NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #4 (July 10, 2002)
Still in Nashville, Tennessee for this edition of TNA. On tap, two title defenses, and six X Division stars battle it out to become #1 contender for AJ Styles. Speaking of title matches:
NWA World Team Team Championship: Slash & Tempest (w/ Father James Mitchell) vs AJ Styles (NWA X Champion) & Jerry Lynn (c)
Pre-Match: Tempest the former Crowbar, who we last saw on PPV #1 under his real name Devon Storm in the Gauntlet for the Gold, and the newest disciple for Mitchell's New Church. No real explanation as to why. We see highlights of last week's tournament, plus what happened to Harris and Storm backstage.
Slash starts it out with Lynn, with the former trying to charge him into the corner only for Lynn to avoid it. Lynn with rights until Slash rakes the eyes, then knocks down Lynn only to miss an elbow. Slash reverses an Irish whip, goes to scoop him up, then Lynn tries for an inverted DDT, Slash tries a powerslam but Lynn slips out and sends him into the corner instead, then Lynn with a bulldog from the corner and a cover for two. Lynn goes up to his shoulders and tries for a hurricanrana, then Slash counters and tries for a powerbomb but Lynn counters with a facebuster, covering for two.
AJ gets the tag. Slash sent off the ropes, Lynn with a drop toe hold and AJ with a senton to the back, covers for two. Slash pokes the eye so he can tag in Tempest. We get a bit of chain wrestling until Tempest delivers a scoop slam, only to be caught with a headscissor by AJ from his back. Arm drag and kicks by AJ, then misses an enziguri but connects with a heel kick, then covers for two. More chain wrestling until Tempest wrings the arm, only to send AJ face first into the mat, followed by some rights that drop AJ back down. Some back and forth off a headlock and AJ gets him with a drop toe hold, Tempest slides out of the ring. AJ gets hung up on the top rope, and Tempest drops on him with a slingshot splash, covering for two.
AJ with some chops then Tempest sent into the corner, AJ caught with an elbow, Tempest to the middle rope for a headscissor, followed by a clothesline. Tempest goes for a powerbomb but AJ flips out of it, then goes for the Clash, but he gets back dropped over to the apron. Springboard dropkick by AJ sends Tempest into the corner, then Slash comes in only to be whipped into Tempest, monkey flip to Slash, Lynn runs in with a forearm to Tempest. Tempest whipped into Slash then turns around into a double clothesline. Slash and Tempest both sent out to the floor and AJ tries a crossbody only to be caught, so Lynn dives over the ropes and takes them all out.
AJ is sent face first into the apron as he climbs onto it, then Tempest is caught with a leg drop by Lynn through the ropes. Springboard moonsault by AJ as Tempest hangs over the middle rope and a cover for two. Slash trips up AJ as he's sent off the ropes, only to send Slash into the guard rail. Tempest with a death valley driver and a cover but AJ kicks out. AJ sent off he ropes into a spinning back elbow. Slash tags in. AJ sent face first into the corner repeatedly, then a double chokeslam. Slash covers but only gets two. Slash with a spinning crucifix throw on AJ, then AJ sent off the ropes, avoids a leg drop, then catapulted into his own corner, before AJ connects with a discus clothesline.
Lynn gets the hot tag. Back body drop to Tempest and a pair of clotheslines, one for Slash. Lynn sent off the ropes, catches Slash with a tornado DDT. Lynn sent off the ropes by Tempest but catches him with a wheelbarrow bulldog, covers but only gets two. Lynn goes for the cradle piledriver, but Slash provides a ref distraction and Tempest delivers a low blow. Lynn set on the top rope for a Frankensteiner but Lynn drops him on his face, following with a crossbody into a cover for two. Lynn pulled onto the shoulders but avoids the DVD, then connects with the cradle piledriver. Boot by Slash only to be back dropped to the floor. AJ tags himself in as this happens and goes up top with the Spiral Tap to retain in 10:39. Probably could've shaved two or three minutes off this one, but it was a fun match.
Lynn seems to be upset about something as he doesn't even celebrate, AJ taking the glory and Lynn leaves on his own. AJ looks on confused.
