NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #6 (July 24, 2002)


We're jumping right into the bullshot with this one. We don't even get the regular NWA-TNA intro and pyro, Jarrett is in the ring with a chair and a mic, and he lays out some security that try and get him out of there. He demands Shamrock come out with "his" title. He's stated his case and laid down the gauntlet and claims the title is rightfully his, but people aren't listening. He wonders how many innocent victims have to be hurt and maimed until he gets what's his. He's not leaving the ring until he gets his title. 
Security are seen approaching Shamrock backstage and he lays them out for some reason. Now Bullet Bob is here with one of the Harrises and he manages to talk them into letting him do out. Shamrock also locks them in and has someone named Ian Harrison keep watch, make sure no one goes in or out of the room. Back in the ring, Jarrett is still yapping and out comes Behrens. He announces Jarrett' is suspended 60 days, and he can either leave like a gentlemen or he'll get an army of security to drag Jarrett to the back, oblivious to the fact that Shamrock locked his security in a room. And of course, Behrens takes an unprotected chair shot to the head, and Jarrett wails away at him.
Shamrock is here finally and he sends Jarrett off the ropes into a dropkick. Mounted rights hammering away at Jarrett, and now out runs Monty Brown and Apolo to hold Shamrock back. Jarrett retreats a moment only to come in and also deck Shamrock with the chair. Out come K-Krush and Lawler to settle Jarrett down. Jarrett and friends leave. We're not even seven minutes into this show and I hate it. 

Over to commentary now to recap things, and Ferrara is of course Jarrett's shill, though he points out how pointless the suspension will likely be. I mean Jarrett was suspended 30 days last week and that did fuck all. We also learn that Shamrock vs Sabu is now a Ladder vs Submission Match for the title, plus Lynn and Styles defend the Tag Titles against the Elvises,

Amazing Red vs Lo-Ki
Kick to the thigh of Red immediately, then Red with a spin kick to the midsection. Arm drags and a dropkick sends Ki out to the floor. Red flips over the ropes and saves himself as Ki sidesteps, then off the apron with a hurricanrana. Rights by Red before returning to the ring, then sent into the corner, avoids a splash and dropkicks Ki in the back, covers for two. Red to the corner again gets a boot up, to the middle rope for a diving neckbreaker, another cover for two.
Red goes for a hurricanrana but he's flipped off the shoulders onto his face, then Ki connects with a cartwheel kick and Red flies across the ring, through the ropes to the floor. Scoop slam to Red, then an elbow and a cover for two. Neck crank by Ki, then a snapmare but Red lands on his feet, Ki avoids a clothesline and springboards with a crossbody, another cover for two. Butterfly suplex and floats over into a dragon wing, then covers for two. Chops in the corner to Red, who's sent over to the arpon, then goes up top only to be crotched. Ki with a dragon sleeper in the tree of woe until the ref forces a break at five. Ki covers for two. 
Ki with headbutts drives Red into the corner, then Red with boots to the side of the head. Red with kicks until he's caught with a dragon screw, then kicked so hard his headband flies off. Ki goes for a roundhouse but Red sweeps the leg, then a standing shooting star and a cover for two. Red sent off the ropes, catches Ki with a kick, then connects with the Code Red, but it only gets two. Red off the ropes, ducks an elbow, hits a tilt-a-whirl DDT and covers for a near fall. 
Red off the ropes, goes for the DDT again but blocked. Ki with palm strikes and sweeps the legs, then Red with some kicks. Red connects with a Trouble in Paraidse, then goes up top and misses a corkscrew moonsault, or the Infrared. Cartwheel kick in the corner from Ki, then the Ki Crusher for the win 7:31. OK so this show redeemed itself after the opening segment, the X Division never fails to deliver.

Goldi follows Jarrett backstage who tries to get past Shamrock's friend from earlier. Jarrett calls him Joe Steroids and wants in the room. Harrison's not in the mood to deal with a Nashville wanker, and challenges Jarrett presumably to a match. Jarrett accepts, but it'll be on his time.


