NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #11 (August 28, 2002)
Welcomed to the show as always by Tenay and West. On tap, a ladder match for the X Division Title. But earlier in the day, we see Goldy tried to get answers from Lawler, but he's attacked from behind by Jarrett before he can give an answer. Jarrett beats the crap out of him outside of the building until officials pull him off.
Kid Ka$h vs The Amazing Red
Chain wrestling to start the match, then a series of counters and quick pin attempts. Red is shoved in the corner, then Kash is slapped, then caught with a drop toe hold into a headlock. More counters and arm drags from both into a standoff. Teasing of a test of strength until Kash flips him off, then Red lays into him, sent off the ropes, back drops Kash to the apron and elbows him to the floor, before a flip over the ropes into Kash. Red sent into the guard rail then a chair is thrown right into his face.
Back in the ring, Kash up top with a flying clothesline and a cover for two. Kash on Delivery, or a high-angle crab into a powerbomb, followed by an elbow drop, another cover for two. Chops in the corner and thumbs to the eye from Kash, Red sent across the ring, gets a boot up, leaps off the middle rope for... nothing and hits a hurricanrana, that was weird. Cover by Red for two, then a spinning heel kick, another cover for two. Kash sent to the corner nails Red with an elbow, then to the middle rope, Red with a somersault leaping right into a crossbody and a cover by Kash for two.
Gutwrench powerbomb by Kash, then choking Red with his boot. Red sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits the Code Red for two, followed by a dropkick. Red to the middle rope for a diving flatliner and a cover for two. Kash sent to the corner, sends Red to the apron, who goes up top only for Kash to leap up with an overhead throw. Kash makes the cover but it's a near fall. They chop and slap each other, then Red with rapid kicks into the corner, but misses a splash in the corner, hit with a slingshot legdrop from Kash for a pin and two.
Kash sent off the ropes, catches Red with a kick, then leaps to the top rope with a crossbody and a cover for two. Red sent to the corner, Kash caught with an elbow, then Red up top... Well Kash pushes the ref into the ropes to crotch Red but he's too early, Red hasn't even gotten up there yet, and Red sells anyways. Something resembling a Muscle Buster by Kash for the win in 9:28. Ending botch kinda ruined things, but still a fun, fast-paced match.
Red offers his hand to Kash, only to be laid out with a clothesline. Maximos run out for the save. Kash tries to go up top but he's hit with the Spanish Fly instead.
Still to come, the X Division Ladder Match. They also mentioned during the match that Lawler will challenge Truth for the NWA Title later.
Goldy is backstage with Siaki, who's flying solo tonight in a match with Monty Brown. His back is to the camera and she tries to get him to turn around, but he says he will when he's ready. He repeats her question and she offers a Q-tip, then says the one smart thing Elvis did was slap Priscilla, tells her not to be a wiseass or she'll never have her way with him again. As for Monte, though he's been to two Super Bowls, he's no Siaki, says he's bigger than the Super Bowl, than life itself.
Sonny Siaki vs Monte Brown
Pre-Match: Brown gets a mic and calls out to Jarrett about hitting him with a chair last week. He says he doesn't need chairs, and when he gets his hands on Jarrett he's going to take him apart with his bare hands. He says Jarrett might be the Chosen One, but he's chosen to kick his ass, and Alpha Bomb him to oblivion.
Siaki is backed into the corner off a lock up, then pulled apart by the ref. Another lock up and Brown is backed into the corner, only to take some rights and chops by Brown in the next corner. Boots by Brown, then Siaki whipped back into the corner, sending him over the ropes to the floor. Brown sent into the guard rail with a drop toe hold, then Siaki lays in some boots to the ribs before whipping Brown back into the guard rail. Chops by Siaki, only to be whipped across the floor into the guard rail. More chops by Brown and some blows to the back, then Siaki face first off the guard rail. Siaki into the guard rail again and more boots from Brown, then chops and body shots, before returning to the ring. Brown covers for two.
Siaki sent off the ropes into a sidewalk slam, another cover for two. Siaki back off the ropes into an uppercut, then some stomps and another cover, Siaki with foot on the ropes. Brown hooks the leg, then Siaki grabs the ropes. Siaki backed into the corner, then sent across the ring and hit with a splash. Siaki sent off the ropes, boot to the midsection, then a butterfly suplex from Brown for a cover and two. Stalling suplex from Brown and a cover for two.