Over to commentary to talk about what happened last week to Scott Hall. Tenay is going to try and get Hall on the phone as we get a recap of video from last week's match, and the attack that followed. During the video we get Hall on the phone, who says what happened last week is nothing new to him, and where he comes from it's not how many times you go down, it's how many times you get up. He says he's going after Christopher, then K-Krush, saving Jarrett for last, says he's got something special for him. Then he hangs up.
Speaking of Christopher, he makes his way out and takes the mic. He says there comes a time in everyone's life when you transition from child to adult, from child to a man, and he's been labelled a child all his life, specifically Jerry Lawler's son. He says growing up in Tennessee he spent his whole life in Jerry's shadow, and some say he's only in the business because of his dad. Tonight he calls bullshit on all those people, and after 14 years of being in the business he can finally say screw Jerry Lawler. He says no one knows what a "great" father Lawler was because he never was one, he just wanted someone to look up to, but every time he looked up he was never there. All that's gonna change, and it started last week at Hall's expense, he kicked some ass, then rode off into the sunset never to be heard from again. He says Lawler can go to hell, and things are gonna change, it's always been about the King, and starts to repeat himself about how bad a father Lawler was, name drops Vince. From now on it'll be all about him, his way, and he's going to make himself famous, he's no longer Jerry's kid, it's all about Brian Lawler. This promo would've made a whole lot more sense if he went from Lawler to Christopher, but they went ass backwards here. He did a fine job despite the stupid endpoint.
Brian Lawler vs Screamin' Norman Smiley
Brian attacks immediately in the corner, then lays in the boots stomping away on the mat. Norman reverses an Irish whip only to be slammed to the mat, then a hangman's neckbreaker by Lawler. Norman sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline but connects with a pair of dropkicks. We get a bit of back and forth until Norman does his wiggle slam. Lawler sent off the ropes, through the legs, wiggle and an atomic drop by Norman. Big Wiggle, then Norman caught with a DDT. Norman sent into the corner, Lawler with a spear into the corner. Lawler chokes him with his headband, then Norman sent into the corner again and hit with another spear into the corner. Norman sent across the ring and Lawler goes shoulder first into the post. Rights by Norman and a headbutt. Lawler sent off the ropes into a back elbow, then a clothesline, Norman overs for two. Mounted rights by Norman in the corner until Lawler delivers a low blow with the ref out of view. Lawler goes up top with the Hip Hop Drop for the win in 4:48. This went too long, should've gone two minutes and been a squash.
Brian gets the mic again and hopes Hall was watching, because he's next on Brian Lawler's list.
Goldilocks is backstage, walking behind Jarrett who's talking with Behrens wondering what he's got tonight. Jarrett has no match tonight, but he's convinced for some reason he has a title shot against Shamrock and thinks he's #1 contender. Also somewhere nearby there's someone screaming about Jerry Lynn, I think it's Mitchell. Behrens is also convinced Jarrett's the one who tied up the NWA president on the last show and can prove it, so he suspends Jarrett before walking off. I'm going to assume it's Mitchell yelling, and we see an ajar door nearby, he's telling, presumably, Slash and Tempest that if they screw up again the punishment will be harsh. Goldilocks tries to look inside but the door closes.
K-Krush makes his way out. We get a video recap of the problems between Krush and Sadler since the first PPV. Krush gets the mic and says this is the last time he comes to Trashville, because the asshole fans don't know how to respect good talent when they see it. He tells a fan to shove his NASCAR book up his ass, says he's about to kick NASCAR ass and will kick any NASCAR fans' asses too. I can't tell if he's wasting time or just getting cheap heat.
K-Krush vs Hermie Sadler (w/ his pit crew)
We get a stare down then a shoving match. Krush slaps him, then a boot and some rights. Sadler sent off the ropes, hangs on and Krush misses a side kick, hung up on the top rope and Sadler tackles him to the floor. Sadler off the apron with a club to the back and some mounted rights on the floor, then Krush with a cheap shot and choking him, before missing a right and nailing the ring post. More rights from Sadler before returning to the ring. Mounted rights in the corner from Sadler, then a cover for two.
