NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #10 (August 21, 2002)
Right to the TNA Asylum as we're welcomed to the show by Tenay, joined by West and Ferrara, and we waste no time getting to the first match.
X Division #1 Contender Best of 3 Series, Match 1 - Falls Count Anywhere Match: AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn
AJ tries for a baseball slide before Lynn enters, only to be caught and sent ribs first onto the barricade. AJ face first off the guard rail, then some rights and face first off the steps. AJ whipped into the guard rail then clotheslined into the crowd. AJ nails him before delivering a superkick, then hops the rail for a splash. Cover for two from AJ. Chops are exchanged on the floor, then a right from AJ who sends Lynn face first off the apron. Lynn whipped into the rail now, then AJ eats a pair of boots. AJ with more rights, but mises a clothesline and gets crotched on the rail. Lynn climbs over the rail and sends AJ face first off a fan's seat, then covers for two.
X Division #1 Contender Best of 3 Series, Match 1 - Falls Count Anywhere Match: AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn
AJ tries for a baseball slide before Lynn enters, only to be caught and sent ribs first onto the barricade. AJ face first off the guard rail, then some rights and face first off the steps. AJ whipped into the guard rail then clotheslined into the crowd. AJ nails him before delivering a superkick, then hops the rail for a splash. Cover for two from AJ. Chops are exchanged on the floor, then a right from AJ who sends Lynn face first off the apron. Lynn whipped into the rail now, then AJ eats a pair of boots. AJ with more rights, but mises a clothesline and gets crotched on the rail. Lynn climbs over the rail and sends AJ face first off a fan's seat, then covers for two.
AJ takes control as they fight deeper into the crowd, Lynn thrown onto the stairs and AJ delivers more rights. Lynn fights back as they go up the steps before Lynn is thrown off them under the railing. AJ dives over the railing with a tope onto Lynn, then covers but only gets two. Lynn face first into a nearby trash bin before they make their way back to ringside, Lynn tossed over the guard rail. Lynn with some rights before he's sent face first off the apron. Lynn pulls his legs out from under him as he leaps the rail, dropping ribs first onto it. AJ suplex onto the padding from the crowd, Lynn covers for a near fall.
Back in the ring, AJ avoids a suplex, tries his moonsault into a DDT but Lynn counters with a stunner. Lynn with another cover but only gets two. Lynn tries for the cradle piledriver but AJ reverses with a facebuster, then covers but Lynn gets his foot on the ropes. Lynn blocks a suplex, then AJ avoids one, then a slingshot suplex into a neckbreaker. AJ with another cover for two. AJ with a headscissor over the ropes to the floor and another cover for a near fall.
Now trading shots until AJ connects with an enziguri as they head up the ramp. Scoop slam by AJ onto the stage. AJ loses focus and Lynn ducks a discus clothesline to deliver a spear. Lynn launches himself and AJ off the side to send AJ face first into an equipment crate, pin on the floor for a near fall. Back on the stage, AJ tries for the Clash but Lynn blocks and hits a back body drop. Cradle piledriver on the stage for the win in 13:58. Fun match to start the show.
Goldy is backstage with Storm and Harris, Harris smoking a cigarette. They've been booked in a tag match against Ron Harris and "Primetime" Brian Lee tonight. You might remember Brian as the fake Undertaker, and a member of DOA. Storm starts talking like a cowboy and calls them buckaroos before Harris cuts him off and asks him to not do the John Wayne crap for one night. Storm shakes his head. Harris suggests they've been off TV the last few weeks because of Storm's ridiculous gimmick. Storm says he's rode bigger steers than Lee and Harris and says a cowboy's work is never done.
Speak of the devils, up walk their opponents. Lee says it's dress up day at the OK Corral and says he'll shove his size 16 boot up their ass. Storm actually thinks his boot size is bigger given his size and asks if they know what it's like to be gunslingers at high noon. Lee calls him Quickdraw McGraw and implies he couldn't back Chris up in a fight. Storm takes offense when he calls him buckaroo because he's not the cowboy. Lee suggest Chris find a partner quick before he and Ron walk off. Storm says they're rude buckaroos and Harris walks off in disbelief. This is awful.
