lawler. She says it's not her turn to keep watch on Lawler. He says being a smartass is no way to get in bed with him and he leaves.

Boxing Match: Tiny the Timekeeper vs Dustin Diamond
So yeah this is actually happening. Dustin with a gut shot, and two shots to the side of the head and Tiny's down. Dustin steps over his back and it's over in 40 seconds. Also Dustin's music played prematurely for some reason.

Jimmy Rave & Derek Wylde vs Ace Steel & CM Punk vs Hot Shots
The team that takes the fall is eliminated from the Gauntlet for the Gold.
Punk and Chase start the match. Punk has control for the feeling out process, until Punk is backed into the corner. Chase tries to yank him up by the legs and drop him but Punk does a backflip and lands on his feet, followed by a jawbreaker and a crossbody from the middle rope. Chase with rights and Punk counters an Irish whip off the ropes, Ace tagging himself and Chase caught with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Ace with a suplex and a cover for two.
Ace sent off the ropes and Wylde tags in off his back, Ace rolls under a clothesline from Chase, Wylde tries to somersault into a headscissor only to be driven down with a sitout powerbomb from Chase. Cassidy tags in only to run right into a snap hurricanrana from Wylde. Rave tags in, misses a clothesline, ducks one but gets yanked down by the hair by Chase from the apron. Rave gets him with a chop but caught with a Michinoku Driver from Cassidy, then a split-legged moonsault. He gets a bit cocky and Rave rolls him up for two.
Cassidy sent off the ropes, handspring elbow to Rave. Chase back in, Rave sent off the ropes, dropped to his knees and head sandwiched by dropkicks, then a forearm to the back of the head. Chase back dropped onto the ribs of Chase and Cassidy covers, but Ace breaks it up. Cassidy sent off the rope but hits a dropkick. Chase back in. Double chops in the corner, then a stalling front suplex to Rave, cover and Ace breaks it up again. Rave with an inside cradle for two, then Chase with a clothesline.Foot on the chest to pin for two. Front suplex again and a Lionsault, but Rave gets the knees up and delivers a super kick.
Rave makes the hot tag to Punk, who nails Chase from behind with a springboard dropkick to the back of the knee. Punk sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, neckbreaker off the knee. Punk off the ropes, Cassidy pushes Chase out of the way and nails Punk with a forearm. Ace is tossed out to the floor, then Wylde is caught with a super kick/German combo from the Hot Shots. Chase goes shoulder first into the ring post, then Cassidy back drops Rave over the ropes to the floor, but misses a slingshot corkscrew to the floor. Punk with a somersault onto Cassidy over the ropes. Wylde with a corkscrew takes them all out.
Chase tries for a dive but Ace gets him with a springboard clothesline. Ace with a variation of the Widow's Peak and the Hot Shots are out in 7:14. It was a fine match. All three times did their part, no real botches.

Hot Shots are in disbelief and throwing a tantrum back in the ring, with Punk and Ace celebrating to the back. 

Still to come, the Gauntlet for the Gold and NWA Title matches.

Goldy's in the ack with Storm and Harris. She reminds us they were knocked out of the first tournament to crown champions, but Storm says they don't have to worry about the Hot Shots this time. Harris says they get their shots tonight and talks about its history, and isn't even bothered by Storm's cowboy shtick, says it's their night. He says Storm's been telling him he's a legit cowboy for a long time, that he's the real deal, and Harris says whatever it takes to bring from the gold. He calls Storm buckaroo and it gets him all pumped up.

Borash introduces Hall and Waltman, now going by Syxx-Pac, and Hall takes the mic. We get his trademark "Hey yo," then talks about the first time he watched Pac wrestle, in 1993 in NYC at the Manhattan Center, referring to his win over Razor as 1-2-3 Kid. He says they've had their ups and downs and there's only a few people who make him love pro wrestling, Pac being one of them, and he'll work for free when they're in the ring together.
Pac takes the mic and says some like him, and a lot more probably don't, and that's fine. He says all the bad shit said about the two of them is all true, but like Hall said, they love pro wrestling and that's why they're there. He says he's not here to sports entertain anymore, he broke in as a pro wrestler and that's what he's back to do. Before they get fired from there, he suggest they go down in a blaze of glory and kick ass. They get attacked from behind by Lee and Ron Harris. Pac catches Ron with an X-Factor, then Lee is caught witht he Razor's Edge. 