Sadler sent off the ropes and caught with the ax kick, then a cover for two, and another for two, and another. Krush with a suplex, then a cover for two. Krush with a running powerslam, one-finger pin for two. Krush with the figure 4 and Krush uses the ropes for extra leverage until the ref turns around. Sadler reverses the pressure and Krush gets the ropes. Sadler ducks a clothesline, Krush tries a leapfrog and caught with a sitout powerbomb, Sadler covers but it only gets two. Sadler cent off the ropes, avoids a dropkick and hammers away until Krush takes him down, folds him up with his feet on the ropes to win in 5:10. OK I didn't hate that nearly as much as I thought I would. Sadler was fairly good, he could sell, the spots he did get were fine, he wasn't booked to look better than Krush. Could've done with a more clean win for Krush, but what can you do.
Cheap shot by Krush before stomping away, then the pit crew helps him out of the ring. Then the ref decides to reverse the decision and it's awarded to Sadler instead. Sadler flips him off as he heads to the back.
Omori is seen getting ready backstage and up walks Alicia. He pays her money too.
The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) vs The Hotshots (Cassidy O'Reilly & Chase Stevens)
It takes a good minute before anyone tells us who's who. Mark and Cassidy start the match. We get some quick back and forth, then Jay and Chase tag in. More back and forth until Jay comes off the ropes, Mark tags himself in as Jay is caught with a spinebuster. Springboard dropkick to the back by Mark, then he's back dropped out to the floor. Jay is tossed over the ropes by both Chase and Cassidy landing on Mark, then they dive over the ropes onto the Briscoes. Back in the ring, Hotshots take control. Then Mitchell and the New Church make their way out, Malice with a spinebuster on Chase for the DQ in 2:10.
Briscoes continue to attack Cassidy and send him into a boot from Malice, then he double clotheslines them. Chokeslam to Cassidy, then one for Jay, then he tosses them all out of the ring. Mitchell and the Church join him in the ring, and Mitchell has a mic, he says vengeance is his so sayeth him, and they won't leave the ring until the blood of Shamrock is on the hands of Malice. He says Shamrock has two options, either come to the ring and face annihilation like a man, or stay in the back like the coward he is and be responsible for the bloodshed of innocent victims, and Malice will pulverize everyone in the arena until Shamrock accepts. He gives Shamrock 10 seconds... or not. He says it's time for the ultraviolence.
Mitchell looks out at possible victims and settles on the timekeeper, bringing him into the ring. Shamrock comes out before anything can happen. He takes down Slash and Tempest but Malice takes control. He goes for the chokeslam but Omori comes out, ducks a double clothesline, European uppercut takes out Malice and they clear out the New Church. Omori and Shamrock stare down.
Goldy is backstage with the Dupps, apparently they're facing the Elvises tonight and she brings up their contrasts in styles, asks what their strategy is. One of them compares it to a coon dog who hasn't gotten any in a while, he'll lick himself but it won't do him no good. and then someone walks in and the dog gets that scent, latch onto those varicose veins and make her squeal like a pig, and that's what they're going to do to the Elvises tonight. The other one says you strike first, ask questions later, take the fork in the road if you see one, never look a deaf man in the eye, and if the shoe fits then it's probably the right size. If it looks like shit, smells like shit, and you pick it up, play with it, and feels like shit, then don't put it in your mouth because it's probably shit. I hate this so much.
So Borash is trying to introduce the Dupps, but he and their music keep getting interrupted by a saxophone playing and out comes Jasmine St. Claire, of ECW fame and "so much more" as Tenay puts it. She gets in the ring and takes the mic from Borash and says she's been sitting at home for three weeks watching the show, and also patiently waiting to see some ass. She teases the crowd to show the crowd some real T&A, and asks for a chair. She proceeds to give Borash a lap dance. Behrens tries to stop this and he's tackled by Ferrara. Behrens still covers her up and takes her away even though she's still fully clothed.
The Dupps (w/ Fluff Dupp) vs The Flying Elvises
Pre-Match: Estrada and Siaki are representing the Elvises tonight, apparently Yang is on tour with All-Japan Pro Wrestling.
Elvises attack from behind, only for Estrada to be back dropped to the floor by Stan. Siaki is sent into Stan who delivers a spinebuster, then a splash from Bo. Plumtree makes his way out without the Johnsons, joining commentary. Siaki takes control over Bo and they have a quick back and forth, then Bo with a pair of headbutts and a clothesline. Siaki sent into the corner, does a backflip and nails a side kick, then sent across the ring and eats a spear in the corner. Stan tags in, Siaki sent off the ropes into an inverted atomic drop, then a shoulder block and a leg drop, covers for two.