Hot Shots make their way out. Cassidy gets the mic. He says they're pricks, proud and protruding. Oh that's it. Harris and Storm make their way out for a match, but first we go to a pre-taped interview that Goldy did with Storm and Harris earlier in the day. Apparently they stated that the Hot Shots were the ones who attacked them, I don't know when or where that was that they stated it, it wasn't on this show. Storm starts saying some cowboy things and Harris is embarrassed by it, Storm completely oblivious to how goofy it is, then Harris outright says his gimmick sucks and tells him to put an end to this "Stan Hansen crap" and not to bring his cap guns to the ring. Storm just doubles down as they both leave.
Back in the arena, Hot Shots try to leave but Harris and Storm attack, one is sent face first into the ring post, then whipped into the guard rail. No bell has rung but action has started in the ring so...

The Hot Shots vs Chris Harris & "Cowboy" James Storm
In the ring, some back and forth between Storm and the other Hot Shot, Storm catching him with a spinebuster.. Hot Shot 1 counters an Irish whip while Harris tags himself in, Storm catches him with a headscissor. Harris dives over Storm to spear the other Hot Shot as he tries to enter the ring. Oh finally commentary tell us who. Cassidy, the legal man, thumbs the eye then tags in Chase, who misses a clothesline. Harris with a stalling suplex and a cover for two.
Chase sent to the corner and caught with a Northern Lights suplex. Storm tags in and tries to go up top but Cassidy decks him off the apron, before dropping him chest first on the guard rail. Storm is tossed back in, Chase covers for two. Storm sent off the ropes into a dropkick, Chase covers again for two. Cassidy back in, Storm sent of the ropes for double dropkicks, Cassidy covers for two, then again for two, and again for two. Storm fights back and tries to send Cassidy off the ropes, but he counters with a handspring elbow. Cassidy with a split-legged moonsault an a cover for two, then another for two. Chase tags in and goes up top, moonsaults, Storm is supposed to roll out of the way but Chase still lands on his back.
Harris gets the hot tag. Chase sent to the corner and hit with a bulldog. Cassidy runs in only to be caught with a Thesz Press, then some vicious rights. Chase makes the save and Harris is sent to the corner, then delivers a double clothesline. Tornado inverted DDT by Storm, then Chase goes for a tornado DDT to Harris but it's blocked, and Harris delivers a bridging Northern Lights for the win in about 5:07.

Cassidy attacks from behind and Chase joins in on the attack. Superkick/German suplex combo to Storm, then the same to Harris. They take Storm's guns and nails Storm in the back of the head with them.

Goldy is backstage to get an update on Shamrock, who's being checked on by the doctor. Shamrock is out of it until the doctor fills him in, and Shamrock pins him to the wall before tossing the trainer's table over.


Apolo vs Brian Lawler
Lawler with a scoop slam after countering an arm wringer. Some back and forth follows, then Apolo with an arm-trap suplex. Apolo backed into the corner off a lock up, then he reverses and delivers rights. Apolo sent to the corner, goes up and over and sits a sitout spinebuster for two. Lawler sent into the corner and gets a boot up, then chokes Apolo with his necklace before dropping it in his pants. Apolo choked over the middle rope, then a right hand as Lawler slides out of the ring. Suplex is blocked and countered by Apolo, then off the ropes for a splash but Lawler gets the knees up. Lawler to the middle rope with a missile dropkick, then a cover for two.
Lawler with a rear chinlock. Apolo almost goes out but comes back to life, fights his way out only to get his eyes rakes. Apolo sent to the corner, stops himself, feigns a clothesline and delivers one on the second try. Scoop slam by Apolo, off the ropes with a leg drop and a cover for two. Apolo sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, Lawler blocks a DDT and a Stunner but eats a superkick. Lawler avoids a TKO and hits a reverse DDT. More shots by Lawler, then dancing, ducks a clothesline and hits a neckbreaker. More dancing, then roll up by Apolo for the win in 7:08. Well.. crowd didn't care much for this match. Wasn't terrible. Commentary spent a lot of time pointing out how dumb Lawler was for showboating.

Lawler is shocked and looks about ready to cry. Then he goes over to commentary and Don tries to calm him down by saying he still did a good job, but this upsets Lawler and gets in Don's face about ready to deck him, choking him on the announce table, Tenay and the timekeeper try to pull him off and eventually he relents and heads to the back. Don composes himself as Tenay and Ferrara try to bring the reins back in.