Siaki dropped with a right hand, then some more chops send Siaki to the corner, plus some more boots and back shots. Snapmare to Siaki into a chinlock, then a headlock. Siaki starts to fade but Siaki comes back to life. Elbows to Brown, then off the ropes into a vicious clothesline. Boot to the head, then Siaki sent off the ropes, catches Brown with a DDT. Boots by Siaki, then Brown sent off the ropes into a clothesline, Siaki covers for two.
Brown counters an Irish whip into a snap suplex. Now exchanging shots, until Brown catches him with an arm-trap suplex. Siaki sent off the ropes and they nearly botch an Alpha-lution. Jarrett comes out now as Brown calls for the Bomb, ref is distracted allowing Siaki to hit a low blow, rolls up Brown for the win in 11:14. This one went a bit too long, and wasn't all that good.
Now the guy we saw last week in Bullet Bob's gear comes out with a chair, with Bob behind him trying to hold him back. Jarrett is distracted allowing Brown to get his shots in, then Lawler appears in the crowd to choke Jarrett with his belt. They fight up the ramp and security try to pull them apart and eventually do. Jarrett goes to the back.
Back over to commentary to speculate who the masked Bullet is as they're calling him. They hype up tonight's ladder match, reminding us how we got to this match. Plus we'll get an interview between Goldy and Lawler later.
Speaking of Goldy, she's backstage with Slash of the New Church. He's involved in a four team elimination match tonight. They're also with this other guy in a white shirt and dirty jeans. Slash says there are no friends when you live in the womb of hell, only those like you, those that revel in pain, soak in agony, and thrive on torture. His brother, the aforementioned man named Cobain, he lives for the thrill of suicide, says his own pain is his ecstasy. He says we might just find out whether life or death comes first.
Cobain speak and says he overdosed on the sweet nectar of his own pain, he howled like a dog in heat, the thought of his own blood. He says he plays the game of life and death, and either way is fine with him. That as... an interesting promo, but I actually liked it. It was different. Cobain wrestled for OVW under the name Flash Flanagan, and he and Slash are no strangers as a tag team
Fatal Four-Way Tag Team Elimination Match: Backseat Boys (Trent Acid & Johnny Kashmere) vs Slash & Cobain vs Hot Shots vs "Cowboy" James Storm & "Wildcat" Chris Harris
Pre-Match: We learn during the entrances that in three weeks, there'll be a Gauntlet for the Gold for the vacated tag titles, and the winners of this match will be the final entrants in that match. Next week will be a special X Division show, while the following week will be preempted by 9/11.
Kashmere and Cassidy of the Hot Shots start this one out. Arm wringer takedown by Cassidy, then some kip ups into some chops by Kashmere, until he ducks one, off the ropes, jumps off Cassidy's back, ducks a clothesline, Cassidy tries to leapfrog but eats a spinebuster midair. Slap by Cassidy to Johnny, then tags in... Trent? OK, how the hell do you have partners as the two legal men? We're not two minutes into this and we're already assbackwards.
We get some back and forth between the two after shaking hands, then they work together to dropkick Slash off the apron. Cobain comes in to attack both but end up knocking Harris and Storm off the apron instead. Cassidy runs into a big boot from Trent, then a Hart Attack. Dropkick to the side of the head by Trenth while Johnny has a crab applied, then an inverted snapmare by Johnny while Trent delivers a dropkick to the face. The other two teams are fighting on the outside, who are all taken out by moonsaults from Trent and... I think Cassidy? I don't know who his partner is. He and Trent and Cassidy go at it, then, Johnny with a corkscrew take them both out. Chase goes up top and tries a shooting star onto them but doesn't get a full rotation. He doesn't land on his head at least.
Trent is rolled back in the ring while Chase follows. Chase with rights in the corner, then Trent sent to the corner, Slash tags himself in as Trent hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. Hangman's neckbreaker on Trent by Slash and a cover, and the Backseat Boys are out. Slash with a leg drop on Chase and a cover, but only gets two.