Goldy is backstage with Lawler who's pacing back and forth. He asks if she's seen his girlfriend, but she says he should be focused on the Gauntlet, which apparently he didn't know he was part of. He thinks she's joking and wants none of it, then screams in her face about this being a life or death situation. Then storms off.

Borash brings out Hermie Sadler, wo makes his way over to Tenay. He's glad to be back and enjoying himself. Tenay admits to be a skeptic when he saw Hermie get in the ring weeks back until he saw him in the ring, and Hermie proved that NASCAR drivers are athletes, and he had the ability to get in the ring. Hermie puts over TNA some more and says TNA is sponsoring some race in a month in Charlotte. 

Now out comes Bruce. Bruce is on commentary and you can't hear anything Bruce says, until they pipe him down. Bruce calls himself the best Miss TNA ever and accuses Tenay of checking out his perfect ass, then suggests beating the crap out of his wife but she's not there. He's here to issue his open challenge to a woman, but then he ponders kicking Hermie's ass. 
He picks out some woman from the crowd and she signs a release, then Bruce attacks to start.

Miss TNA Crown: Bruce (c) vs some woman in the crowd
Again, she doesn't get a name. She's sent face first into the mat, then sent off the ropes into a hair biel. Face bounced off the mat repeatedly. Bruce with a suplex. Powerbomb by Bruce to retain in 1:10.

Bruce taunts Hermie and attacks the girl some more. Hermie makes the save and hits an inverted atomic drop before kick him out of the ring. 

Goldy is backstage with Lynn ahead of his title match. He says it's all about opportunity and that he didn't get a lot in the other companies he worked for, and while he achieved one goal in winning the X Division title, becoming World Champion is every wrestler's dream, and though Truth is the best right now...
Truth walks up and takes offense to that last comment. He says the title is all about being the man, and there won't be any flip-flop flying around tonight. He's been told his whole life he'd never do this, never be that, but he's all of that and a bag of chips, whatever flavor Lynn wants. He says Lynn better be prepared to commit murder because that's the only way he's taking the belt.