Out comes K-Krush. We get recaps of Krush hanging and choking people with his belt. Krush gets the mic and says he wants to be referred to as The Truth, K-Krush is no more, it's gone, dead and stinking, done with, they gave him that name. They won't name him, he won't be their puppet anymore, from now on he walks when he wants to, he doesn't talk when they want to, and as far as the rules, guidelines, and regulations he creates he won't abide by them. It's all about the damn truth from this point forward, he knows how the others feel, those who've been kept down by "them". He brings up Allen Iverson, the greatest player to ever play the game, and how he's looked at as nothing but a two-bit criminal by those who fear him and want to keep him down; Mike Tyson, the greatest boxer to walk the face of the Earth, looked at as nothing but a criminal or an outraged animal, Ray Lewis, and even OJ Simpson. 
Well out comes Monty Brown, who's heard enough from the "poor oppressed one" and everything he has to say, and tell him not to go "there." Since Krush wants to talk about opportunities, he brings up how he's been to two Super Bowls, he's an AFC Champion, and says nothing was given to him. He says he left the career to make his opportunity in NWA, "they" helped create it. He says the truth may be that Krush can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk, that Krush ain't all that, or maybe even that since Krush is on his hunting grounds, Brown might take his ass out right there and then.
Krush says he has no problem with Brown, they've got their own views, and tells him to get his selling out, Uncle Tom ass out of there. Then a cheap shot by Krush, only to be caught with a double underhook suplex and a right hand. More shots in the corner and Krush sent to the corner, goes up and oer, aoids a suplex, caught off a crossbody and transitioned for the Alpha Bomb. Brown leaves as his music hits. Another great segment.


Recap of Lynn and Styles' past, starting from the X Division Title tournament, to last week's war of words and Lynn laying AJ out after a title defense. 

Now we go to an interview that Tenay did with Lynn and Styles earlier in the day. Someone in production screws up because there's no audio when the interview starts, but at least the restart it from the beginning with the audio. Tenay is shocked that these two agreed to do the interview given their problems, but Styles says that Lynn opened his eyes last week with what he said. He's only been in the business 3 or 4 years, he's jumping at the bit, he's got tunnel vision, all he sees is wrestling in his head and can't stop thinking about it. Lynn meanwhile has been in the business 14 years, AJ marvels at him and wants to be just like him, wants to have World Titles like him, admits he was only thinking of himself. He says he understands where Lynn is coming from, he respects him, and knows he was just trying to educate him.
Lynn says that after thinking it over, he remembers how he was in AJ's shoes 10 years ago, young, hungry, wanted to take the wrestling world by the balls, be the best he could be, but found out in a hurry that it's not all that glamorous. He says the fans don't realize what they go through and no one's gonna hand it over on a silver platter, you gotta fight for what you get in the business, and appreciates that AJ finally realized it and they can get on with their business now.
Tenay brings up their title defense tonight against the Elvises. Lynn puts them over, but says the fans will see him and AJ working as a unit, and though they've seen a lot of selfishness on their part, that might be because they've been singles wrestlers most of their careers. Now that they're on the same page, the fans will see what they're capable of. OK, I'm expecting a swerve, but if all goes well, I like where this has gone.