Slash tags in Cobain, who goes up top with a knee to the chest, covers Chase for two. Cobain and Chase screw up a rope-a-dope before Cobain's hit with a facebuster over the knee, then Harris tags himself in off Cobain. Rights to Chase, then Harris sent off the ropes, kicked in the back by Cassidy, Harris knocks him off the apron and eats a leg lariat by Chase. Cassidy tags in. Harris sent off the ropes, double boots, double dropkicks to the sides of the head, Cassidy covers and Storm with the save, then another cover only for two.
Chops by Cassidy, then Harris with some until he's poked in the eye. Harris sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits another chop. Low blow by Cassidy, then a Michinoku Driver, then goes for a Lionsault but Harris gets the knees up. Running clothesline turns Cassidy inside out, then Cobain tags himself in off of Harris, laying in the boots on Cassidy. Cassidy sent off the ropes into a vicious clothesline. More boots by Cobain, then sent off the ropes, Storm tags himself in off Cobain's back. Storm goes up top as Cassidy handsprings off the ropes, crotching Storm up top and Cassidy hits a back elbow on Cobain. Harris knocked off the apron as Cassidy tries a Frankensteiner, caught with a spinning reverse DDT which also takes out Cobain, Storm covers Cassidy and the Hot Shots are out.
Slash immediately goes after Storm laying in the boots, then headbutts in the corner and more boots stomp down Storm and some chops. Storm sent off the ropes into a back elbow. Slash with a spinning crucifix bomb, then a cover but Storm kicks out. Storm sent face first into Cobain's boot as he tags in, before tossing Storm to the floor. Cobain up top with a somersault onto Storm to the floor. Slash tosses them both in the ring and Slash tags himself in with an elbow drop to the face.
Brian Lee and Ron Harris have made their way out to join commentary. Storm sent to the corner and Slash misses a clothesline, catches a kick, and eats a kick to the side of the head. Harris and Lee have issues with not being in this match. Storm with the hot tag to Harris, Slash sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline into a Thesz Press. Cobain tries an elbow drop from the middle rope but Harris moves out of the way and he hits Slash instead. Cobain sent to the corner and hit with a bulldog, Harris covers but Slash saves it.
Slash gets Harris on his shoulder as Cobain goes up top, but Storm crotches him and Harris slips out. Slash runs into a superkick from Storm, Harris covers but Slash kicks out. Cobain with a tornado DDT attempt is blocked by Storm, and he's dropkicked out to the floor. Slash is sent into Storm in the corner, who tries his spinning reverse DDT again but Slash fights out of it. hitting a top rope cutter instead. Slash covers but Harris makes the save.
Slash sent off the ropes, kicks Harris, tries his hangman's neckbreaker, Harris avoids it and catches a pump kick, hits a spinning side slam on Slash to get the win in 12:53. Had a rough, messy start, things started to pick up into a good enough match. Could have done without Lee and Harris on commentary though.
Speaking of which, they attack Harris and Storm. Backseat Boys come back out to join in on the fight, then the Hot Shots. Since the Gauntlet is part battle royal, we have a preview of everyone getting "eliminated" by Harris and Lee and "winning" the brawl, standing tall.
To the back, Jarrett is confronting Bullet. He says he'll take matters into his own hands if Bullet doesn't do something. Bullet says Jarrett will get everything he deserves tonight. Jarrett continues to insist he deserves a title shot, along with his tag title belt, then says he'll reveal to the world who the masked SOB is and beat his ass, then Bullet's next.
Miss TNA Crown: Bruce (c) vs April Hunter
$5,000 also on the line.
Pre-Match: Bruce gets the mic. There's a "You suck dick" chant that gets censored. Bruce says all the men want him, and the women want to be like him, just like Tenay's wife. Now there's a "He's a homo" chant also censored. He says April is not the woman that he is, that's about all I heard through all the censoring.
April with a right and chop, then an overhead throw and a clothesline. April sent off the ropes and hits a spinning headscissor, before getting hung up on the top rope. Club to the back and boots by Bruce, then throws her across the ring by the hair before bouncing her face off the mat. Scoop slam by Bruce, then a stalling suplex. April face first repeatedly in the corner, then Bruce with a snapmare. April thrown by the hair again. Bruce sent to the corner, then Bruce sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, springboard into a sunset flip and a kick out by April. Bruce avoids a back suplex then hits her in the kidneys before throwing her to her back by the hair. Bruce with a powerbomb for the win in 3:03. Pleasantly surprised by how April did here, but this was a nothing match.