10-Team Gauntlet for the Gold
RULES: So rather than one team entering at a time, two men will start the match and every 60 seconds another man will enter. Battle royal rules apply until two men are left, where their respective partners will return to have a regular tag match, one fall to a finish to crown new champions. Starting the match is Brian Lawler, who we're told is teaming with Disco which explains why he was looking for him earlier, and James Storm.
Lawler with a cheap shot right away, then Storm with vicious rights, then some back and forth until Storm is caught with a back body drop. Storm sent off the ropes just to catch Lawler with a DDT, then sent to the apron, goes up top and hits a missile dropkick.
#3 is Joel Maximo as Storm misses a splash in the corner. Joel with a back suplex to Lawler, followed by a hurricanrana and a dropkick. Joel and Storm team up to eliminate Lawler but he manages to avoid it for now,. Joel with boots in the corner then tries again, and Storm joins the effort, but Lawler fights his way out.
#4 is Derek Wylde. Springboard dropkick to Joel, then a tilt-a-whirl headscissor. Laweler immediately eliminates Derek, then Joel. Storm sent to the corner, gets his boot sup and tries a tornado DDT but he's knocked over the ropes to the floor. Lawler with a dance break between entrants.
#5 is Buff Bagwell. Double bird and clotheslines from Buff, then off the ropes with a swinging neckbreaker. Lawler face first in the corner, then Buff with body shots before delivering some mounted rights, Lawler flopping to the mat.
#6 is Cobain of the New Church. Clothesline to Buff, then he goes face first in the corner. Buff sent across the ring, gets a boot up and hits a clothesline. Cobain sent off the ropes into a back body drop, then a right to Lawler, then some for Cobain. Lawler with a low blow to Buff. Cobain with rights to Lawler, sends him off the ropes, caught with a right hand.
#7 is Ace Steel. Ace goes after Cobain in the corner, sends him across the ring, caught with an elbow, then sent to the corner himself. Cobain sent into the turnbuckle with a drop toe hold and Lawler tries to eliminate Buff. Dropkick by Ace to Cobain and Lawler is biting Buff now. Chops by Cobain to Ace in the corner, then Ace with some of his own. Lawler misses a splash in the corner to Buff.
#8 is Jorge Estrada. Ace goes after him immediately, then Ace sent off the ropes into a hip toss neckbreaker. Jorge with rights in the corner as Buff goes after Cobain. Ace tries to eliminate Jorge but he avoids it,. Buff low blows again by Lawler in the corner.
#9 is "Primetime" Brian Lee. Right after Ace with rights and he goes face first in the corner. Then shoulder tackles in the corner to Lawler. Lawler avoids elimination again. Buff sent to the corner by Jorge, then some kicks to the ribs. Ace sends Cobain into the corner. Lawler with mounted rights on Lee until he hits an atomic drop.
#10 is Syxx-Pac. Spin kicks all around and an X-Factor to Jorge, then a heel kick to Buff. Chops to Cobain eliminate him. Bronco Buster to Lawler. Lee with a big boot to Ace. 
#11 is CM Punk, just as his partner Ace is eliminated. Pac goes right after Punk, hitting a scoop slam. Lawler sent to the corner by Pac, then Pac sent across the ring and caught with a powerslam by Lawler. Jorge with a splash on Punk in the corner followed by mounted rights, only to be countered with an inverted atomic drop.
#12 is Jimmy Rave. Ducks a clothesline by Punk and hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissor. Punk face first in the corner, Jorge and Rave laying into him with rights. Then Rave goes after Jorge and Lee is choking Pac in the corner. Punk hits a bulldog on Rave and Jorge stomps away at Rave.
#13 is Ron Harris, right after Jorge. He and Brian toss him over the ropes but he hangs on, tries a sunset flip on Lee only to be stomped by Ron. He's tossed out successfully on the second try. Punk is tossed out too, and Rave is out right behind him by Lee. Ron and Lee both eliminate Buff.
#14 is B.G. James as Pac eliminates Lawler. James pokes Ron in the eyes, then ducks a clothesline from Lee who nails Ron by accident. Shake, rattle and roll by Jams to Lee, then his shimmy knee drop. Ron drops him with a right and chokes him in the corner. Pac chokes Lee  as James fights back with rights on Ron. 
#15 is Jose Maximo. He goes up top and caught midair off a crossbody, immediately dumped out by Ron. Lee and Ron send Pac off the ropes into a double spinebuster. Pac back off the ropes, ducks a double clothesline and hits one of his own. Spinning heel kick to Lee, then Ron sends him off the ropes and Lawler nails him from behind with a forearm, allowing Ron to eliminate him off the distraction.
#16 is Slash of the New Church. He joins Lee and Ron on the beatdown of James, Slash off the ropes with a clothesline and a leg drop. Triple team on James with rights, leg drops and knee drops all around. James sent to the corner hard by Ron.
#17 is Sonny Siaki. Off the ropes with a rolling neckbreaker on Slash, then a flipping leg drop. James with some rights to both Lee and Ron as he tries to eliminate Lee, but Ron saves him. Snapmare by Ron to James. 
#18 is Disco Inferno, who takes his sweet time entering the ring. Right hand to Siaki and some more in the corner, and Slash joins in on the beatdown. Ron goes after Disco, sends him into the corner. 
#19 is Scott Hall. He goes after Lee with rights, then Ron. He tries eliminating Lee in the corner but Ron makes the save. Slash knocks down Siaki with a right and Scott dumps Ron out to the floor.
#20, out last is Chris Harris. Right after Lee and Slash has been eliminated of camera. Disco sent to the corner, and dumps Siaki. Disco dances and Hall is not impressed, he and James trading shots on Disco. Harris is trying to eliminate Lee as James gets Disco with a low blow. Disco manages to avoid elimination until Hall knocks him off the apron. Down to James, Hall, Lee and Harris. Hall and James challenge each other to a lock up, but they're clotheslined by Lee, eliminating them both. Part one of the gauntlet ends in 23:05.

Harris and Lee are still going at it in the ring, with Harris being sent off the ropes into a big boot. Ron has also started beating down Storm at the top of the ramp, chokeslamming him on the stage. Now Jarrett is out here to attack B.G. James at ringside and they fight their way to the back. 

Vacated NWA World Tag Team Championships: "Primetime" Brian Lee & Ron Harris vs "Cowboy" James Storm & "Wildcat" Chris Harris
Back in the ring, Lee choking Harris in the corner as Ron delivers rights. Lee is the legal man to start as Harris is sent off the ropes into a big boot. Ron tags in. Storm is crawling his way tot he ring as Ron hits a suplex, knocking Storm off the apron with a knee. Lee back in. Harris fighting back with lefts and sends Lee to the corner, misses a splash and nailed with a clothesline. Lee covers for two.
Ron knocks Storm of the apron again, then tags in after Harris' face is sent into his boot. H-Bomb to Harris and Storm slides in, only to be beat down by Ron and Lee. Harris sent off the ropes, avoids an H-Bomb, ducks a clothesline from Ron and hits one on Lee, then one to Ron. More clotheslines, then Storm sent off the ropes into an H-Bomb. Ron pulls out a table now and sets it up at ringside, laying Storm on it. Lee tries to powerbomb Harris over the ropes through Storm and the table, but he rolls through into a roll up to win the titles in 3:58. Well the gauntlet was nothing special, and the tag match was... kinda just there. But the right guys won, so they did that right at least.