Siaki sent into the corner, tries a headscissor but caught with an Alabama Slam, Stan covers for two. Bo back in. Siaki fights back, off the ropes, caught with a powerslam, covers but Estrada breaks it up. Estrada with a spinning neckbreaker and a cover for two. Chops by Estrada in the corner, then some from Bo. Bo sent across the ring, sends Estrada up and over to the apron, he goes up top with a split-legged moonsault. Bo counters an Irish whip into a spinebuster.
Stan and Siaki back in. Stan with big boots, elbows to the top of the head. Bo is back dropped to the floor by Estrada, who then slingshots into a crossbody. Siaki sent off the ropes and caught with a half-nelson slam, or the Dupp Drop. Siaki with a pumphandle corkscrew suplex, then a springboard corkscrew senton, or the Perfect Ten, for the win in 5:02. Another OK match.
We cut to the back and Lynn and AJ are beating the crap out of each other in catering, Lym whipped hard into a door. AJ face first repeatedly into a metal shutter, then face first of a table and whipped upside down into some guard rails. Lynn spikes him with a cradle piledriver on top of an equipment case. Lynn throws his belt on AJ and calls him a glory hound before leaving. Good brawl, they're breaking this team up way too soon though.
Brief lock up until Shamrock delivers some knees, misses a roundhouse, ducks a clothesline and hits a quick DDT, then covers for two. Rights by Shamrock before applying a triangle, but Omori gets his foot on the rope to force a break. Shamrock drops him with another right and some kicks to the back, Body shots in the corner, then Omori with a European uppercut, another and a spinning heel kick coming off the ropes. Shamrock face first in the corner, rights from Omori, Shamrock sent off the ropes into a dropkick. Chinlock from Omori, then breaks it before delivering quick rights. Shamrock sent into the corner with a spinning heel kick, then Shamrock sent across the ring and misses a second kick, hung up on the top rope. Shamrock twists the knee around the rope before delivering more rights, then twists Omori's neck around the top rope. Omori sent off the ropes, catches Shamrock with a kick, goes for a spinning neckbreaker and Shamrock turns the wrong way, Omori covers for two.
Full nelson slam by Omori, then he goes up top and misses a knee drop. Shamrock back to the knee with quick kicks, then Shamrock sent into the corner, caught with a clothesline apparently he calls the Ax Bomber, then covers for two. Shamrock fights out of a hold, then off the ropes with a dropkick after a series of strikes. Knee bar by Shamrock back on the bad leg and Omori gets to the ropes for a break. Shamrock sent off the ropes into a back elbow, then Omori goes for a piledriver it looks like but Shamrock fights his way out. Omori goes for the full nelson again but Shamrock fights out and applies an armbar, then transitions to the ankle lock. Jarrett runs out and cracks a chair across Shamrock's back for the DQ, so Shamrock retains in 7:52. A bit clunky at the start, got better in the middle and to the end, and then Jarrett happened so... yeah.
Jarrett with a chair to the head of Omori, then the knees of both, the back of Shamrock. Harley who was ringside tries to stop this and he gets the chair to the head. He scares off the ref and security tries to stop and they all get a chair to the head. Also I think Ferrara just declared Harley dead. Another shot to the head of Shamrock. Jarrett leaves. Bob Armstrong is there to try and take control of things. Shamrock starts to come to.
Goldilocks finds Lynn backstage and starts to say she wants some answers. Lynn: "You want some, I'll give you some. Open up and say ah." Then he just leaves. Mitchell and his New Church bump into Goldy, and she sees Jarrett, he wants her to let him know he urgently wants to speak to him. He doesn't like messy situations, but Jarrett is about to commit a sin that he can't grant absolution for, he's not a charitable God. He makes it clear that if Jarrett doesn't come speak to him, Mitchell can either be the bearer of light, or the bringer of great darkness. He also threatens to cut off her smirk.
Also throughout this whole segment, there've been muffled noises heard in the background, and Goldilocks finally takes notice as Mitchell and his men leave. She finds a dark room and, much like the NWA president last week, she finds Behrens bound and gagged with "FU" written on his chest. She calls for help.