NWA World Tag Team Championship: Jorge Estrada & Jimmy Yang vs Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles (c) (NWA X Division Champion)
Sonny Siaki on commentary.
Pre-Match: On a side note, the nameplate said The Flying Elvis', which isn't even grammatically correct.
Jorge and Lynn start the match. Some quick back and forth to start the match, Lynn getting the better of the exchange with an arm drag. More back and forth until Jorge forces a break in the ropes, then Lynn sent off the ropes into a sidewalk slam. Sprimgboard moonsault misses and Lynn applies a Gory Special until Jorge flips to his feet and connects with a hurricanrana. Lynn off the ropes with a tilt-a-whirl headscissor. Rights and boots in the corner by Lynn and AJ tags in. Jorge sent off the ropes, popped up and dropped down, then a dropkick by AJ and a leg drop by Lynn, cover by AJ for two. Jorge avoids a scoop slam, waistlock, heel kick, then AJ sent off the ropes, flips over Jorge and hits a spin kick, covers for two. 
Jorge sent to the corner, only to send AJ into the middle turnbuckle with a headscissor, then a scoop slam. Jimmy tags in, avoids a dropkick and starts stomping away at AJ. He plays to the crowd and AJ catches him with a headscissor from a prone position. Yang counters an Irish whip only to be hit with a spinning back suplex, AJ covers for two. Lynn tags in, Yang sent off the ropes, drop toe hold and senton, Lynn covers for two. Yang face first in the corner, then a suplex is countered by Yang, only to be caught with a snapmre and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, Lynn covers for two.
AJ back in. Yang avoids a tombstone only to be caught with a headscissor, then a flying forearm in the corner. AJ sent to the corner, tries a backflip into a crossbody but lands ribs first on Yang's knee like a gutbuster. More stomps by Yang now before tossing AJ to the floor. AJ sends Jorge into the guard rail as he tries to attack, then Siaki leaves commentary to lay out AJ with a clothesline, while the ref is dealing with Lynn back in the ring. 
Yang with a side Russian leg sweep into an octopus stretch back in the ring, then AJ sent to the corner for shoulder rams to the ribs. Jorge back in with a snap suplex and a cover for two. Knee drops to the ribs and a cover for two. AJ tries to fight back, then caught with a Side Effect and another cover for two. Yang back in. Front suplex onto the top rope by Yang, then a second time and a cover for two. Jorge tags in with a split-legged moonsault and a cover for two. AJ counters a suplex with an inside cradle, then eats a clothesline. AJ sent off the ropes and hit with a spinebuster, Jorge covers for two. Knee drop by Jorge and a suplex, then a slingshot somersault by Yang for two. Ab stretch by Yang, grinding his elbow into AJ's ribs. AJ escapes and does his springboard moonsault into the inverted DDT. AJ tries to make the hot tag but Jorge knocks Lynn off the apron. Shots in the corner by Jorge and Yang tags in for more shots to AJ in the corner. Jorge back in to continue, choking AJ with his boot. AJ starts to fight back, Jorge sent off the ropes, avoids a dropkick and covers for two. Yang back in. More rib shots. AJ fighting back, connects with a spinning heel kick.
AJ makes the hot tag and in comes Jorge. Clotheslines and a back body drop. Lynn sent to the corner, avoids Estrada, folds him up with a sunset flip and Yang breaks it up. Lynn sent off the ropes, popped up by Yang but connects with a dropkick, sending him out to the floor. Lynn with a slingshot crossbody, then Jorge gets him with an Asai moonsault. AJ drives a corkscrew moonsault as Lynn holds up Jorge and Yang, but then Siaki dives through them and AJ takes out Lynn instead. AJ is tossed back in and Lynn's been busted wide open. Jorge and Yang with a splash and leg drop from opposite corners. Lynn is a mess. Double neckbreaker to AJ.  Lynn tries to get in the ring but they keep knocking him down. AJ with a suplex into a neckbreaker on Jorge, then turns Yang inside out with a clothesline. AJ goes up top as Lynn gets Jorge with his leg drop through the ropes, then a springboard splash. Lynn gets the win before AJ can hit the Spiral Tap in 16:16. Match was going good for the first 10 minutes or so, but became a bit of a mess after AJ took out Lynn by accident.

AJ hops down from the op rope and leaves pissed off with his belt. Lynn is a bloody mess on the mat and he's helped to his feet.