Ron Harris & "Primetime" Brian Lee vs "Cowboy" James Storm & "Wildcat" Chris Harris
Storm and Lee start this match out. Storm shoved away off a brief lock up. Then a feeling out process with Lee taking control for most of it. Storm is shoved into the corner for some rights, Storm sent across the ring, avoids an elbow and delivers some rights of his own. Storm sent off the ropes, blocks a hip toss and hits a forearm. Ron comes in and eats a forearm as Chris goes up top with a double ax handle. Ron and Lee regroup before Lee rejoins Chris in the ring. Ron is tagged in. Ron sent off the ropes into a pair of arm drags, Ron rolling out of the ring and regroups again.
Ron with a cheap knee before driving Chris into the corner, then some rights. Chris sent across the ring and eats a clothesline, then back across for another, then back across but Chris avoids the third, delivering some rights of his own, then knocks Lee off the apron. Ron backdropped out to the floor, then Chris sent over the ropes onto them. Ron is tossed back in and sends Chris off the ropes, caught with a headscissor. Lee tosses in, Chris sent off the ropes, tries for the headscissor but caught with a tombstone. First cover broken up by Storm.
Ron back in. Chris sent off the ropes into back elbows. Ron with body shots in the corner, then Chris face first in the adjacent corner, sent off the ropes into a sidewalk slam, Ron covers for two. Lee back in. Headbutt drops Chris, then a throat shot into a rear chinlock. Chris fights out of it, Lee sent off the ropes into a Thesz Press and some rights. Chris tossed out to the ring and Ron delivers a right. Lee with some shots of his own before returning to the ring. Ron back in. Chris sent off the ropes into a big boot and Lee is back in again, poses and covers for two. Chris sent in the corner, gets a boot up, hits a running bulldog.
Storm gets the hot tag and in comes Ron. Rapid rights to Ron, then Lee, back and forth. Chris sends Lee off the ropes into a back body drop, then a double clothesline to the floor. Something is going on in the ring as a fan/plant is seen getting handsy with Lee, so he pulls him over to ringside. Lee lays into this guy with rights and chokes him on the floor. Ron gets distracted, hung up on the top rope and rolled up for the win in 9:01. This match dragged a bit but it was fine, and beside that, what the fuck was that finish?
Ron finally pulls lee off the guy and they start arguing. Then they attack Storm and Chris. Chris sent off the ropes into the H-Bomb, then the same for Storm.
Back over to commentary. They hype up the World Title match, plus the next match in the Lynn/Styles series, and Jarrett's surprise.
2 out of 3 Falls Match: Sonny Siaki vs Jimmy Yang (w/ Jorge Estrada)
1st Fall
Siaki tries to attack before the bell but eats a spinning heel kick on the stage from Yang. Siaki sent into the guard rail before they make it to ringside, then into the guard rail again, then dropped ribs first onto it. In the ring now, Siaki sent off the ropes into a dropkick, then a cover by Yang for two. Siaki face first in the corner, then a second and third time, before Yang is sent across the ring, Siaki caught with an elbow, then Yang with a neckscissor hung over the ropes. Springboard dropkick by Yang and a cover for two. Rear chinlock by Yang. Siaki fights out, off the ropes, Yang tries a back drop but Siaki catches him with an uppercut. Siaki with... something resembling a Big Ending, then covers for two. Yang sent off the ropes, blocks a hip toss and hits a neckbreaker. Yang Time (corkscrew moonsault) and Yang picks up the first fall in 3:26.
2nd fall
Yang tries for the neckscissor over the ropes again only to be shoved off to the floor, hitting the barricade on the way down. Yang whipped into the guard rail and he flips over to the floor, then suplexed back to ringside by Siaki. Back in the ring, Siaki covers for two. Yang sent off the ropes, booted in the gut, rolling neckbreaker by Siaki into a cover for two. Siaki with the rear chinlock now. Yang fights out, only to be chopped, Yang sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, some chops of his own, tries an Irish whip but Siaki counters with a pumphandle suplex. Cover again for two.