X Division Rankings Elimination Match: Low Ki vs Elix Skipper vs Kid Romeo vs Tony Mamaluke vs "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs Jerry Lynn (NWA World Tag Team Champion)
Pre-Match: It's explained that the first eliminated will be the #6 contender, and each elimination afterward will go to #5, 4, 3 and 2, with the winner getting the #1 spot. Two will start in the ring, with the other four at each corner on the apron. Tag in/tag out rules, and they make a point to say that tags can't be refused, one fall for an elimination.
Daniels and Romeo start this one out. Romeo with a cheap shot, and some right before wringing out the arm, shoulder blocks into the shoulder until Daniels reverses. Reversed by Rmeo and a bit of back and forth, then Daniels delivers an overhead hip toss, comes off the ropes eating a dropkick from Romeo. Romeo misses a spinning heel kick and we get a stare down, until Elix tags himself in off the back of Romeo. Full nelson into a snapmare by Elix, then sent off the ropes, misses a springboard moonsault but connects with a heel kick, covers for two.
Daniels sent off the ropes, through the legs, ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. Elix backs Daniels into the corner and Mamaluke tags himself in off his back. Rights to Elix, then he and Daniels send him off the ropes, knee to the gut by Mamaluke, then a snapmare by Daniels. Mamaluke covers for two. Jawbreaker to Elix, who's sent off the ropes, caught with a bridging Northern Lights for two. Mamaluke sent off the ropes, popped up into a wheelbarrow but counters with a roll up or two. Dropkick to the knees of Elix, then sends him off the ropes, only to be caught with a shoulder block.
Elix backed into the corner and he tags in Lynn. Some back and forth until Lynn is caught with an arm drag, then Mamaluke caught with a pumphandle backbreaker. Mamaluke sent off the ropes into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Lynn tags in Low Ki. Vicious kicks to the chest by Ki, then the side of the head. Ki covers but Mamaluke gets a foot on the rope, then pulls Ki throat first into the middle rope. Ki caught with a side suplex, folded up and covered for two. Impaler DDT into a guillotine by Mamaluke and he releases for some reason.
Mamaluke tags in Romeo... or not. I guess Ferrara fucked up, he just slapped Romeo across the chest. Low Ki sent into Daniels' corner and Mamaluke tags him in. Boots by Daniels, then a tilt-a-whirl sidewalk slam for two. Daniels caught with an overhead kick in reversing an Irish whip, falling back into the corner and Romeo tags himself in. Vicious rights and chops, then sent off the ropes, ducks an elbow and walks into a dropkick. Daniels tags in Lynn. Lynn gets him up in a Gory Special and spins him around, then he just kinda stands there and Romeo escapes, a Gory Special of his own. Lynn rolls through for a pin for two, Lynn whipped to the corner, goes to the top and delivers a tornado DDT, covers for a near fall.
Lynn tags in Daniels, who goes up top and misses a flying headbutt. Romeo tags in Lynn. Lynn sent off the ropes, catches himself but Daniels scissors him out to the floor, then misses a baseball slide but conects with a split-legged moonsault. Romeo goes up top and takes them both out with a crossbody. Mamaluke up top with a somersault onto them all. Low Ki and Elix slingshot with a pair of somersaults onto the other four. Elix sends Low Ki into the guard rail. Daniels and Lynn back in the ring, Lynn catches Daniels with the leg drop through the ropes, then goes up top but Mamaluke crotches him.
Mamaluke joins Daniels, delivers a front suplex, then a snap suplex, then a Russian leg sweep before transitioning to an octopus stretch. We're told that Lynn was counted out, there was a replay going on when it happened, I was wondering why Mamaluke was in there all of a sudden. So Lynn is ranked #6 now. Daniels gets out and delivers a jawbreaker, then Elix tags in off of Daniels' back, clotheslining Mamaluke. Elix sent off the ropes, back dropped, tries to counter with a backslide, Mamaluke tries to counter, but gets caught with the Overdrive to be eliminated in 11:33. Mamaluke ranked #5.
Low Ki joins the match now. Vicious headbutts and kicks to the back. Elix sent off the ropes and... I'm not sure what happened here, his head slips just under the ropes on the other end, and he takes a backflip through the top and middle rope, back of his neck hitting the apron in the process, looked nasty. Ref checks on him and Low Ki goes out so I guess he's fine. Back in the ring, Elix counters an Irish whip, tries for the Overdrive but Low Ki counters with a muscle buster into the top turnbuckle. Cover by Low Ki but it only gets two.