Oh god damn it, I have enough of this guy on the WCW shows, now he's here? It's time for Jive Talking, a talk show segment hosted by Disco Inferno. 
He says that while they say no man's an island, his impeccable win-loss record in the world of sports entertainment proves that he's not an island, he's the world-famous Disco Inferno. He says his 10 years in the business has been incredible, he's done it all: PWI's Top 50 Sexiest Wrestlers, Wild Magazine's 34th Most Powerful Man in Sports Entertainment, former member of NWO Wolfpac, he helped deliver Goldberg his first loss, he retired Jumpin' Joey Mags, beat Barry Horowitz about 16 times on national TV. He says scholars and wrestlers both past and present have studied every move he's made inside the ring, in hopes that one day they may enjoy the monumental success spanned by his glorious career. He says he's lived every man's dreams and fantasies, been to all the parties,  met all the A-list actors, judged swimsuit competitions. 
He says he's reached icon status and there's nothing left for him to do, so why is he in a hick town like Nashville? He's there to provide his knowledge and wisdom for those willing to learn and live it. He's here to teach AJ Styles how to act like a superstar, not some glorified professional somersault artist; to teach Shamrock for the first time in his life what the meaning of the word personality is; it's his hope to help Lynn look younger, maybe with help from plastic surgery because he's getting old and kinda needs it; and to teach Jarrett and the state of Tennessee how to speak English rather than hillbilly, says he'll have a heart attack if he hears "I'm fixin' to do this" one more time. He says knowledge is freedom, and starting next week he's going to provide the key that will help unlock the door to help release the fans from the hopelessly desperate lives they lead. He says life's like a giant disco ball, and with his mind and mouth he'll provide that magnificent ray of hope that will lead them to a better tomorrow. He tells Oprah, Springer and Montel Williams to get out of the way or be slaughtered in his path of destruction because he's debuting the hottest talk show in PPV history next week. This thing only went about 5 minutes and it felt like 20. And there's more of him to come.

Shamrock is seen making his way to Ian backstage who informs him Jarrett's been looking for him. Shamrock says he better hopes he doesn't find him. Security and Behrens are also trying to get out of the room.


Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger vs Monty Brown & "Primetime" Elix Skipper
Elix and Simon start things off. Elix tries to shake his hand but gets slapped instead. Simon with some rights and Elix sent off the ropes, catches Simon with a kick, then popped up and hits a hurricanrana, covers for two. Elix with a roll up for two. Johnny runs in, Elix leapfrogs and Johnny eats a clothesline from Brown, then some rights and a boot. Elix and Monty trading shots on Simon and a double dropkick. Elix sent off the ropes, avoids a clothesline but gets caught by Johnny.
Johnny tags in, Elix sent off the ropes, Simon scoops him up, Johnny drives him down with an inverted DDT/sidewalk slam combo, Johnny covers for two. Mounted rights by Johnny. Cobra clutch leg sweep and a cover for two by Johnny.  Johnny sent to the corner, tries a crossbody from the middle rope but Elix avoids it with a Matrix maneuver, only to be taken out by Simon. Simon tags in, two back to back snap suplexes, then a front one and a cover for two. Johnny back in. Simon back in and Elix sent off the ropes for a double flatliner, Johnny covers for two. Elix face first in the corner, Johnny with boots and Elix sent in the corner, avoids a splash, ducks a clothesline by Simon who takes out his own partner by accident, then he eats a superkick from Elix. Northern Lights suplex to Johnny for a double down.
Monty gets the hot tag and in comes Simon. Simon sent off the ropes into a powerslam, then a military press to Johnny onto Simon. Brown covers Simon for two. Elix jumps in, sent off the ropes into a double flapjack, Johnny covers but Elix isn't the legal man. Elix rolls out, Monty sent off the ropes, only to counter. Elix pulls Johnny out and Monty hits the Alpha Bomb on Simon for the win in 5:39. A fine little match.

Out runs Krush to choke out Brown with his belt, and Elix just leaves, having set up Brown. Krush hangs Brown over the top rope with his belt and eventually lets him go.

Goldi is backstage with the Dupps. She tries to leave when they hit on her. Then they complain they have no match and one asks where Fluff is, then realizes he left her with Pop Dupp, then the other reminds him the old man OD'd on Viagara last time. They suggest bumping into someone and they can have a match, and suggest it be Goldi.One of them also keeps playing with a lighter. Then they pick a fight with Ian and it sets up a match for tonight.


Borash starts to announce a match but he's interrupted by the Dupps, who come out with big wooden boards.