Bruce tries to remove her top and then her boyfriend makes the save.
Goldy is with Yang and Estrada backstage, set to face the SATs tonight. Yang says they're not "shooken" up about Siaki, and Jorge corrects his grammar. Yang does it again and says Siaki's been doing his own thing for a while, but says he better not come crawling back. Estrada wants to move on from Siaki and says it's alright with them if he wants to fly solo.
Speak of the devil, up walks Siaki with a towel around his neck, and says no hard feelings now that he's #1 contender for the world title, but like he tells all his fans, if you take your vitamins and say your prayers you'll probably prematurely lose your hair. Huh?
Spanish Announce Team vs Flying Elvises
Pre-Match: We're told that the interview with Lawler will happen following this match. Maximos representing the SATs here, of course.
Jorge and Joel start with a feeling out process and some chain wrestling, quick pin attempts and a standoff. Some more back and forth until Jorge hits a powerslam, then dropkicks Joel out of the ring. Yang with a dropkick to Jose as he comes in sends him out of the ring, then stereo Asai moonsaults by the Elvises to the Maximos, with Yang landing on his feet. Joel is tossed back in and Jorge covers for two.
Jorge counters an Irish whip to hit a rolling senton, then a Lionsault into a cover for two. Yang tags in, Joel sent off the ropes into a leg lariat and a cover for two. Suplex is blocked by Joel, then Yang blocks one and dropkicks Joel into the corner before some mounted rights. Jorge back in, slam by Yang, and a slingshot elbow by Jorge into a cover for two. Joel sent to the corner, gets a boot up, then an enziguri from the middle rope. Joel up top with a missile dropkick to the back.
Jose tags in. Rights to Jorge as he dares him to get up, then face first in the corner. Joel tags in, Jorge sent off the ropes into a big boot, then Jose wheelbarrowed by Joel into a senton on Jorge. Joel assists Jose for a standing moonsault for a cover but Yang makes the save. Snapmare by Jose, then a dropkick to the side of the head, cover for two. Jose sent to the corner, catches Jorge with an elbow, tries for a bulldog but gets set down on the top rope, followed by a neckbreaker.
Yang back in stomping away, then a snapmare and a running leg drop, cover for two. Neck crank by Yang, then a suplex followed by a neckbreaker and a cover for two. Neck scissor by Yang, broken up by Joel. Jorge back in with mounted rights, then a cover for two. Jose fighting back with rights to the body, then sent off the ropes into a back elbow. Yang back in, Jose snapped over the top rope and a front facelock by Yang. Jose fights back to his feet, only to be driven back down with elbows to the back of the head and neck. Jorge in again. Scoop slam by Yang and a somersault by Jorge, cover for two. Jose sent off the ropes into a clothesline, Jorge covers for two. Scoop slam by Jorge, who goes up top only to be kicked in the side of the head by Jose. Jose joins him up top, only to crash down with a hip toss into a neckbreaker.
Joel gets the hot tag and in comes Yang. Clothesline and chop by Joel, Yang sent to the corner for a forearm, then back across the ring but gets a boot up. Overhead belly to belly by Joel, then Jorge sent to the corner, monkey flip by Jose into a spear from Joel. Yang sent off the ropes, ducks a double clothesline and hits a double dropkick, then a clothesline to Joel and a spinning heel kick to Jose. Neckbreaker by Yang and a cover for two. Scoop slam by Jose, then up top with a leg drop and a cover, but Jorge breaks it up.
DDT by Horge, then a corkscrew moonsault, cover and saved by Joel. Bridging German by Joel for two. Bridging dragon suplex by Joel for two. Jose goes up top with a missile dropkick to the face. Yang with a superkick to Jose sends him into the corner, then Jose sent across the ring and hit with a spinning heel kick. Yang up top but crotched by Joel. Both Maximos join him up top but Siaki comes out, while the ref is dealing with Jorge, Siaki crotches both Maximos and leaves. Yang Time completely misses even though that was supposed to hit, then some kind of inverted DDT by Yang for the win in 14:22. Not sure what happened at the end there, because the one Maximo got right up after Yang Time to do that last spot. I also don't get this thing with Siaki. Match was pretty good though otherwise.