Kicks to the chest and under the chin, fast and vicious, misses a springboard leg lariat, caught with a belly to belly by Elix. Elix tries to tag in Romeo but he won't take it, so Elix goes up top and delivers a missile dropkick, sending Low Ki rolling back to Daniels who tags himself in. Elix counters an Irish whip and delivers a belly to belly, covers for two. Inverted suplex by Elix and a cover for two. Elix pulled back on an Irish whip, hit with a neckbreaker. Elix is caught with that Roll the Dice, or the Last Rites in this case, and Elix is out, ranked #4 in 14:57.
Romeo clubs Daniels from behind, then some rights. Back suplex into a facebuster by Romeo, covers for two. Romeo sent off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, connects with a wheelbarrow bulldog, covers for two. Low Ki is dropkicked off the apron, then Romeo goes up top but Daniels crotches him. Daniels joins him up top and gets low blowed, then hit with an Air Raid Crash from the top and Daniels is... oh wait no he's not, he had his foot on the rope, he's still in it. Low Ki tags in, ducks a clothesline and connects with a springboard kick right to the face. Romeo backed into the corner, caught with a cartwheel kick, then the Dragon Clutch by Low Ki gets the submission. Romeo is out, ranked #3 in 17:07.
Low Ki tries to cover Daniels but he gets his foot on the ropes instead. He drags Daniels to the middle to cover but Daniels kicks out. Daniels driven into the corner with vicious chops, then some by Daniels as he reverses things, then Low Ki with some more. Daniels and Low Ki duck some clotheslines and Daniels hits a Flatliner. Back kneel trip by Daniels, then goes for the BME but gets crotched on the top rope. Low Ki goes for his dragon suplex but Daniels fights him off and they both drop to the mat. Daniels hits the BME but can't capitalize immediately, so Low Ki kicks out just barely as Daniels covers.
Ki counters a suplex with a roll up, then Daniels with one of his own with a bridge and both only get two, few more roll ups and reversals all for two. Daniels goes for his Angels Wings but Low Ki counters with the Dragon Clutch. Daniels counters with a snapmare, then drives Low Ki into the corner, setting him up top, followed by an open-hand thrust. Daniels with like a straightjacket overhead throw, Fall from Grace, covers again but it only gets two. Daniels goes for the Last Rites but Low Ki escapes with a kick to the head, then a fisherman buster, the Ki Krusher to get the win in 21:45. X Division is consistently the best thing on these shows, another fantastic match.
X Division Rankings
#1 Low Ki
#2 Christopher Daniels
#3 Kid Romeo
#4 Elix Skipper
#5 Tony Mamaluke
#6 Jerry Lynn
Pyro goes off as his hand is raised, only for the Elvises to run out and attack. I mean they have a legitimate gripe from the first show. One of them gets a mic and says the Elvises are the X Division, so if the NWA doesn't want them involved they'll get involved themselves. Elix tries to help but he eats a double superkick. Mamaluke and Romeo run out and the Elvises escape.
Back to commentary to run down what's on tap for next week:
- NWA X Championship: AJ Styles (c) vs Low Ki
- Scott Hall vs Brian Lawler
- Puppet the Psycho Dwarf vs Meatball
Now Jarrett comes back out with a chair. He comes over to commentary and takes a mic. He says screw the New Church, Tenay and the NWA, he wants his title shot. He vows to get a title shot next week, then gets cheap heat with the Titans. One hops the guard rail and starts to beat the crap out of Jarrett, then another hops over to join in, and one still on the other side joins in. New Church rush out. Jarrett with a chair to the head of Slash, then one of the Titans, then Malice who no sells it and beats on Jarrett. Jarrett is tossed into the crowd and Malice beats on him some more and they fight through the crowd, and that's how the show ends.
Well we're back to car crash TV, and if it were anyone but Jarrett involved I might be invested in it. This guy is supposed to be suspended and he's still doing this shit and no security trying to stop it. Then there's the Lynn/Styles split that happened way too soon, and anything involving the Dupps. That aside, had two good title matches and an awesome main event, and the rest of the card wasn't half bad. With a run time of `1:51:54, this show had a total 57:27 of wrestling.
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