Yang sent hard into the corner, then choked with Siaki's boot, followed by some boots and rights. Snapmare and a leg drop by Siaki, cover for two. Surfboard by Siaki. Yang fights his way back up, into a backslide for two, only to be dropped with a forearm by Siaki. Yang choked again with Siaki's boot, then Yang sent to the corner, gets a boot up, to the middle rope with a spinning heel kick. Yang misses a clothesline, tries a suplex, then caught with a snap neckbreaker by Siaki, picking up the 2nd fall in 8:24.
3rd Fall
Siaki with a backbreaker across the shoulder and a cover, Yang gets his foot on the ropes. Siaki sent off the ropes, Yang rolls him into a half-crab, but Siaki makes it to the ropes. Yang with a spinning toe hold now, staying on the knee and into a knee bar. Siaki gets the rope again. Yang nailed with a forearm, then set on the top rope, Siaki delivers a superplex. Yang pops right up though and hits a shining wizard.
Yang with some rights, then sent off the ropes, blocks a hip toss and hits some clotheslines, covers for two. Yang sent off the ropes again and hits a back kick to the ribs. Yang with mounted rights in the corner, only to be caught on Siaki's shoulders. Siaki counters a hurricanrana attempt by sending Yang face first into the corner. Siaki goes up top but he's crotched by Yang, who joins him up top to hit a swinging neckbreaker from the top. Now exchanging rights, until Yang catches one into a small package but only gets two. Sloppy exchange of roll up counters ends with Siaki on top, grabbing the rope behind the ref's back for the 3rd fall to win in 14:08. An alright match despite the sloppy finish.
Jarrett has had enough as he comes out with a mic demanding the music be cut. He says he doesn't give a damn who Bullet Bob's surprise is because no one's gonna stop him. He gets in Tenay's face and says that week after week the NWA screws him out of his title shot, robbed him of the tag titles last week, so tonight he's going through Bob and doesn't give a damn...Well he's laid out from behind by Lawler before he can finish that thought, laying into him with rights, then Jarrett face first off the announce table. Security rush in to try and pull them apart as they go at it. Jarrett is taken to the back as Lawler is left in the ring.
Goldy comes out to try and get answers. He kicks her out of the ring as he takes her mic. He's ready to finally tell us and then he's attacked by Slash. And now we have a match for some reason as a ref comes out.
Brian Lawler vs Slash
Oh apparently this match was scheduled anyways, so this is just perfect convenient timing. Scoop slam into an elbow drop by Slash, then a front suplex onto the top rope. Dropkick sends Lawler to the floor, then he's sent into the guard rail. Lawler sent across the floor back into the guard rail before getting choked with a cable. Slash exposed the floor off camera and tries a piledriver onto the concrete but Lawler counters with a back drop. Slash into the guard rail now before returning to the ring.
Lawler off the ropes just to clothesline Slash back out to the floor before taking things up the ramp. Running bulldog on the ramp before being tossed back in the ring. Lawler tries to take a chair from a fan but he won't give it up. Lawler up top but caught by Slash with a superplex, then a cover for two. Spinning crucifix bomb by Slash and a cover again for two. Lawler sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, floatover DDT on Slash. Enziguri by Lawler an d some dancing. Slash caught with a low blow, then hits one of his own, before setting Lawler on the top rope. Lawler with some body shots knock him down, Hip Hop Drop... er, Tennessee Jam now, for the win in 5:56. It was fine.
Jarrett is arguing with Bob in the back, but we have no audio for it as Lawler's music plays. When we do get audio, can't make out what Bob is saying, but Jarrett vows to take him down along with Truth before leaving.
Four Corners Elimination Match for the NWA X Division Championship: Joel Maximo vs Jose Maximo vs The Amazing Red vs Lo-Ki (c)
Ki tries to take them all out but the numbers game gets him quickly. He manages to even things up with a kick to Red, roundhouse to Joel, Jose is sent off the ropes and into Red, knocking him out to the floor, then Jose is sent into Jose with a drop toe hold. Kicks to the chest of Joel, then a roundhouse to Jose to the side of the head. Springboard dropkick from Red sends Ki out to the apron. Now Joel takes down Red and he stumbles to the apron for a forearm, then off the ropes with a dropkick, Jose covers for two.