Siaki looks on from the stage before leaving.
Goldy makes her way out with a mic before introducing Lawler for the interview. She gets right to the point and wants answers for his deal with Jarrett. He stalls a bit as he stares at her, says he sees her coming out every week in tight jeans and her blouse that's open showing her cleavage, and thinks she thinks that the ring is a place to walk around like a floosie, a $2 whore. He says there's no place in a ring for a piece of trash like her, then kicks her out of the ring. So she leaves.
He calls the fans morons for booing him, he wants complete and utter silence, threatening to slap the taste out of their mouths. He calls Goldy a tramp and he gives Jarrett five seconds to come out to the ring. He doesn't come out, just as Lawler thought. He says Jarrett knows what he did, Lawler does too, and he's about to tell us what that piece of...
Now Truth comes out. Truth brings up a concussion I didn't know he had and says it'll take more than that to put him down, he's the NWA Champion. Lawler says he accidentally nailed him with that chair last week but Truth is hearing none of it. He says all that matters is that he was hit and Lawler swung it, there's no room for accidents. Lawler says they're "homies" and Truth was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Truth says Lawler always is, and he's in the Asylum, his house, the wrong place right now. He promises Lawler that before it's over, Lawler will know what the truth is all about. Truth leaves.
Lawler finally gets to the point as he says this is about Jarrett and his girlfriend, who's sitting front row. There's a person with a camera next to her and he has a problem with him taking some of his girlfriend, so he hops the guard rail and shoves him out of his seat. He helps her over the guard rail and they go to the back.
Now we see a replay of the Jarrett/masked Bullet guy from last week.
Jeff Jarrett vs The Bullet
Jarrett wastes no time going after Bullet and tossing him out to the floor. Rights sent Bullet onto the announce table, then he's sent into the guard rail, then a second time. Chair to the head of Bullet as they take it into the crowd, he's sent face first off the guard rail. Chair to the back of Bullet, and another, and another, then tot he head. Back to ringside, rights by Jarrett, then they return to the ring.
More rights by Jarrett, then sent off the ropes, through the ropes and some rights by Bullet, followed by a knee drop. Jarrett sent off the ropes into an inverted atomic drop, then a pumphandle is countered by Jarrett, who follows with a low blow. Jarrett pulls cuffs from his knee pad and cuffs Bullet to the top rope. Jarrett goes out and grabs a mic, and says it's time to find out who the surprise is. He grabs a chair to introduce Bullet ot it, then we'll find out who the hell he is. The real Bullet comes in to lay in some rights, then Jarrett nails him in the head with the chair as the ref tries to get him out. Ref calls the match off in 3:45. The only thing I can say is that it could not be more obvious now that Road Dogg is the masked Bullet, he used all his signature moves here.
Jarrett stomping away as Bullet grabs the chair, tries throwing it at Jarrett but he can't. Jarrett lays in with rights and Bullet is bleeding a little bit. Jarrett gets the chair again and hits Bullet again, staying out of reach of the fake Bullet. Crowd is calling for another as Jarrett delivers some more rights. Jarrett gets the mic and says now he's kicked Bullet's ass like he said, it's time to find out who the fake Bullet is. Security rush in finally to stop this.
Over to commentary, specifically West to hype up next week's X Division show. We'll get interviews from Styles, Lynn, and Lo Ki, plus X Division action from the greats.
Recap of what led us to the ladder match tonight.
Ladder Match for the X Division Championship: Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles vs Lo Ki (c)
AJ lets Lynn and Ki trade shots as he grabs a ladder, then they try to baseball slide it back into him, he raises the ladder up, nails Lynn with it but Ki ducks and dropkicks it back into AJ. Ki and AJ take it back to the ring, Ki with some chops and rights. Ki sent off the ropes and hits a clothesline. AJ gets some forearms in only to be backflipped and kicked in the side of the head. Lynn misses his leg drop from the apron through the ropes, then kicked in the chest by Ki. Ki off the ropes with a kick to the face of AJ. Ki tries to suplex Lynn back in but he blocks, then sent off the ropes, ducks a roundhouse and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.