Bo Dupp (w/ Stan Dupp) vs "Some Big Muscle Guy from the Back" Ian Harrison
Pre-Match: Dupps explain to Borash what's going on, and I guess that's the name they gave him, they don't know his name's Ian and I guess Borash didn't see what just happened.
Bo gets the jump and attacks in the corner, but Ian quickly takes control with clubs and knees, before tossing Bo across the ring. Clothesline by Ina, then a Michinoku Driver, cover for two. Suplex is countered by Bo who attacks from behind, only to walk into a clothesline, then Ian caught with a back elbow and a big boot. Standing frog splash and a cover for two by Bo. Ian blocks an Irish whip and hits a back suplex, covers for two. Gorilla press slam by Ian. Bo fights back with boots and clubs to the back, only to be driven into the corner with shoulders to the ribs. Bo rakes the eyes, then sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and caught with a powerslam, covers and... Well it only gets two but commentary get confused and thinks it's three. Stan charges into the ring and attacks Ian for the DQ anyways in 2:59.

Stan sent off the ropes into a belly to belly. Bo tries to attack Ian with the board but he catches it and breaks it over his knee. Dupps bail to the back.

Goldi follows Jarrett backstage who finally opens the doors where security have been trapped. Shamrock somehow got in because he breaks through security to fight with him. Security pull them apart. One of the Harris Brothers send Shamrock to have his match.

Ladder vs Submission Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Sabu vs Ken Shamrock (c)
Pre-Match: We get a recap video of how we got this match last week.
Shamrock with kicks and shots, then Sabu sent to the corner, avoids clothesline but hit with a clothesline. Shamrock goes for the knee already but he gets a rope break. Sabu with a roll up for one, then a kneebar on Shamrock. So it's explained that you can win by either climbing a ladder and taking down the belt, or by making your opponent submit, but we just had a pinfall counted by the referee, so already things aren't making sense. Shamrock counters with a kneebar of his own until Sabu gets to the ropes. We also get word from the back that security have decided to leave and let everyone kill each other. Shamrock with an armbar attempt but Sabu manages to lock the fingers before it can be fully applied, plus Sabu gets to the ropes again.
Shamrock with kicks and roundhouse kicks, then a snapmare before applying a rear chinlock, Sabu with another rope break. Sabu sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own, then goes for an armbar, but Shamrock quickly gets to a knee and transitions to another knee bar. Sabu forces the break again. We also learn that Steamboat will be there next week and have full authority over the show to try and restore law and order. Shamrock sent chest first into the corner and Sabu follows with a springboard heel kick. Slingshot leg drop from the apron and an armbar by Sabu and Shamrock up to a knee again, but Sabu takes him back down. Shamrock rolls through and torques the leg until another rope break.
Shamrock stomps away at Sabu, then Sabu face first in the corner. Sabu sent across the ring for a spinning heel kick from Shamrock. Sabu knocked out to the floor and he grabs a ladder, only for Shamrock to knock it back into him with a baseball slide. Sabu is pulled to the stage area and sent face first into a dancer's cage, then Sabu face first into the ring post. Sabu also got cut on something. Shamrock whipped into the guard rail. Sabu pulls out a table and sets it up on the ramp, laying Shamrock on the edge and grabs a chair, sets it up for his double springboard somersault but crashes right through the table. Sabu's back got cut on the table. 
Shamrock grabs a ladder and slides it into the ring. Sabu crawls back to the ring as Shamrock sets up the ladder and starts the climb, gets his hand on the title, but... I think Shamrock's music hits before he gets it down. Then the lights go out briefly. Then Malice runs out and climbs the other side. Vicious rights to Shamrock, then chokeslams him off the ladder. Malide climbs and takes down the belt and holds it high, then leaves with it. He holds it high on his way to the back. I guess this is a no contest in 9:31. That's how the show ends. The match wasn't very good as it was, there was no chemistry, and the formula of submissions and rope breaks over and over just didn't work. Not to mention the finish made no sense, when the match can still be won by submission. Russo booking at its finest in this one.

Well Low Ki and Red had an amazing opening match, the tag title match was good, had a few good promos on this show. The main event, Disco, and anything with Jarrett was bad to unbearable. Rest of the show was OK or just forgettable. Nothin on this show was really all that craptacular though. With a run time of 1:53:21, this show had a total 54:11 of total wrestling.


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