Cut to backstage where B.G. James is being checked on by his brother and dad, the former holding a blood soaked towel to his head.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Jerry Lynn (NWA X Division Champion) vs Ron "the Truth" Killings (c)
Truth gets in a cheap shot while the ref is checking Lynn, sending him off the ropes into a spinning back elbow. Lynn gets some rights and boots in only to be sent to the corner, floats over, sent off the ropes again and gets Truth with a tilt-a-whirl headscissor. More boots and rights in the corner from Lynn, then a backbreaker and a cover for two. 
Truth sent to the corner, tries to float over but Lynn has it scouted, sending Truth face first into the middle turnbuckle with a drop toe hold. More boots by Lynn, then pops himself with a low blow elbow. Lynn tries a roll up but gets sent out to the floor, then Truth gets him with a dropkick throught he ropes. 
Lynn flapjacked face first onto the title belt sat on the announce table and Lynn's been busted open. Truth opening the cut with vicious rights before returning to the ring. Truth covers for two. Truth sent to the corner, Lynn avoids the floatover again but Truth gets him with a back suplex, another cover for two. Lynn's a bloody mess as he's sent to the corner, floats over into a rollup for two. Lynn backed into the corner on a waist lock and Truth mounts for rights, only to be shoved off, cartwheels and split, then a dropkick. 
Lynn tossed back out to the floor and sent face first off the guard rail. More rights by Truth before getting sent into the guard rail himself. Truth get the boots up  and sends Lynn face first off the steps though as he charges toward him. Truth opening the cut further before returning to the ring. Truth with a variation of a surfboard, manages to make a rope break purely with his head with his arms and feet trapped. 
Lynn sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, exchange of waist locks, then eats a boot to the face. Truth with another cover for two. Ax kick from Truth and another cover for a kick out. Lynn sent off the ropes again, ducks a clothesline, tries to float over and they botch it, but he turns it into a sunset flip for two, then eats a clothesline from Truth. Lynn choked over the middle rope, then sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits a crossbody, cover for two.
Styles is now at ringside. Another clothesline from Truth and a cover for two. Now Kid Kash and the Maximos are out as Truth is sent into the corner, gets a boot up as the Elvises are out now too, Lynn ducks a clothesline and hits a back suplex. Lynn starts to fight back, ends Truth off the ropes into a back body drop, then some clotheslines and a cover but only gets two. 
Lynn goes for the cradle piledriver but Truth counters with a back drop, then Lynn counters a suplex with a DDT, makes the cover but Truth gets his foot on the rope.... well actually AJ was supposed to put it there but he wasn't even in the right place, so Truth had to put it there himself, AJ has to act like he did something and the X Division guys have to act pissed anyways. Lynn goes up top and while the ref is chastising AJ, Siaki crotches Lynn. Cutter from Truth to retain in 13:30. Something felt off about this match. Was starting off good, but once Lynn got busted open it started to fall apart a bit. Picked back up and the last 5 min or so were good, and a screwy finish made sense here, so it wasn't great, but it was good.

AJ and Siaki head to the back as Truth looks at his reflection in the title. 

Back to commentary as Lynn is helped to the back, then the sales pitch for next week's show from Don West.
- Jeff Jarrett vs B.G. James
- Syxx-Pac vs Brian Lawler
He starts to sell us on something involving Lo-Ki but the aforementioned James makes his way out with his head bandaged and a mic. Then Truth, who's still on his way to the back, decks him and now Jarrett is out to join in the beatdown into the ring. Now out comes Pac and Hall to help. Pac with a Bronco Buster on Jarrett, then a fallaway slam from Hall to Truth. Pumphandle slam from James to Jarrett. And that's how the show ends.

This was another show that, while it had its low points, still had more good then bad. It had a good opener, an alright main event, and the tag team stuff while not 5-star classics were also fine, and they put the tag titles on the right guys. But then there's the ongoing Bruce stuff, the boxing match that I still can't wrap my head around, and the ongoing Armstrong/Jarrett stuff that I don't see ending any time soon. With a run time of 1:52:03, this show had a total 59:36 of wrestling.


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