Lynn goes after AJ with rights and boots in the corner, then AJ sent off the ropes into a back body drop. Snapmare to Ki, then a Romero special, AJ following with a bulldog. AJ with stomps to Ki, then Lynn with a shot from behind, following with a suplex. Lynn now with a high-angle crab to AJ, then Ki kicks Lynn repeatedly in the chest, the third finally breaking the hold.
Knee lift to Lynn from Ki, then a scoop slam. AJ sent to the corner for a cartwheel kick. Back to Lynn who's sent to the corner for a clothesline, then the Ki Crusher into Lynn in the corner.
Ki goes out and grabs a ladder only for AJ to baseball slide it back into him. Lynn sets the ladder on the ground while AJ nails him in the back from the apron. AJ bridges the ladder between the guard rail and the stairs, then hits an enziguri on Ki. AJ blocks a suplex onto the ramp and launches Lynn face first into the apron. AJ climbs onto the ladder and Ki joins him up there for some chops and some headbutts. Lynn joins them both and sends them face first off the ladder as he drops to the floor.
Lynn takes the ladder in the ring. AJ comes to only to get the ladder baseball slid into his ribs. Lynn sets the ladder up in the center but Ki is back in the ring now, halting Lynn's climb with a kick and chop, then some rights. Ki takes the ladder as AJ enters, attacking from behind. AJ with vicious shots and knees, then dropped with a right from Lynn, who stomps away. Ki with chops to both only to be hip tossed into the ladder.
Another clothesline from Lynn to Styles, who leans it in the corner. AJ is whipped toward the ladder but backflips over Lynn instead, then tries to use it for a tornado DDT, but Lynn counters with a Northern Lights into the ladder. Ki back up with a kick to the face of Lynn, then sends him into the corner, misses a handspring clothesline but hits Lynn with a hurricanrana into the ladder. AJ gets the ladder and slams it into the chest of Ki, before setting it back up in the middle.
AJ makes the climb but Ki climbs up the other side, and a kick has AJ hanging upside down from the rungs. Ki with vicious kicks to the chest and ribs, then one to the head. Ki starts to climb again but Lynn gets him from behind, climbing with him for a back suplex from halfway up the ladder. AJ is up now and delivers chops and forearms to Ki in the corner, then a punt to the ribs of Lynn before he starts to climb. Ki grabs him by the trunks and they both tumble off the ladder after trading shots.
Lynn moves the ladder toward the corner before he starts climbing, then AJ and Ki topple it over, sending Lynn face first in the corner. Ki grabs another ladder as AJ repositions the first ladder, Ki leaving his ladder to stop AJ only to be kicked in the face. Ki blocks a suplex then a kick to the face of AJ, Sending him off the ropes, moonsaults into an inverted DDT to Ki. Lynn is back up with rights to AJ, then AJ misses clothesline. Ki tries a springboard and misses AJ, lands on Lynn's shoulders, driven down with a running sitout powerbomb.
AJ leaves the ring to grab the ladder mentioned earlier, tossing it into the ring and it lands right on Lynn's face. AJ sets up the ladder as Ki grabs a third ladder, sliding it in, setting it up between the other two. Ki starts to climb but Lynn stops him from behind, then Lynn knocked down by AJ. AJ and Ki fight at the top of the ladders, with Ki applying a dragon clutch at the top of the ladders. Lynn breaks it up as he goes after Ki, shoving both ladders over but they catch themselves, only for AJ to tumble to the floor. Lynn pulls Ki over the top of the ladder to deliver a piledriver from the top of the ladder. Fucking hell. Lynn takes down the belt to win the title in 20;08. I mean what is there to say? And this wasn't a spotfest either like ladder matches tend to be, this was great.
And that's it. The bell rings with about 5 seconds left in the show.
Well I think this was an improvements to the last week's show. X Division killing it once again. Decent four way tag match.I still don't care about the Jarrett/Armstrong/Lawler stuff. But I thought it was a decent show. With a run time of 1:57:39, this show had a total 1:14:53 of wrestling.
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