Ki tags in, some chops to Red, who's sent off the ropes into a back elbow, then Ki covers for two. Scoop slam by Ki, off the ropes with an elbow and a cover for two. Red sent off the ropes, ducks a roundhouse, tries a hurricanrana, but Ki gets him in position for a Ki Krusher, tries to send him into the corner only for Red to slip out and hit a dropkick to the back. Red with a cover for two. Red tags in Joel. Shots to the back and the face, then sent to the corner, gets a boot up, tornado DDT is blocked by Ki sending Joel into the corner spine first. Chops by Ki before Joel is sent across the ring, catches Ki with a tornado DDT this time, then a cover for two.
Jose tags in. Ki sent off the ropes into a double bulldog, then a cover for two. Ki sent off the ropes into a clothesline and a cover for two. Ki with a kick to the side of the head, only to be sent off the ropes, ducks a forearm, and they nearly botch a hurricanrana. Somersault kick in the corner, then in comes Joel. Ki sends him into Jose in the corner and both eat a cartwheel kick.Red tags himself in and hits a standing shooting star on Jose for two. Red stomps away and hits chops in the corner, then he's sent across the ring, Ki tags himself in, but he's caught on the shoulders. Jose off the ropes with a double stomp the back, then Red up top, uses Ki's back as a springboard to hurricanrana Jose.
Red lays into Joel, then Joel fights back. Red stands himself on Joel's shoulders only to get a springboard kick from Ki. Ki sent off the ropes by the Maximos for... some kind of double team they botch. Ki rolls out as Red ducks a double clothesline, popped up and over one Maximo, then popped up again and hits a tilt-a-whirl DDT on the other. Trouble in Paradise by Red on Joel, then a dropkick which I think was supposed to send him over the ropes but he fucks it up. Red up top with a hurricanrana to Joel from the apron onto Jose on the floor. Cameras miss Red trying to dive onto Ki but he gets kicked in the head mid-dive. Ki gets Red up for the Ki Krusher only to throw him out of the ring onto the Maximos. Ki up top with a 450 onto the Maximos. Ki takes Joel back in the ring for a cover but only gets two. Ki sent out to the apron but eats a kick to the side of the head, himself and Ki heading out to the floor. Jose and Red return to the ring, Red caught with a powerbomb into a facebuster and a cover by Jose but Joel breaks it up. Double underhook into a facebuster by Joel and Jose's been eliminated. Joel covers Red and Ki breaks it up. Rapid kicks to the face of Joel, at least 20 of them, then Red with a springboard Flatliner to Joel, then up top with the Infrared and Joel's eliminated
Ki and Red exchange blows until a Code Red is blocked, sent spine first into the corner. Ki covers but only gets two. Ki gets him up for the Krusher, before going up to the middle rope, but Red slips out and hits another kick to the side of the head. Red up top now and tries for a Frankensteiner but Ki gets him up again, hits the Krusher from the middle rope to retain in 12:08. Awesome match.
Goldy's backstage with Truth who brings up his differences with Brown ahead of their title match. He calls her a hussy and says Brown should be kissing his ass, then compares himself to Lincoln, says he freed African-American sports entertainers. He says Brown should be thanking him, and says he'll have to kill him to take the title. He says he had a dream where his foot was knocking the dust off Brown's sorry ass,
April Hunter is sat front row, and she's apparently accepted Bruce's open challenge for next week.
Right in each other's face to start until we have a shoving contest off a lock up. Then Truth slaps and Brown drops him with a right. Trading shots until Truth is sent to the corner for a crossbody. More rights by Brown before he'ss ent off the ropes, then some shoulder blocks and a cover for two by Brown. Truth sent to the corner only to go out to the apron and low bridge Brown to the floor. Truth dives over the ropes onto Brown, then he's whipped into the steps. Trading shots at ringside now until Truth hits a knee, then Brown is sent face first off the announce table. They climb on top and Brown tries for an Alpha Bomb but Truth fights out and sends him back to the floor. More shots exchanged, then Truth is caught with an overhead belly to belly. Back in the ring, Brown covers for two. Brown caught with a Flatliner before Truth goes up top to hit a leg drop, then a cover for a near fall.
Rear chinlock by Truth. Brown fights out, gets a sunset flip for two. Brown ducks a clothesline nd hits a spinning elbow. Off the ropes into a dropkick by Truth, then a cover for two. Truth sent to the corner and gets a boot up, misses a clothesline, Brown blocks a suplex and hits snap one of his own. Standing 10 count up to six and Truth misses a clothesline, Brown with rights before Truth is sent off the ropes, caught with a running powerslam, then a splash, Brown covers but only gets two.
Truth sent to the corner, floats over, avoids a clothesline, misses a dropkick, but connects with the ax kick. Truth with the cover for two. Brown avoids a scoop slam and gets Truth up for the Alpha Bomb but Truth fights out, tries for the Cutter but Brown sends him off the ropes, catches him for an Alpha Bomb again but Truth rolls through, kinda botched, to retain in 10:12. It was an OK match, a bit slow.
Jarrett appears out of nowhere with a chair, attacks the ref, then Brown, then goes for Truth but Truth catches him. Now they exchange rights until Lawler comes out to attack Jarrett. Now Truth picks Jarrett up as Lawler grabs the chair but Jarrett pulls Truth in the way, and escapes. Security are out to restore order.
Goldy is backstage with Lynn ahead of the second match with AJ. Lynn says it ends tonight, the head games, the locker room ribs, it's time to get serious and kick ass. He says AJ's taken everything he's dished out, but he has the knowledge advantage to being a veteran, and AJ will respect him after tonight. Speaking of AJ, he attacks from behind and they start going at it, and seems this match is now as they make their way to the arena.
X Division #1 Contender's Best of 3 Series, Match 2: No Disqualification Match: Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles
AJ takes control as they come by the stage, then he's whipped toward the apron, leaps onto it and misses a moonsault before tossing Lynn into the ring. AJ sent off the ropes but hangs on, dropping Lynn to the apron. Lynn snaps his neck over the top rope before going under the ring, pulling out a table, setting it up at ringside. AJ attacks from behind before tossing him back in. AJ caught with a shoulder to the ribs as he tries to enter, and Lynn tries a sunset flip through the table but AJ hangs onto the ropes, fighting Lynn off. Lynn tosses the table aside and AJ misses a springboard. AJ face first off the back of the table before he's tossed back in, and Lynn resets the table.
Lynn grabs a chair but has his legs swept, falling on his back with the chair dropping on his face, then a leg drop onto the chair from AJ. AJ wedges the chair in the corner, only to be whipped toward it, manages to stop his momentum only to be backed into the opposite corner. Lynn with a powerbomb is countered with a roll through, then AJ gets catapulted face first into the chair. Lynn with the first cover of the match for two.
Lyn takes control in the corner with rights and chops, then he's sent in the corner, sends AJ to the apron and catches him with a leg drop through the ropes. Lynn goes up top and tries a tornado DDT onto the apron, but AJ blocks and clotheslines him back into the ring. AJ with some weird corkscrew move and a cover but Lynn grabs the ropes. AJ sets the chair down in the middle of the ring, then sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, then we get a double clothesline both landing on the chair on impact. Chair to the ribs of AJ, then Lynn with a sunset flip as AJ grabs the chair, nailing Lynn in the head with it to break the pin, then covers for a near fall. AJ gets the chair again, swings and misses and Lynn dropkicks it back into his face. Lynn makes the cover but only gets two.
Lynn sets AJ up top, hits a draping DDT on the chair and covers, but Lynn pulls him up. AJ set back on the top rope, then AJ fights him off to the mat. AJ gets up top but gets crotched by Lynn, who then goes to the apron and up top, aims for a hurricanrana through the table but it's a bit out of place. Table still manages to break but AJ hits the floor really. AJ is barely moving before he's tossed back in the ring, Lynn makes the cover but it's a near fall. Lynn sets the chair down near the corner before setting AJ back on top, AJ tries a sunset flip on the chair, Lynn tries to fight back, so AJ turns it into the Styles Clash ribs first on the chair to win in 11:40. Another excellent match.
Oh, we're going right into the 3rd match.
X Division #1 Contender's Best of 3 Series, Match 3 - 10-Minute Ironman Match: Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles
AJ immediately covers Lynn twice and picks up the first two falls of the match. He goes for a third but Lynn kicks out this time. AJ tries a neckbreaker off a suplex, but Lynn counters with a neckbreaker of his own, then a cover for two. Lynn with some rights before AJ is sent off the ropes right into a sleeper, only to push Lynn off and apply one of his own. Lynn is worn down to his knees, ref raising the arm one, but Lynn starts to rise at the second. Elbowing his way free and tries to go off the ropes only for AJ to pull the hair, then latch on a rear chinlock. Lynn fights his way out, then AJ tries for a hurricanrana, but reverses with a facebuster, Lynn covers to pick up his first fall.
6:11 remaining, 2-1 Styles
Lynn goes for the cover again but AJ kicks out at two. Clothesline in the corner by Lynn, then he tries for the piledriver but AJ reverses with a back drop. Kick to the side of the head by AJ with 5 min left in the match. AJ with chops drive Lynn into the corner, then he's sent across the corner, AJ leaps and gets hung up on the top rope, dropping to the mat. Springboard leg drop to the back of the head and a cover by Lynn for two. Scoop slam by Lynn who goes up top, but he's caught by AJ, who gets him up for a Razor's Edge, just to drive him down on his face. AJ covers but only gets... or it's a pin? Lynn clearly kicked out but they announce it as another fall for AJ.
3:22 remaining, 3-1 Styles
Lynn sent off the ropes into a single leg dropkick, AJ covers for two. Lo-Ki has come out with a ladder while Lynn is sent to the corner, tries to float over, caught by AJ on the shoulder, then Lynn reverses into a tombstone, falling on top to pick up a second fall.
1:47 remaining, 3-2 Styles
Lynn tries the piledriver, AJ blocks, then Lynn delivers the Styles Clash instead to tie things up.
1:02 remaining, 3 apiece
AJ sent off the ropes, counters with a backslide for two. Exchange of roll ups each for two, then a low blow by AJ into an inside cradle for two. AJ tries for the Clash, then drops Lynn and tries to fold him up, Lynn kicks out at two just as time runs out.
Ki has set the ladder up on the stage and he makes his way to the ring. He helps Lynn and AJ up before raising their arms, before laying them out with kicks to the side of the head and leaving the ring. He takes a mic on the way and says he'll give them both a title match, but says the X Division is all about him, the man with the title, not Styles or Lynn. He says next week they play by his rules, a Ladder Match for the title, and once and for all he'll prove it's not the size of the fighter but the size of the fight he'll bring, and all they can do is be ready.
Over to Don to hype the ladder match.
Goldy is backstage with ref Scott Armstrong trying to speak with Bob, seems he thinks Bob is gonna wrestle Jarrett and is trying to talk him out of it. Through the door Bob says he has padding, but Scott insists it won't do him any good. Meanwhile Goldy keeps sticking the mic in Scott's face despite him telling her off multiple times. Finally she gets lost.
Jarrett makes his way out now and there's about two and a half minutes left in the show. He gets a mic and calls on Bob to bring the surprise out so he can take the bough off it. So out comes...
OK, so a mostly solid show. X Division stealing the show once again, getting four matches on the card, and we have what should be a hell of a ladder match next week. Rest of the matches were alright for the most part, there was nothing here that was insultingly bad. And at least if anything, this show focused on wrestling more than anything, so that's good. Still don't care about this Jarrett stuff, or whatever the hell is going on with Lawler. With a run time of 1:54:04, this show had a total of 1:17:03 of wrestling.
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